Recent content by Marcoqwerty

  1. Marcoqwerty

    GOG Carmageddon launch issue

    Hi...i get in trouble to launch this game trought Rochetlauncher...i follow the GOG HOW TO setup but nothing. I didnt get any error but the game wont launch. I see the DOSBOX shell open quickly. Directly trought .lnk shortcut works! Application...
  2. Marcoqwerty

    Fade out does not show up...

    ....only when i launch the game trought Hyperspin Front-end, if i test inside Rochetlauncher (fade icons in game tab) it works. I put Layer -1.png inside default folder with default settings and turn on the FADE OUT option.
  3. Marcoqwerty

    [SOLVED] [Request] Adding some DELETE ENTRY buttons

    Hi....i think would be a good idea adding some DELETE or EMPTY FIELD for some entrys on RL....for example in the PRE and POST launch in PC GAME: In the fields are only indicated the wrong path but there is not the possibility to delete them, i can delete these directly from .ini file Cheers
  4. Marcoqwerty

    PRE launch and POST launch spec game on MAME

    Hello... Can i, PRE and POST launch an application per game, with parameter, as work on PC GAMES module? i need that because for the driving cab i need switch, for some games, between MOUSE (arkanoid) and JOY (Outrun)
  5. Marcoqwerty

    Launch encoder software every time run a mame game

    Hello I know exist the availabilty to launch software trought command line every time runs a specific game in mame....but it it be possible run this software (with parameters) each time runs mame? (indipendent from the game) cheers
  6. Marcoqwerty

    Cut image down side on MAME fullscreen games

    After update i fuond this issue on down side of the game on fullscreen mode. Test only for MAME games.... I've tryed disable bezels but don't disappear.(look behind the red arrow) I grab it from TEAMVIEWER REMOTE...not vsync issue (sorry for smaller screeshot, originally from 15hz CRT cab...
  7. Marcoqwerty

    little BUG - Comma on field

    When i put comma on field who required point (.) (OK sometimes i forget this...) RLUI crash...
  8. Marcoqwerty

    New Logo

    Or really flat..
  9. Marcoqwerty

    New Logo

    Test About RL icons... this max size all next need resized until 16x16
  10. Marcoqwerty

    New Logo

    Made some change...
  11. Marcoqwerty

    New Module Request for Retro Video Game Magazines

    Thanks for the module! i made a new Wheel
  12. Marcoqwerty

    RocketLauncher v1.0 Release!

    Sorry guys...but here...when you say: mean the Hyperlaunch.exe on Hyperspin Folder or HyperlaunchHQ.exe on HyperlaunchHQ folder?
  13. Marcoqwerty

    Launch .exe before mame start

    Tks for help me to give best feeling on my arcade cab I need help to edit ahk code, same exact problem of this guy... Basically for change resolution (non...
  14. Marcoqwerty

    [SOLVED] MAMEUIFX send "Synchronize audio with video" options

    Yesterday on my cab, i test this setting (checked on default game options, SOUND TAB) but worked good only if launching game through MAMEUIFX GUI, with RL ( :rolleyes: ) i give the same stuttering sound on some game (like MK). Don't know if is RL issue or MAMAUIFX but i appreciate any help from...
  15. Marcoqwerty

    [SOLVED] Bezel issue on non-vertical game

    Strange issue on specific game ( SPLATTER HOUSE rom splatter ) HL give me always the DEFAULT VERTICAL BEZEL even if overwrite default setting or change it on PER GAME options. Working good if launch directly from MAME emulator. 02:30:29:935 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch...