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  1. F

    WinVICE Exit from a game not work and RocketLauncher gets stuck

    Hello. I have a problem with RocketLauncher and WinVICE when you try to exit a game. If I press ESC it works, the game exits and you see the fade out of the game and all perfect but it gets stuck in a photo that says GAME OVER and you never return to the RocketLauncher menu. How can I make to...
  2. F

    RocketLauncher Right mouse button over a system not Show Emulators

    Hello I added a system of Commodore with Winvice and is added perfectly. It added the roms and I can see them all perfect, also RL asked me the default emulators, etc. very easy.. However, if I click the right mouse button over a ROM I can’t see the emulator list and if I click with launch with...