Add 'stroke' to lettering for page number font settings


RL Member
Consider the following picture.


It's cool that the text tells you what the image is, but when the image has certain colors, it's almost impossible to read.

The easiest solution is to allow for adding an opposing color to stroke the lettering. In this case, white would be perfect. You'd be able to read anything, no matter what color the image, or in some cases, the backgrounds are.

Would be very cool!


RocketLauncher Developer
If my memory is not mistaken, that text color is controlled by the option "MenuName Number font color" on RLUI.
Just try to go to RLUI > Pause > Appearance # > Name of the pause menu that you want to change that color > XXX number font color and change the color to whatever you want to use.

For example, for the guide menu, go to RLUI > Pause > Appearance 5 > Guides Menu > Page Number font color

Plase let me know if that makes any difference, because my memory could be failing me.


RL Member
That is helpful to a degree, but you still run into the problem, "what if the map or image is the same color as your lettering?"

Here's a screenshot that explains my idea better.


Withouth the white 'stroke' or border, the black "R" would be camouflaged. But with it, you can see the lettering in any circumstances - if the image is white, if the image is black, now, the lettering stands out and is readable.


RL Member
I agree with this,and I think if it's possible to add in,that it's sorely needed.



RocketLauncher Developer
I completely missed the stroke mention when I first read your post.
Like this would be even possible as you wrote the stroke word many times on the post.
I must be needing to change my glasses prescription!

The GDI library that we use does not support strokes by default.
I could try to add support for that in the future.
Meanwhile you could try to use a font with built in stokes. I believe they are usually called outline fonts.
Maybe something from here for example would work better:


RL Member
Is there a way to change the font just for the 'page number' text? If I could do that, that would be an easy fix, I could just do as you said with the outline font. Not sure which one controls it though, it seems like it's tied to something else.

I've kinda grown attached to the 'bebes neue' font though, or else I'd just change all of it.


RL Member
I gave the outline font a try. Unfortunately, the problem is still the same. The outline font only has one color in it, and the rest is transparent. Here's a pic:


Edit: I was just thinking, the easiest solution possible would be to allow a colored box behind the actual text, and you could choose the color of the box.

Or maybe just use the same scheme for the 'content text' as the text on the left side, the black box, and white text. It would work very well and it would look nice, and if you still wanted to zoom in, you could easily see the whole map/instruction manual/etc. unobstructed.
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RL Member
Hey guys, I've done up a little example in photoshop of how it would look if my idea (text with black box behind it) were implemented. What do you think?

Example 1.jpg


RocketLauncher Developer
It is added to my todo list.
No promises on deadlines as I will have two impossible months ahead of me, but I will tackle it as soon as I can.