american laser games and EmulationStation


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RL Member
got it working
created a zip file with the .txt and .singe inside of it
had to change the address at the top of the .txt file to match the location of the files to which the .txt file points the emulator
then used the .zip files as my "roms"

now all games load via emulationstation via rocketlauncher


New member
Hey guys, I hope people are still here and available to help as I'm new to all this.

But I was told to try and reach out to you guys regarding using RocketLauncer, RetroPie and Daphne Singe to play games like Time Gal and Ninja Hayate. Is that something that is possible to do and make work? Dragon's Lair and American made games work perfectly fine, but I have no idea how to get the other games to work on it. Your help is appreciated.


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RocketLauncher is Windows only so no, you can't use it in conjunction with RetroPie since it's Linux based.


New member
Thank you for that quick reply I appreciate it.

OK so that's a bummer as that's a nice cheap setup for Laserdisc games. I see they make these Intel Computer Sticks that run Windows 10. About 3 - 4 times the price though. But if I were to get one of those and then put EmulationStation on it, this program would then allow me to run Daphne Singe from the EmulationStation interface without having to exit out of it?