Better combo key recognition for exit emulator + activate Pause


RL Member
I noticed that Rlauncher will support pressing two keys for inputs. However, it is bugged. For example, if I have activate Pause set to O&L, L has to be pressed first, and once it is pressed once, O will now work independently to bring up Pause, until L is pressed independently, which makes it require both keys once again.

This is a trivial matter but it would certainly be helpful to have more customization options.

My original intention was to use RShift combos for both exit emulator and activate Pause, then map RShift to select with Xpadder. Xpadder has that set selector, but it is very flawed and unreliable - I've found that sporadically, the profile will start in set 2, totally screwing everything up (maybe because a new profile is instantly loaded between RocketLauncher, and the emulator, while select is still pressed, I don't know).


RocketLauncher Developer
If you want to help on giving feedback on the key combo issue, please test this imrpoved key recognition code that I posted sometime ago:

Just disregard for now the gamepad extra features and test if the keyboard combo keys, hold keys and multiple click keys are improved by using these files.

Report back anything that you find so I can work on that and improve the keyboard support on RL.