Bezels and demul shooters?


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Hi, after a lot of searching (some of you may recognize me from your discord server) i'm at a bit of a dead end. I'm having trouble with Demul naomi shooting games pausing when using RL and bezels. I'm led to believe that this is because the emulator loses focus. I've seen a couple of similar threads where people have had a similar problem and have been directed to here:
Is this still the correct method to keep both focus and restrict the cursor within the bezel? and if it is can someone help me implement i'm struggling.


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Gun games will always work best without bezels. Everything else will be a compromise and will bring other problems.

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thanks for the quick reply...I realize it's a massive faff to get working but i'm willing to mess to get this working..i just need to a bit of a helping hand. I'm working on an attractmode naomi game build and have been for months...custom bezels, boxart, pause's set in the backstreets of Tokyo..atmospheric bg short it's my baby. I really don't want to loose the bezels or the shooters (in particular hotd2). Thanks again :)


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thanks for the quick reply...I realize it's a massive faff to get working but i'm willing to mess to get this working..i just need to a bit of a helping hand. I'm working on an attractmode naomi game build and have been for months...custom bezels, boxart, pause's set in the backstreets of Tokyo..atmospheric bg short it's my baby. I really don't want to loose the bezels or the shooters (in particular hotd2). Thanks again :)

If you’re restricting the build to a couple of platforms you should be able to get a pretty tight setup. The post you referenced is the way forward along with demulshooter.

RL has support for demulshooter built in, use the code in the post to restrict the mouse cursor movement.

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Ok thanks, after having a re-read through that thread i'm unclear on whether i should edit the module, the bezel.ahk or whether i just simply drop the user functions.ahk into the \RocketLauncher\Lib folder and rename to User Functions.ahk. As i only need this to work for a handful of games i'm guessing it'll have to be inserted into the per game bezel.ahk.
PS: It's only one system (naomi)
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You don't touch the module or the bezel ahk, it's done by user function.


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Ok thanks m8, So i have the User Function.ahk from the above link opened in Notepad ++. It looks like i have to enter/change x, y that correct or do i just leave it as is


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Ok, after quite a bit of messing i'm now willing to offer a £50 reward if someone can get this to work. I've made a small tester pack:
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Your logging level isn't set to Troubleshooting so some information is missing but it looks like the user function is working and the problem is you haven't defined the game area in your bezel ini file so it's "restricting" the cursor to the entire screen.