[SOLVED] Error launching CPS3 emulator

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New member
Good morning friends,

I'm making a new installation of Hyperspin 1.4 0 + RL. I am using emulators he had in the previous version of HS.

For I have found problems with the emulator CPS3. From outside HS it works correctly, since RocketLauncherUI also works, but since HS, the emulator appears but does not load any game and this HS background and not charge anything.

In the log I can see is called the emulator + rom name. If I run it from a "cmd" I open the game smoothly.

You know that it may be due?
Frontend and use the Plugin "HyperSpin"

Thank you.
A greeting.


RocketLauncher Developer
Good morning!!!

If the game launch works on RLUI and not HS, it is usually related with wrong set HyperHQ options config for the system.
Double check the settings that you have on HyperHQ.

Also, you should compare the troubleshooting logs of running the game from RLUI and running the game from HS to see the differences between them. You will be able to identify why everything works on one situation versus another.

Whenever asking for help, add the troubleshooting log (in this case one running the game from RLUI and another running the game from HS), and the HS version that you are using. Without this info it is difficult to try to help.


New member
Good afternoon,

After numerous tests I've found the problem but do not know if I can fix it lol

After checking that everything worked properly I have observed the following:

When I run a game within rocketlauncherUI in the log rocketlauncher observed the following line:

19: 57: 48: 942 | MD | INFO | +0 | Run - Running: H: \ HyperSpin \ Emulators \ CPS3 \ emulator.exe jojo
19: 57: 49: 015 | MD | Debug1 | +78 | Run - "jojo emulator.exe" Process ID: 3320

But when I run into HyperSpin, I get another line as follows:

7:35:59 PM | Running in Normal mode rom
7:35:59 PM | Excecutable is emulator.exe
7:35:59 PM | Command Line is: "H: \ HyperSpin \ Emulators \ CPS3 \ emulator.exe" "jojo.zip"
7:37:46 PM | Launching Game

I have run this line from "cmd" and does not work: "H: \ HyperSpin \ Emulators \ CPS3 \ emulator.exe" "jojo.zip"

The problem is that since HyperSpin must be launched without the characters "" without the extension to work.

This is the line that runs from cmd and commanding the rocketlauncher:
"H: \ HyperSpin \ Emulators \ CPS3 \ emulator.exe" jojo

How can I fix this for the HS? I have ver 1.4.0 HS

Thank you.
A greeting.


New member
Already it solved, has been enabled the following parameter that is not because it was false.

hyperlaunch = true

Thank you
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