History not showing in menu bar


New member
I can't get History to show in the Pause menu bar. Things I've checked:
1) History.dat in the right place, tried a few versions.
2) Updated all files, double checked pause.ahk was up do date (v.1.2.18)
3) Deleted Global Pause.ini from \Settings and Pause.ini from \Settings\Mame

Strangely, I was able to at least get History to show up using an older Pause.ahk (v.1.2.11), though other things were messed up.

Also, I checked Atari 2600 and Coleco and neither seem to be working either.

Edit: I did a fresh install of RL and seem to have the same problem - potential bug?

Is there something I'm missing here? Is History working for others?
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