JoytoKey.ini error


New member
Hi guys i'm having a weird error with JoytoKey. I have it set up and it works totally fine when on the Hyperspin menu screen. When I press the button I have mapped to enter, to start a rom I get:

You are using KeyMapper support but are not up to date with JoyToKey or cannot find joytokey.ini in /DIRECTORY/
please make sure you are using JoyToKey V5.1.0 or higher.

I am using the latest version and the registry file indicates that the ini file is pointed to where I have JoyToKey installed :S

It's very very confusing.

any ideas?


New member
I'm having the same issue, has anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

Not to sure if you have resolved your issue however I'll post anyway.
Ok so what has worked for me is to delete all the JoyToKey folders in the E:\Hyperspin\profiles folder. Re extract a new JoyToKey_en folder. (looking inside this there is no JoytoKey.ini file).
open RocketLauncherUI and reconfigure as normal.
I also renamed the default Hyperspin / RocketLauncher profiles in JoyToKey to "Default Hyper" and "Deafult Rocket" as there is only 1 Joy pad/Controller. Then created a new profile for each and called them Hyperspin \ Rocketlauncher respectively, this then gives 2 controlers to setup up for players 1 and 2.

hope this helps
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New member
I had this problem and got it to go away. I tried a number of things but I believe the one that worked was that I found my Emulator directories were all set as "read-only" for some reason. I unchecked this option in properties and that seems to be what solved it.


New member
I had this problem and got it to go away. I tried a number of things but I believe the one that worked was that I found my Emulator directories were all set as "read-only" for some reason. I unchecked this option in properties and that seems to be what solved it.
Hey i have that problem and i cant find what your talking about at all