JoyToKey not swicth between profiles


New member

I've a problem with my JoytoKey in rocketLauncher. When I launch the game only RocketLauncherUI profile start and not switch between System profile (Nesica profile). When i close RocketlauncherUI joytokey rocketlauncherUI stay launch in the taskbar. RocketLauncher, RocketLauncherUI and joytokey have admin's right.

11:54:57:519 | RL |      INFO  | +N/A   | Main - RocketLauncher v1.2.0.1 (
11:54:57:610 | RL |      INFO  | +93    | Main - System Specs:
					RocketLauncher Dir: E:\arcade\RocketLauncher
					RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
					OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel
					SKU: Professional
					Total Memory: 24521.33 MB
					Free Memory: 22214.01 MB
					Used Memory: 2307.320 MB
					SystemType: 64-bit
					Physical Processors: 1
					Logical Processors: 8
					GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
					GPU 1 RAM: -1.00 MB
					GPU 1 Driver Version:
					Sound 1 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
					Sound 1 Status: Enabled
					Sound 2 Device: Realtek High Definition Audio
					Sound 2 Status: Enabled
					Sound 3 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
					Sound 3 Status: Enabled
					OS Language: French_Standard
					System Locale: fr-FR
					Formats Locale: fr-FR
					Windows UI Language: fr-FR
					Text Encoding: Windows-1252
					OS Admin Status: Yes
					RL Compatibility Flags: ~ RUNASADMIN
					Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) [32bit] [60hz] [Landscape]  (Primary)
					Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920
					Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080
					Monitor #1 DPI: 100
					ErrorMode: 0
					AutoHotkey Path: 
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
11:54:57:610 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
11:54:57:611 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | GetSystems - Started
11:54:57:611 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\Databases\Systems.xml exists
11:54:57:611 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | GetSystems - Found a RocketLauncher Systems.xml: "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\Databases\Systems.xml"
11:54:57:611 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | GetSystems - Parsing the systems xml
11:54:57:623 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | GetSystems - Ended
11:54:57:659 | RL |      INFO  | +31    | Main - RocketLauncher launched directly
11:55:00:402 | RL |      INFO  | +2750  | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "AttractMode"
11:55:00:402 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Process.Process - "Exist" "RocketLauncherUI.exe" 
11:55:00:407 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - RocketLauncherUI.exe is not currently running
11:55:00:407 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - RocketLauncher received "Nesica" and "Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match"
11:55:00:410 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Found a "Games Options.ini" file, loading it into memory.
11:55:00:411 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match is using the default emulator: PCLauncher
11:55:00:411 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [PCLauncher] section in E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Nesica\Emulators.ini
11:55:00:411 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [PCLauncher] section in E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
11:55:00:411 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [PCLauncher] in E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
11:55:00:411 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher\PCLauncher.ahk exists
11:55:00:414 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
11:55:00:414 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match will use module: E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher\PCLauncher.ahk
11:55:00:424 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Using SkipChecks method "Rom and Emu" or emuName = "PCLauncher".
11:55:00:424 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
11:55:00:424 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
11:55:00:424 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +15    | Main - "Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
11:55:00:431 | RL |   WARNING  | +N/A   | Main - SkipChecks is enabled and set to: Rom and Emu
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Raccourcis\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match.lnk
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Raccourcis\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match.lnk
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
11:55:00:431 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:
					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					Global RLLog
					Global RLObject
					0 := "0"
					rlPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher"
					pluginPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Plugins"
					pluginName := "AttractMode"
					pluginExt := ".plugin"
					contextOnExit := ""
					rlMode := ""
					rlTitle := "RocketLauncher"
					rlVersion := ""
					rlAuthor := "djvj"
					rlURL := ""
					langFile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini"
					primMonitor := "1"
					frontendPID := "0"
					frontendPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI"
					frontendExe := "RocketLauncherUI.exe"
					frontendExt := "exe"
					frontendName := "RocketLauncherUI"
					frontendDrive := "E"
					exitEmulatorKey := "~Esc"
					restoreFE := "Restore and Click"
					exitScriptKey := "~q & ~s"
					toggleCursorKey := "~e & ~t"
					emuFullPath := ""
					emuPath := ""
					emuName := "PCLauncher"
					emuExt := ""
					baseRomPath := ""
					romPath := "E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Raccourcis"
					romPathFromIni := "E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Raccourcis"
					romExtension := ".lnk"
					romExtensionOrig := ".lnk"
					romExtensions := "lnk"
					executable := ""
					systemDbName := "Nesica"
					systemName := "Nesica"
					dbPath := ""
					dbName := "Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match"
					dbExt := ""
					romFoundByExt := ""
					romName := "Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match"
					romMapPath := ""
					romMappingEnabled := "false"
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled := "false"
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt := "false"
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive := "true"
					romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen := "7"
					romMappingHideParent := "false"
					romMappingMenuWidth := "400"
					romMappingMenuMargin := "65"
					romMappingTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold"
					romMappingDisabledTextColor := "ff888888"
					romMappingTextSizeDifference := "7"
					romMappingTextMargin := "15"
					romMappingTitleTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitleTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold"
					romMappingTitle2TextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold"
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular"
					romMappingGameNameTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameNameTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular"
					romMappingBackgroundBrush := "aa000000"
					romMappingColumnBrush := "33000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush1 := "6f000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush2 := "33000000"
					romMappingBackgroundAlign := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth := "55"
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation := "7"
					romMappingDefaultMenuList := "FullList"
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch := "false"
					altArchiveNameOnly := ""
					altRomNameOnly := ""
					altArchiveAndRomName := ""
					altArchiveAndManyRomNames := ""
					altRomNamesOnly := ""
					romMapScenario := ""
					skipchecks := "Rom and Emu"
					romMatchExt := "false"
					blockInputTime := "0"
					blockInputFile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe"
					errorLevelReporting := "false"
					lockLaunch := "false"
					lockLaunchGame := ""
					screenRotationAngle := "0"
					screenRotationAngleGame := ""
					setResolution := ""
					logFile := ""
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","   DEBUG","   TRACE"]
					logLevel := "3"
					logShowDebugConsole := "false"
					logShowCommandWindow := "false"
					logCommandWindow := "false"
					logIncludeModule := "true"
					logIncludeFileProperties := "true"
					logIncludeDLLLogs := "false"
					errorSounds := "true"
					rlDebugConsoleStdout := ""
					sysLang := "French_Standard"
					sysType := "64-bit"
					broadcastWindowTitle := ""
					navUpKey := "Up"
					navDownKey := "Down"
					navLeftKey := "Left"
					navRightKey := "Right"
					navSelectKey := "Enter"
					navP2UpKey := "Numpad8"
					navP2DownKey := "Numpad2"
					navP2LeftKey := "Numpad4"
					navP2RightKey := "Numpad6"
					navP2SelectKey := "NumpadEnter"
					originalWidth := "1920"
					originalHeight := "1080"
					vdEnabled := "false"
					vdFullPath := ""
					vdUseSCSI := "true"
					vdDriveLetter := ""
					vdDriveLetterScsi := ""
					vdAddDrive := "true"
					demulShooterPath := ""
					servoStikEnabled := "false"
					servoStikExitMode := "false"
					ledblinkyEnabled := "false"
					ledblinkySystemName := ""
					ledblinkyFullPath := ""
					ledblinkyProfilePath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky"
					ledblinkyRLProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher"
					winIPACFullPath := ""
					ultraMapEnabled := "false"
					ultraMapFullPath := ""
					emuIdleShutdown := "0"
					launchPasswordHash := "UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight"
					cursorSize := ""
					hideCursor := "false"
					hideEmu := "false"
					hideFE := "false"
					suspendFE := "true"
					fadeIn := "false"
					fadeInDuration := "500"
					fadeInTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeIn"
					fadeInDelay := "0"
					fadeInExitDelay := "0"
					fadeOutExitDelay := "5"
					fadeOut := "false"
					fadeOutExtraScreen := "false"
					fadeOutDuration := "500"
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeOut"
					fadeOutDelay := "5"
					fadeLyrInterpolation := "7"
					fadeMuteEmulator := "false"
					fadeUseBackgrounds := "false"
					fadeClickThrough := "false"
					fadeSounds := "true"
					fade7zProgressMode := "extraction"
					fadeWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					fadeHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					fadeLyr1Color := "FF000000"
					fadeLyr1AlignImage := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2Pos := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2X := "0"
					fadeLyr2Y := "0"
					fadeLyr2W := ""
					fadeLyr2H := ""
					fadeLyr2Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr2PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr2Prefix := "Extra Layer 1 - Console"
					fadeLyr3Pos := "Center"
					fadeLyr3X := "450"
					fadeLyr3Y := "450"
					fadeLyr3W := ""
					fadeLyr3H := ""
					fadeLyr3Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3Speed := "750"
					fadeLyr3Animation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr37zAnimation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr3Type := "imageandbar"
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress := "true"
					fadeLyr3Repeat := "1"
					fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency := "30"
					fadeLyr3StaticPos := "No Alignment"
					fadeLyr3StaticX := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticY := "870|1575"
					fadeLyr3StaticW := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticH := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticAdjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3StaticPicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticPrefix := "Info Bar"
					fadeLyr4Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr4X := "1792|952"
					fadeLyr4Y := "891|1596"
					fadeLyr4W := "128"
					fadeLyr4H := ""
					fadeLyr4Pos := "No Alignment"
					fadeLyr4FPS := "50"
					fadeLyr4PicPad := "0"
					fadeTranspGifColor := "FFFFFF"
					fadeBarWindow := "Image"
					fadeBarWindowX := ""
					fadeBarWindowY := ""
					fadeBarWindowW := "900"
					fadeBarWindowH := ""
					fadeBarWindowR := "30"
					fadeBarWindowM := "30"
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBar := "7zOnly"
					fadeProgressDuration := "0"
					fadeBarBack := "true"
					fadeBarBackColor := "FF555555"
					fadeBarH := "30"
					fadeBarR := "10"
					fadeBarColor := "DD00BFFF"
					fadeBarHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBarPercentageText := "true"
					fadeBarInfoText := "true"
					fadeBarXOffset := "0"
					fadeBarYOffset := "150"
					fadeRomInfoDescription := "filtered text"
					fadeRomInfoSystemName := "image"
					fadeRomInfoYear := "text with label"
					fadeRomInfoDeveloper := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoPublisher := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoGenre := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoRating := "image"
					fadeRomInfoOrder := "Description|SystemName|Year|Developer|Genre|Rating|Publisher"
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement := "User Defined"
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeRomInfoText1Options := "w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText2Options := "w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText3Options := "w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText4Options := "w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText5Options := "cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText6Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText7Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStatsInfoOrder := "Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time"
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement := "topRight"
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeText1X := "0"
					fadeText1Y := "0"
					fadeText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText1 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText2X := "0"
					fadeText2Y := "0"
					fadeText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText2 := "Extraction Complete, Ready"
					fadeText3 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText4 := "Loading Complete"
					fadeFont := "Bebas Neue"
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly := "false"
					fadeExtractionTime := "disabled"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextX := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextY := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions := "cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold"
					fadeInterruptKey := ""
					detectFadeErrorEnabled := "true"
					fadeImgPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade"
					RLDataPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Data"
					RLMediaPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Media"
					RLErrSoundPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error"
					modulesPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules"
					moduleFullName := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher\PCLauncher.ahk"
					moduleName := "PCLauncher"
					modulePath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Modules\PCLauncher"
					moduleExtension := "ahk"
					moduleExtensionsPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions"
					libPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib"
					sevenZEnabled := "false"
					sevenZPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
					sevenZDllPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll"
					sevenZExtractPath := "C:\Users\Attract Mode\AppData\Local\Temp\RL"
					sevenZExtractPathOrig := ""
					sevenZAttachSystemName := "false"
					sevenZDelTemp := "true"
					sevenZFormats := ".zip|.rar|.7z|.lha|.lzh|.gzip|.tar"
					sevenZFormatsNoP := "zip|rar|7z|lha|lzh|gzip|tar"
					sevenZFormatsRegEx := "\.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lha|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar"
					sevenZGamesToKeep := ""
					sevenZDeletePerSystem := "false"
					sevenZExtensions := "zip|rar|7z|lha|lzh|gzip|tar"
					7zExtractPath := "C:\Users\Attract Mode\AppData\Local\Temp\RL"
					mgEnabled := "false"
					mgKey := "~NumpadSub"
					mgBackgroundColor := "FF000000"
					mgSidePadding := "0.2"
					mgWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					mgHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					mgYOffset := "500|800"
					mgFont := "Arial"
					mgText1Options := "x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic"
					mgText1Text := "Please select a game"
					mgText2Options := "w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic"
					mgText2Offset := "100"
					mgUseSound := "true"
					mgSoundfreq := "300"
					mgExitEffect := "none"
					mgSelectedEffect := "rotate"
					mgUseGameArt := "false"
					mgCandidate := ""
					mgValidTypes := "\(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side"
					mgOnLaunch := "false"
					pauseEnabled := "false"
					pauseKey := "~NumpadAdd"
					pauseBackToMenuBarKey := "X"
					pauseZoomInKey := "C"
					pauseZoomOutKey := "V"
					pauseScreenshotKey := "~PrintScreen"
					pauseHiToTextPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
					pauseSaveStateKeyCodes := ""
					pauseLoadStateKeyCodes := ""
					keyboardEncoder := ""
					keyboardEncoderEnabled := "false"
					keymapperEnabled := "true"
					keymapperAHKMethod := "false"
					keymapper := "joytokey"
					xpadderFullPath := "E:\arcade\Utilities\Xpadder\xpadder.exe"
					joyToKeyFullPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe"
					profilePath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles"
					keymapperProfilePath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey"
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName := "RocketLauncherUI"
					keymapperFrontEndProfile := "joytokey"
					keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal := ""
					joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem := "use_global"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit := ""
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled := "false"
					CustomJoyNames := ""
					rotateMethod := "false"
					FEProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncherUI"
					defaultProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\_Default"
					systemProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica"
					xPadderSystemProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica\_Default"
					emuProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica\PCLauncher"
					romProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match"
					RocketLauncherProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncher"
					blankProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\blank"
					ahkFEProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI"
					ahkDefaultProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default"
					ahkSystemProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Nesica"
					ahkEmuProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Nesica\PCLauncher"
					ahkRomProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match"
					ahkRocketLauncherProfile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher"
					bezelEnabled := "false"
					bezelICEnabled := "false"
					shaderName := "false"
					shaderColor := ""
					shaderTransparency := ""
					statisticsEnabled := "true"
					pressDuration := "-1"
					emuVolume := "1"
					dxwndIni := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini"
					dxwndFullPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
					qResFullPath := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe"
					mon1O := ""
					pacDrivedllFile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll"
					userFadeAnimIniFile := "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini"
					testFile := ""
					testDuration := ""
					initialErrorMode := "0"

11:55:00:432 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
11:55:00:432 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Keymapper Init.ahk scripts
11:55:00:432 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
11:55:00:432 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
11:55:00:433 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
11:55:00:433 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					MEmu := "PCLauncher"
					MEmuV := "N/A"
					MURL := [""]
					MAuthor := ["djvj"]
					MVersion := "2.2.7"
					MCRC := "5814E2E"
					iCRC := "28F444EF"
					MID := "635243126483565041"
					MSystem := ["American Laser Games","Arcade PC","Doujin Soft","Examu eX-BOARD","Fan Remakes","Games for Windows","Konami e-Amusement","Konami Bemani","Microsoft Windows","PCLauncher","PC Games","Singstar","Steam","Steam Big Picture","Taito Type X","Taito Type X2","Touhou","Touhou Project","Ultrastar","Ultrastar Deluxe","Windows Games","Nesica"]
					; Notes:
					; Use the examples in the ini, in your Modules\PCLauncher\ folder, to add more applications.
					; PCLauncher supports per-System inis. Copy your PCLauncher ini in the same folder and rename it to match the System's Name. Use this if you have games with the same name across multiple systems.
					; Read the tooltips for each module setting in RocketLauncherUI for the definitions of each key and help using them.
					; For information on how to use this module and what all the settings do, please see
					moduleIni.CheckFile("Could not find """ . moduleIni.FileFullPath . """`n`nRocketLauncherUI will create this file when you configure your first game to be used with the " . MEmu . " module.")
					Application := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Application",,,1)
					AppWaitExe := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "AppWaitExe",,,1)
					DiscImage := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DiscImage",,,1)
					DXWndGame := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DXWndGame",,,1)
					DXWndMaximizeWindow := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "DXWndMaximizeWindow",,,1)
					ExitMethod := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "ExitMethod",,,1)
					FadeTitle := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitle",,,1)
					FadeTitleWaitTillActive := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitleWaitTillActive","true",,1)
					FadeTitleTimeout := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeTitleTimeout",,,1)
					FadeInExitSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "FadeInExitSleep",,,1)
					HideConsole := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideConsole",,,1)
					OriginGame := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "OriginGame",,,1)
					Parameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Parameters",,,1)
					PostLaunch := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunch",,,1)
					PostLaunchParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunchParameters",,,1)
					PostLaunchSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostLaunchSleep",,,1)
					PostExit := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExit",,,1)
					PostExitParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExitParameters",,,1)
					PostExitSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PostExitSleep",,,1)
					PreLaunch := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunch",,,1)
					PreLaunchParameters := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchParameters",,,1)
					PreLaunchMode := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchMode",,,1)
					PreLaunchSleep := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "PreLaunchSleep",,,1)
					SteamID := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "SteamID",,,1)
					WorkingFolder := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "WorkingFolder",,,1)
					bezelTopOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelTopOffset","0",,1)
					bezelBottomOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelBottomOffset","0",,1)
					bezelLeftOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelLeftOffset","0",,1)
					bezelRightOffset := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelRightOffset","0",,1)
					BezelFixedResMode := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "BezelFixedResMode","false",,1)
					HideWindowTitleBar := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowTitleBar","true",,1)
					HideWindowBorder := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowBorder","true",,1)
					HideWindowMenuBar := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowMenuBar","true",,1)
					HideDecoratorsAfterMove := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove","false",,1)
					HideWindowBorderFirst := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "HideWindowBorderFirst","false",,1)
					Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read(dbName, "Fullscreen",,,1)
					If (!Application && !SteamID) { ; This app cannot be launched if no info exists already in the ini and this is not a steam game
						ScriptError("You have not set up " . dbName . " in RocketLauncherUI yet, so PCLauncher does not know what exe, FadeTitle, and/or SteamID to watch for.")
					; Configuring bezel settings that would normally be set in BezelLabel
					If (HideWindowTitleBar = "false")
						disableHideTitleBar := true
					If (HideWindowBorder = "false")
						disableHideBorder := true
					If (HideWindowMenuBar = "false")
						disableHideToggleMenu := true
					If (HideDecoratorsAfterMove = "true")
						hideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove := true
					If (HideWindowBorderFirst = "true")
						hideBorderFirst := true
					If Fullscreen {
						;Warn user if fullscreen is set, but no custom game user function file exists for this game
						gameUserFunc := new File(libPath . "\Lib\User Functions\" . systemName . "\" . dbName . ".ahk")
						If (!gameUserFunc.Exist()) {
							RLLog.Warning("PCLauncher - You have configured a fullscreen setting for this game, but no GameUserFunction file exists at '" . gameUserFunc.FileFullPath . "' therefore the fullscreen setting won't have any effect until you create such file and implement the proper SetFullscreen function")
					If (BezelFixedResMode = "true")
					If Application {
						primaryExe := new Emulator(Application)		; instantiate primary application executable object
					If (AppWaitExe != "") {
						AppWaitExe := new Process(AppWaitExe)
					If FadeTitle {
						FadeTitleObj := StringUtils.ParsePCTitle(FadeTitle)
						appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(FadeTitleObj.Title,FadeTitleObj.Class))	; instantiate primary application window object
					; If Application needs a cd/dvd image in the drive, mount it in DT first
					If DiscImage {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a Disc Image, mounting it in DT")
						appIsImage := 1
						DiscImage := new File(GetFullName(DiscImage))	; convert a relative path defined in the PCLauncher ini to absolute
						DiscImage.CheckFile("Cannot find this DiscImage for " . dbName . ":`n" . DiscImage.FileFullPath)
						; StringUtils.SplitPath(DiscImage,"",ImagePath,ImageExt,ImageName)
						If StringUtils.Contains(DiscImage.FileExt,"mds|mdx|b5t|b6t|bwt|ccd|cue|isz|nrg|cdi|iso|ape|flac")
						{	VirtualDrive("get")	; get the vdDriveLetter
							; VirtualDrive("mount",ImagePath . "\" . ImageName . "." . ImageExt)
						} Else
							ScriptError("You defined a DiscImage, but it is not a supported format for this module and/or DT:`nccd,cdi,cue,iso,isz,nrg")
					; Verify module's settings are set
					If PreLaunch {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PreLaunch set by user, running: " . PreLaunch)
						PreLaunchParameters := If (!PreLaunchParameters or PreLaunchParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PreLaunchParameters
						If (preLaunchMode = "run") {
							errLevel := PreLaunchExe.Run(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : PreLaunchParameters,,,,,(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1))	; If this is a url, do not send params
							If errLevel
								ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PreLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")
						} Else {
							errLevel := PreLaunchExe.RunWait(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : PreLaunchParameters,,(If PreLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1))	; If this is a url, do not send params
							If errLevel
								ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PreLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")
					If (DXWndGame = "true")		; start dxwnd if needed
					Fullscreen := If BezelEnabled() ? "false" : Fullscreen
					FullscreenParams := CustomFunction.SetFullscreenPreLaunch(Fullscreen)
					If (FullscreenParams) {
						RLLog.Debug("PCLauncher - Setting fullscreen parameters to : " . FullscreenParams)
						Parameters .= " " . FullscreenParams
					If StringUtils.Contains(mode,"steam|steambp")	; steam launch
						Steam(SteamID, primaryExe.FileFullPath, Parameters)
					Else If (mode = "origin")		; origin launch
						Origin(primaryExe.FileName, primaryExe.FilePath, Parameters)
					Else {
						If (mode = "url")
						{	RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Launching URL.")
							errLevel := primaryExe.Run()
						} Else {	; standard launch
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Launching a standard application.")
							If (HideConsole = "true" and primaryExe.FileExt = "bat") {
								RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Hiding DOS console for bat file.")
								objShell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
								objShell.CurrentDirectory := If WorkingFolder ? WorkingFolder : primaryExe.FilePath
								errLevel := objShell.Run("""" . primaryExe.FileName . """ " . Parameters, 0, false)
								errLevel := primaryExe.Run(Parameters,,,,,1,If WorkingFolder ? WorkingFolder : "")
						If errLevel
							ScriptError("There was a problem launching your " . (If appIsImage ? "ImageExe" : "Application") . ". Please check it is a valid executable.")
					If PostLaunch {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PostLaunch set by user, running: " . PostLaunch)
						PostLaunchExe := new Process(PostLaunch)
						PostLaunchParameters := If (!PostLaunchParameters or PostLaunchParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PostLaunchParameters
						errLevel := PostLaunchExe.Run(If PostLaunchIsURL ? "" : PostLaunchParameters,,,,,(If PostLaunchIsURL ? "" : 1))	; If this is a url, do not send params
						If errLevel
							ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PostLaunch application. Please check it is a valid executable.")
					If FadeTitle {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle set by user, waiting for """ . appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.GetWindowTitle() . """")
						If (FadeTitleTimeout)
						If (FadeTitleWaitTillActive = "true")
					} Else If AppWaitExe {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle not set by user, but AppWaitExe is. Waiting for AppWaitExe: " . AppWaitExe.FileName)
						If (AppWaitExe.PID = 0)
							ScriptError("PCLauncher - There was an error getting the Process ID of your AppWaitExe """ . AppWaitExe.FileName . """. Please try setting a FadeTitle instead.")
					} Else If SteamIDExe {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user, but SteamIDExe was found. Waiting for SteamIDExe: " . SteamIDExe.FileFullPath)
						SteamIDExe.Process("Wait",15)	; wait 15 seconds for this process to launch
						If (SteamIDExe.PID = 0)
							ScriptError("PCLauncher - There was an error getting the Process ID from your SteamIDExe for """ . dbName . """. Please try setting a FadeTitle instead.")
					} Else If primaryExe.PID {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user, but a PID for the primary application was found. Waiting for PID: " . primaryExe.PID)
						appPrimaryWindow.PID := primaryExe.PID	; store the PID of the primary exe into the window object
						appPrimaryWindow.Wait(,primaryExe.PID)	; only wait for the pid, not any other window element
					} Else
						RLLog.Error("PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user and no AppPID found from an Application, PCLauncher has nothing to wait for")
					If (DXWndGame = "true" and (DXWndMaximizeWindow = "aspect" or DXWndMaximizeWindow = "stretch"))
						appPrimaryWindow.Maximize(If (DXWndMaximizeWindow="aspect") ? "true" : "false")
					TimerUtils.Sleep(FadeInExitSleep)	; PCLauncher setting for some stubborn games that keeps the fadeIn screen up a little longer
					If AppWaitExe {
						If !FadeTitle {
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Creating a window based on the AppWaitExe because FadeTitle was not set")
							appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,AppWaitExe.PID))	; instantiate AppWaitExe window object
							appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.PID := ""	; remove PID from future window matches
							appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.ID := appPrimaryWindow.ID	; inject hwnd ID so future matches use it instead
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for AppWaitExe """ . AppWaitExe.FileName . """ to close.")
					} Else If FadeTitle {	; If fadeTitle is set and no appPID was created.
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for FadeTitle """ . appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.GetWindowTitle() . """ to close.")
					} Else If SteamIDExe {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for SteamIDExe """ . SteamIDExe.FileName . """ to close.")
					} Else If primaryExe.PID {
						If !FadeTitle {
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Creating a window based on the Primary Application """ . primaryExe.FileName . """ because FadeTitle nor AppWaitExe were set")
							appPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,primaryExe.PID))	; instantiate primary application window object
							appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.PID := ""	; remove PID from future window matches
							appPrimaryWindow.WinTitle.ID := appPrimaryWindow.ID	; inject hwnd ID so future matches use it instead
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Waiting for the Primary Application PID """ . primaryExe.PID . """ to close.")
					} Else
						ScriptError("Could not find a proper AppWaitExe`, FadeTitle`, or AppPID (from the launched Application). Try setting either an AppWaitExe or FadeTitle so the module has something to look for.")
					If PostExit {
						RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - PostExit set by user, running: " . PostExit)
						PostExitExe := new Process(PostExit)
						PostExitParameters := If (!PostExitParameters or PostExitParameters="ERROR") ? "" : PostExitParameters
						errLevel := PostExitExe.Run(If PostExitIsURL ? "" : PostExitParameters,,,,,(If PostExitIsURL ? "" : 1))	; If this is a url, do not send params
						If errLevel
							ScriptError("There was a problem launching your PostExit application. Please check it is a valid executable.")
					; If Application is a cd/dvd image, unmount it in DT
					If appIsImage
					; Close steam if it was not open prior to launch, not really needed anymore because module knows how to launch if steam already running now
					; If (primaryExe.PID = 0)
						; Run, Steam.exe -shutdown, %SteamPath%	; close steam
					If (DXWndGame = "true")
					CheckSettings() {
						Global Application,primaryExe
						Global PreLaunch,PreLaunchExe,PreLaunchIsURL
						Global PostLaunch,PostLaunchExe,PostLaunchIsURL
						Global PostExit,PostExitExe,PostExitIsURL
						Global moduleName,appIsImage,vdDriveLetter,SteamID,OriginGame,DXWndGame,mode,AppWaitExe,SteamIDExe,FadeTitle
						Global modulePath,fadeIn
						RLLog.Info("CheckSettings - Started")
						; These checks allow you to run URL and Steam browser protocol commands. Without them ahk would error out that it can't find the file. This is different than setting a SteamID but either work
						If (SteamID) {
							mode := "steam"	; setting module to use steam mode
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - SteamID is set, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")
						} Else If (StringUtils.SubStr(Application,1,3) = "ste") {
							mode := "steambp"	; setting module to use Steam Browser Protocol mode
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a Steam Browser Protocol, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")
						} Else If (StringUtils.SubStr(Application,1,4) = "http") {
							mode := "url"	; setting module to use url mode
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Application is a URL, setting mode to: """ . mode . """")
						} Else If OriginGame {
							mode := "origin"	; setting module to use Origin mode
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Origin mode enabled. Will log in to Origin if required.")
						} Else If Application {
							mode := "standard"	; for standard launching
							RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Setting mode to: """ . mode . """")
						} Else	; error if no modes are used
							ScriptError("Please set an Application, SteamID, Steam Browser Protocol, or URL in " moduleName . ".ini for """ . dbName . """")
						If (SteamID && Application)	; do not allow 2 launching methods as module cannot know which should be used
							ScriptError("You are trying to use Steam and an Application, you must choose one or the other.")
						If ((mode = "steam" || mode = "steambp") && !AppWaitExe && !FadeTitle) { ; && fadeIn = "true") {	; If AppWaitExe or FadeTitle are defined, that will take precedence over the automatic method using the SteamIDs.ini
							SteamIDFile := new IniFile(modulePath . "\SteamIDs.ini")
							If !SteamID		; if this game does not have a SteamID defined
								StringUtils.SplitPath(Application,SteamID) ; try to grab the ID from the Application name
							SteamIDExe := SteamIDFile.ReadCheck(SteamID, "exe",,,1)
							If !SteamIDExe		; if it was still not found, error out
								ScriptError("You are using launching a Steam game but no way for the module to know what window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe, FadeTitle, or make sure your SteamID and the correct exe is defined in the SteamIDs.ini",10)
							Else {
								RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - Found an exe in the SteamIDs.ini for this game: """ . SteamIDExe . """")
								SteamIDExe := new Process(SteamIDExe)
						} Else If (mode = "url" && !AppWaitExe && !FadeTitle)
							ScriptError("You are using launching a URL but no way for the module to know what to window to wait for after launching. Please set a AppWaitExe or FadeTitle to your default application that gets launched when opening URLs.",10)
						If (appIsImage && !primaryExe.FilePath)	; if user only defined an exe for Application with no path, assume it will be found on the root dir of the image when mounted
							primaryExe.FilePath := vdDriveLetter . ":\"
						If (!primaryExe.FileName && mode = "standard" && (mode != "steam" || mode != "steambp"))
							ScriptError("Missing filename on the end of your Application in " . moduleName . ".ini:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath)
						If (!primaryExe.FileExt && mode = "standard" && (mode != "steam" || mode != "steambp"))
							ScriptError("Missing extension on your Application in " . moduleName . ".ini:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath)
						PreLaunchExe := AltAppCheck(PreLaunch,"PreLaunch",PreLaunchIsURL)
						PostLaunchExe := AltAppCheck(PostLaunch,"PostLaunch",PostLaunchIsURL)
						PostExitExe := AltAppCheck(PostExit,"PostExit",PostExitIsURL)
						If (mode = "standard")
							primaryExe.CheckFile("Cannot find this Application:`n" . primaryExe.FileFullPath)	; keeping this last so more descriptive errors will trigger first
						RLLog.Info("CheckSettings - Ended")
					AltAppCheck(file,id,ByRef urlID) {
						If file {
							obj := new Process(file)
							urlID := If (StringUtils.SubStr(file,1,4)="http" || StringUtils.SubStr(file,1,3)="ste") ? 1:""
							If urlID
								RLLog.Info("PCLauncher - " . id . " is a URL or Steam Browser Protocol: " . file)
							Else {
								obj.CheckFile("Cannot find this " . id . " application:`n" . obj.FileFullPath)
							Return obj
						If (ExitMethod != "InGame") {
							If (ExitMethod = "Process Close AppWaitExe" && AppWaitExe) {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Process Close AppWaitExe""")
							} Else If (ExitMethod = "WinClose AppWaitExe" && AppWaitExe) {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""WinClose AppWaitExe""")
								AppWaitWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle(,,,,AppWaitExe.PID))
							} Else If (ExitMethod = "Process Close Application") {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Process Close Application""")
							} Else If (ExitMethod = "WinClose Application" && FadeTitle) {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""WinClose Close Application""")
							} Else If (ExitMethod = "Send Alt+F4") {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - ExitMethod is ""Send Alt+F4""")
							} Else {
								RLLog.Info("CloseProcess - Default ExitMethod`, using ""WinClose""")

11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk" not found
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Nesica.ahk" not found
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Emulators\PCLauncher.ahk" not found
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Nesica\Emulators\PCLauncher.ahk" not found
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match.ahk" not found
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
11:55:00:434 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
11:55:00:435 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Hiding taskbar
11:55:00:548 | RL |      INFO  | +110   | Main - Hiding desktop
11:55:00:570 | RL |      INFO  | +31    | Main - Starting timer to watch if Front End gets displaced and restore it if it does.
11:55:00:570 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
11:55:00:767 | MD |      INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
11:55:00:769 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Started
11:55:00:770 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
11:55:00:828 | MD |      INFO  | +62    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:00:828 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118001444553540000
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118002444553540000
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Sorting Currently Connected joysticks List to match the order of the Preferred Controller List
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Assigning the New Joystick IDs according to the preferred list for the active controllers
11:55:00:830 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
11:55:00:831 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
11:55:00:831 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
11:55:00:832 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
11:55:00:832 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Ended
11:55:00:832 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe exists
11:55:00:833 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Keymapper - Loading joytokey
11:55:00:833 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "load"
11:55:00:833 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
11:55:00:859 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:00:859 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118001444553540000
11:55:00:861 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:00:861 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118002444553540000
11:55:00:861 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
11:55:00:861 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetProfile - Loading Player 1 Profile -> E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica\Nesica.cfg
11:55:00:861 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Started
11:55:00:862 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | WinClose - Closing: JoyToKey ahk_class TMainForm
11:55:00:961 | MD |      INFO  | +110   | Process - WaitClose JoyToKey.exe 2
11:55:00:970 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Nesica\Nesica.cfg"
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +78    | RunJoyToKey - Ended
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: PCLauncher
					MEmuV: N/A
					MAuthor: djvj
					MVersion: 2.2.7
					MCRC: 5814E2E
					iCRC: 28F444EF
					MID: 635243126483565041
					MSystem: American Laser Games|Arcade PC|Doujin Soft|Examu eX-BOARD|Fan Remakes|Games for Windows|Konami e-Amusement|Konami Bemani|Microsoft Windows|PCLauncher|PC Games|Singstar|Steam|Steam Big Picture|Taito Type X|Taito Type X2|Touhou|Touhou Project|Ultrastar|Ultrastar Deluxe|Windows Games|Nesica
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Nesica"
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Ouvrir" for ""
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
11:55:01:041 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Démarrer" for "dialog.start"
11:55:01:042 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Started
11:55:01:042 | MD |   WARNING  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: Rom|Name|Emulator|CloneOf|Year|Publisher|Genre|Players|Rotation|Control|Status|DisplayCount|DisplayType|AltRomname|AltTitle|Extra|Buttons|Rating
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Marquee|Fanart|Flyer
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Background
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Video
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
11:55:01:043 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
11:55:01:049 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module {SystemModuleIni} - [Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match] - Application: ..\Games\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match\start.bat
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - AppWaitExe: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - DiscImage: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - DXWndGame: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - DXWndMaximizeWindow: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - ExitMethod: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - FadeTitle: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - FadeTitleWaitTillActive: true (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:050 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - FadeTitleTimeout: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - FadeInExitSleep: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideConsole: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - OriginGame: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - Parameters: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostLaunch: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostLaunchParameters: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostLaunchSleep: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostExit: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostExitParameters: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PostExitSleep: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PreLaunch: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:051 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PreLaunchParameters: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PreLaunchMode: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - PreLaunchSleep: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - SteamID: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - WorkingFolder: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - BezelTopOffset: 0 (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - BezelBottomOffset: 0 (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - BezelLeftOffset: 0 (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - BezelRightOffset: 0 (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - BezelFixedResMode: false (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:052 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideWindowTitleBar: true (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:074 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideWindowBorder: true (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:074 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideWindowMenuBar: true (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:074 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideDecoratorsAfterWindowMove: false (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:074 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - HideWindowBorderFirst: false (DEFAULT)
11:55:01:074 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RIniFile.Read - Module - Fullscreen: (NO VALUE)
11:55:01:078 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckSettings - Started
11:55:01:078 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PCLauncher - Setting mode to: "standard"
11:55:01:078 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | File.CheckFile - Checking if "E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match\start.bat" exists
11:55:01:079 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckSettings - Ended
11:55:01:079 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PCLauncher - Launching a standard application.
11:55:01:079 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process.Run - Running: "E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Aquapazza Aqua plus Dream Match\start.bat"
11:55:01:106 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | PCLauncher - FadeTitle and AppWaitExe not set by user, but a PID for the primary application was found. Waiting for PID: 9404
11:55:01:106 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PCLauncher - Creating a window based on the Primary Application "start.bat" because FadeTitle nor AppWaitExe were set
11:55:01:106 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Window.Wait - Waiting for window "ahk_pid 9404"
11:55:01:246 | MD |      INFO  | +141   | PCLauncher - Waiting for the Primary Application PID "9404" to close.
11:55:01:246 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process.Process - "WaitClose" "start.bat" 
11:55:01:248 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
11:55:01:248 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | UpdateStatistics - Starting Updating Statistics
11:55:01:340 | MD |      INFO  | +94    | UpdateStatistics - Game section statistics updated.
11:55:01:340 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "unload"
11:55:01:340 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
11:55:01:344 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:01:345 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118001444553540000
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: D03AB55D94B3E8118002444553540000
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetProfile - Loading Player 1 Profile -> E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncherUI\RocketLauncherUI.cfg
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Started
11:55:01:346 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | WinClose - Closing: JoyToKey ahk_class TMainForm
11:55:01:570 | MD |      INFO  | +234   | Process - WaitClose JoyToKey.exe 2
11:55:01:572 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\JoyToKey_en\JoyToKey.exe "E:\arcade\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncherUI\RocketLauncherUI.cfg"
11:55:01:582 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Ended
11:55:01:582 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
11:55:01:583 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
End of Module Logs
11:55:01:663 | RL |      INFO  | +1094  | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
11:55:01:663 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
11:55:01:666 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar
11:55:01:791 | RL |      INFO  | +125   | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
11:55:01:800 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Restored cursor
11:55:01:800 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Ended

Can you help me please ?

I'm a french user sorry for my bad english :confused:

Best regards