LAUNCHBOX & ROCKETLAUNCHER: How to switch your systems to LB in minutes!


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RL Member

If you already have a Front End setup with RocketLauncher you can just switch those systems to LaunchBox with ease. This means that all those hours, days, weeks, YEARS of work configuring one Front End can be just switched to LaunchBox without any hassle.

This technique also saves your previous front end setup so you can switch between them both just by ticking a box!

Thank you to the RL Devs, LB devs and everyone involved in this scene making it possible for us to do great things like this and making our lives easier.



RL Member
How did you get the year to show in the fade screen. The year does now show on mine, only the name of the games shows up.


New member
RL Member
I was talking to the RL team about that and for some reason I had the same issue when I first loaded this through RL. I have since updated everything to the latest on LB and RL and the bug seems to have gone :) Check my Requests thread for more info though mate!

Nice to see you again stranger, long time no see!


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RL Member
Been using RL with various frontends for quite a while, no ticking boxes to change between either.


RocketLauncher Developer
How did you get the year to show in the fade screen. The year does now show on mine, only the name of the games shows up.

The current launchbox plugin supports extracting the year info from the launchbox date field on its xml.
If you have any issue with that try to remove the LaunchBox section on your "RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Plugins.ini" and let RocketLauncher recreate it on your next launch.
If after that the year information it is still not showing, it is because the LaunchBox database lacks that info for the game that you are launching.


RL Member
The year is not showing on my fade screen as well. I tried removing the LaunchBox section in my "RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Plugins.ini" folder and let RL recreate it and the year still did not show up on the fade screen. I even went as far as installing a fresh copy of Rocketlauncher and LaunchBox both up to date and current to test with and still could not get the year to show up on the fade screen. The strange thing is, the year shows up on the Pause screen so it is pulling it from the xml, it just doesnt show up on the fade screen. I also looked at my LaunchBox xml manually and it has the dates in there. I also can get no artwork such as boxes carts,logos or videos to show on the Pause screen even though I have everything in the correct folders.


RocketLauncher Developer
Create a new thread about the problem, add a troubleshooting log, and screenshots of the pause and the fade screen.

I will see if I can help you somehow.

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RL Member
Same problem as kmoney2315. Date does show up in the pause menu, however I also don't have any media in the Pause menu. I'll wait for the results from kmoney2315.


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RL Member
Hi all,, i try to launch mame games and dont work... start mame in ui system... i atach image.. can you help me?
mame setup1.jpgmame setup2.png


Staff member
Paulmichael, don't hijack threads. Create your own.

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New member
RL Member
Paulmichael, don't hijack threads. Create your own.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I get it. I query on a post where they teach configure build another post because I do not understand ?
on the other hand .. every time I publish something, there is a problem . let me know if there is some personal problem with me the issue ? I just did a simple question did not believe necessary to create a post for it. but hey if necessary generare new one. please be patient I love your software I would like to contribute as sometimes I done but maybe ask a simple problem ... I must post and post and post repost etc .. to maybe a solution as simple as that should generate some I'm ignoring step and I do not notice thanks


New member
RL Member
I get it. I query on a post where they teach configure build another post because I do not understand ?
on the other hand .. every time I publish something, there is a problem . let me know if there is some personal problem with me the issue ? I just did a simple question did not believe necessary to create a post for it. but hey if necessary generare new one. please be patient I love your software I would like to contribute as sometimes I done but maybe ask a simple problem ... I must post and post and post repost etc .. to maybe a solution as simple as that should generate some I'm ignoring step and I do not notice thanks

djvj is unfair , there are several users pose their problems in this post and only me asking me to do my own post ?


He did that because your post is unrelated with this thread, your screenshots even show you are using the HyperSpin plugin not LaunchBox. kmoney was also asked to start a new thread so what you're saying isn't even true, don't try to start drama over nothing.

Anyway I'd say you have 7z enabled, but since you didn't post a full log no one will be able to help you out other than trying to guess what might be wrong.