Looking for COMPLETE LEDBLinky Setup.


RL Member
I am curious if anyone has a completed MAME cabinet that they have LEDBlinky profiles for. Not 1 or 2, but like... all of them. I am willing to pay and it will be for personal use and I will not share it with anyone. I would truly appreciate it!


Active member
RL Member
Ledblinky includes a tool called rocketblinky which is a tool that will take your control panel setup and make the profiles.

Taking someone’s setup isn’t going to work unless you have the exact same button arrangement.

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RL Member
It includes it or it is a separate program? I imagine if I didn't have the same button setup, the extra buttons just wouldn't light...


Active member
RL Member
It’s not just about number of buttons. The buttons can, of course, be laid out differently.

Anyway, the source of your external happiness will he found as a separate exe in the ledblinky folder. Make sure you have the latest version. You’re looking for rocketblinky.


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