mame w/ directinput, xpadder, and windows 10


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RL Member
Figured I would post for help after hours of searching and trying things with no luck.

Has anyone been able to use windows 10 in conjunction with xpadder and mame compiled for directinput? I cannot for the life of me get it to work with my controller. Have tried compiling myself as well as other pre-compiled builds with directinput enabled. Is there some special trick? I can tell xpadder is setup correctly because I can exit mame using it. Appreciate the input!!!


RL Member
Don't quote me, but I think just regular old mame now supports xbox controllers natively. I downloaded just the regular v172 and it works with my xbox controller with no need for xpadder.

My only other thought it to set the keys in mame anyway, and use xpadder only for the extra functionality if you needed it.

Sorry I can't be more help. I use the RetroArch mame core at this point. I just like to keep my options open.


New member
RL Member
Thank you I bet retroarch is my only bet on this. MAME does have a built in joystick feature that works well for everything except insert coin with button. I can only use xpadder to exit mame with windows 10.