Moves lists in Pause


New member
RL Member
Hi Guys,

Thanks for reading, for a start!

Back around 3 years ago, I was a hyperlaunch/rocketlauncher n00b. I used a newsgroup and downloaded my full setup and essentily fudged my way through.

This year, I have decided to go whole hog and built my collection from scratch (hypersync/emumovies tools included). The one thing I cant figure for the life of me is back when I first had my download, I would launch hyperpause on a game such as street fighter, go to moves list and there would be a list for each charachter, along with the keypresses needed for each move (joystick icon, then directions, then HK, LK LP. etc)

Does ANYONE recall ever seeing this, and if so, what the name of process to include it pause menu is? I only want the name as I am thoroughly enjoying learning HOW to set up, not just the "download and play" I used in the past.

Many thanks for your help, and a merry Christmas to all :D


RocketLauncher Developer
You just need to have a moves list file at: RocketLauncher\Data\Moves List\%SystemName%.dat
And enable the moves list menu on the pause menu settings of RLUI.
Besides that, you just have the moves icons on the folder RocketLauncher\Media\Moves List\_Default

After that it is just a matter of launching a game supported by the moves list info from the dat file.

You can find those file requirements either on the normal RL instalation or the base media pack on the downloads section of this site. I don't remember exactly if the images assets are included in the basic installation pack.

If even after that the moves list do not appear, read the wiki about troubleshooting and how to ask for help in a post, a log is always demanded.


New member
RL Member
Thank you so much for the reply. My apologies for the etiquette faux pas :( But you did help very much! Thanks again :D