MUGEN launch to fullscreen with AHK


New member
RL Member
Hi Guys,

I am reasonably familiar with AHK and have created several scripts without issue,

I am trying to set up a script so that MUGEN games will launch into fullscreen,

It essentially is just supposed to press alt+Enter after the game has started, I have this set to Post Launch,

Can anyone help?

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

winactivate, ahk_class SDL_app
WinWaitActive, ahk_class SDL_app
sleep 1000
send {Lalt down}{enter}{Lalt up}


New member
RL Member
Thanks for the reply,

I have over 50 games so a script would be a lot more simple when setting them up,


RL Member
i went through the process of editing all 50 or so config files yesterday, adding scanlines to the output, making them fullscreen and fixing the key mapping... not fun! phew..


New member
RL Member
@spotUP Wowzas! Thats a lot of Work!

Also I didn't even know you could add scanlines, Awesome!

Do you have a link to the process you used for adding them?

Also is there a quick way to assign controls?

I have just been doing it manually in game, but it seems like every game should have the same controls right?

Any advice would be great,