[SOLVED] Newb needing help

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RL Member
Hey guys
I have what I hope is a simple problem to fix. I want to pause Future Pinball. I am using Hyperspin/RocketLauncher to run everything. I have a pause button on my arcade, but it's mapped to "p" (MAME default). I'm aware of Rocket Launcher's pause, and may use that in the future, but right now I want to use Future Pinball's pause (it shows hi scores). In Future Pinball pause is hard coded to the Pause/Break key. I have found some information on remapping keys, and I know the Pause/Break key is a special case with autohotkey because pause and break are also keywords for autohotkey. What I've found is this *should* work to remap "p" to Pause/Break:

p::SendInput, {Pause}

Problem is, I don't know where to add it to the Future Pinball Module. Everywhere I put it seems to halt the ahk script. If I put it before th e"Run" command, Future Pinball never loads. If I put it after, I can't exit cleanly. What am I missing?

For reference, this is the Future Pinball ahk file I have:

MEmu = Future Pinball
MEmuV = v1.9.1.20101231
MURL = http://www.futurepinball.com/
MAuthor = djvj,brolly,bleasby
MVersion = 2.0.1
MCRC = D29236A2
iCRC = F3A73C54
MID = 635038268894446032
MSystem = "Future Pinball"
; Notes:
; Thanks to the FPLaunch author for some of the code
; To set fullscreen, open the emu and goto Preferences->Video / Rendering Options and set your resolution and check fullscreen.
; To prevent crashes disable "Load Image into Table Editor" under Preferences->Editor Options
; AHK is not 100% reliable with its focusing. If coin/start/flipper buttons don't function when you start a table, try clicking your left mouse button.
; The script will fail If you have any errors or missing files for your tables. Make sure every table is working before you turn on the LoadingScreen.
; If you use Esc as your exit_emulator_key, you may see the table editor flash in when you exit a game. This is because Esc is the default fixed key for FP so it's closing the game before ahk does.
; If you get script errors or no tables seem to work, try running FP as admin and it will probably fix it.
; If you need to run FP as admin, you can try this trick http://www.zdnet.com/blog/bott/fixing-windows-vista-part-2-taming-uac/436?pg=4 and use the other Run command commented below
; Future Pinball stores its config in the registry @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer
; For tables with custom game rooms you can see the fine details by pressing F11 to enable manual camera, then using WASD and your mouse to move around. Press F1 through F5 to cycle the camera views.
; If you are using BAM together with Future Pinball, make sure you point your emulator executable to the FPLoader.exe file and do not rename this file to anything else.
; You can download BAM here : http://www.ravarcade.pl/
;If you want to hide the future pinball loading screen behind fade, you just need to set the fullscreen option to false.

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
ArcadeRenderer := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ArcadeRenderer", "false",,1)
RenderGameRoom := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "RenderGameRoom", "false",,1)
Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
WindowedResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Windowed_Resolution",A_ScreenWidth . "x" . A_ScreenHeight,,1)


If bezelPath
	WindowedResolution := % Round(bezelScreenWidth) . "x" . Round(bezelScreenHeight)

If (executable = "FPLoader.exe")
	StayInRAM := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "StayInRAM", "false",,1) ;Only applicable with BAM

If (ArcadeRenderer = "true")
	ParamsEnd := "/arcaderender"
If (StayInRAM = "true")
	ParamsBegin := "/STAYINRAM"

If (Fullscreen = "true")
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, FullScreen, 1
Else {
	StringSplit, WindowedResolution, WindowedResolution, x
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, Width, %WindowedResolution1%
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, Height, %WindowedResolution2%
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, FullScreen, 0

;Setting RenderGameRoom option on registry If needed
RegRead, currentGameRoom, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, RenderGameRoom
If (currentGameRoom != RenderGameRoom)
{	NewValue := If RenderGameRoom = "true" ? "1" : "0"
	RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer, RenderGameRoom, %NewValue%

hideEmuObj := Object("ahk_class Ghost",0,"ahk_class SPLASH",0,"ahk_class ScriptEditorClass",0,"ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary",0,"ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL",1,"ahk_class FuturePinball",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

Run(executable . " " . ParamsBegin . " /open """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """ /play /exit" . " " . ParamsEnd, emupath, "Hide")
;Run, "schtasks /run /tn ?Future Pinball?", C:\Windows\system32 ; this runs FP via Task Scheduler If you need to run as admin and don't want to see a UAC popup

WinWait("ahk_class FuturePinball")
WinWait("ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL")
WinActivate, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL
WinWaitActive("ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL")
WinWait, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary,,1	; do not use the function because it will ScriptError after 1 second
WinActivate, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary
WinWaitActive, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary,,1	; do not use the function because it will ScriptError after 1 second
WinWaitClose("ahk_class Ghost",,5)	; this doesn't always get picked up by ahk, so we need a timeout
Loop {
	IfWinActive, Future Pinball ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL
	WinActivate, Future Pinball ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL
	Sleep, 50
WinWaitActive("Future Pinball ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL")

If (Fullscreen = "false"){
	If !bezelPath {
		WinGet emulatorID, ID, A
		WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
		WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A
		WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , 0, 0
		timeout := A_TickCount
		Sleep, 200
		Loop {
			Sleep, 50
			WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %emulatorID%
			If (X=0) and (Y=0)
			If (timeout < A_TickCount - 3000)
			Sleep, 50
			WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , 0, 0

Process("WaitClose", executable)

	WinHide, ahk_class FuturePinball	; need these 2 lines otherwise the table editor flashes over the GUI
	WinMinimize, ahk_class FuturePinball
	WinClose("ahk_class FuturePinball")
	WinWaitClose("ahk_class FuturePinball")	; this helps eliminate the slight flicker when you exit the table

Any help is appreciated!


RocketLauncher Developer
You should avoid editing module files directly at all costs!!!

Read about the RL keymapper feature.

If you follow the instructions on RLUI, you will can easily make an ahk keymapper that does what you want.


New member
RL Member
You should avoid editing module files directly at all costs!!!

Read about the RL keymapper feature.

If you follow the instructions on RLUI, you will can easily make an ahk keymapper that does what you want.

Thanks! I actually found the KeyMapper stuff just recently. I'm not sure I have this right (will test when I get home), but I created "C:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Future Pinball.ahk" with just the following text:

p::SendInput, {Pause}

Does that seem right?


New member
RL Member
Thanks. I saw that thread, but hadn't read all the way through it before. Last night I did exactly as suggested. I mapped the middle mouse click to Pause in Future Pinball (tested with a real middle mouse click and it worked to pause!) Then I edited "C:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Future Pinball.ahk" to have:


But, unfortunately, that did not work. Is there a setting I have to have to enable KeyMapper in Rocket Launcher? My RocketLauncher.ini has this in the KeyMapper section:

Keymapper_AHK_Enabled = external

I added the last line (Keymapper_AHK_Enabled = external) based on something I saw in the rocket launcher docs for KeyMapper- with or without that line it doesn't work.


RocketLauncher Developer
Read your rocketlauncher.log file.
It tells you where it is looking for the keymapper file and if it is capable of loading it.

Also, make sure you have the keymapper enabled on the RLUI > settings > mapping tab.

I don't control much of the keymapper feature, but if you have any problems, just create the keymap through RLUI. It will place the keymap on the correct place for you.

Lastly, it is important to always add a troubleshooting log to your post when asking for any kind of help.


New member
RL Member
Read your rocketlauncher.log file.
It tells you where it is looking for the keymapper file and if it is capable of loading it.

Also, make sure you have the keymapper enabled on the RLUI > settings > mapping tab.

I don't control much of the keymapper feature, but if you have any problems, just create the keymap through RLUI. It will place the keymap on the correct place for you.

Lastly, it is important to always add a troubleshooting log to your post when asking for any kind of help.

Thank you! I have it working now. The key was to select set "Ahk Method" to "External" (enabling the keymapper feature actually broke things worse because I don't have xpadder or joytokey installed). I looked at the configs and found doing that through the UI added
to "Global RocketLauncher.ini", not RocketLauncher.ini as I did manually.

Anyway, pause works great now, thanks!


RocketLauncher Developer
Nice. I am glad that I could help you on that.
I will make this thread as solved right now.
I love doing that :)
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