Pause media for clones.


RL Member
I did not find a solution for this, so I request the feature =) In short, display parent media for clones in hyperpause.

I made this script that uses the MAME 0.154 Extras to feed media to Hyperpause, but right now I have to copy everything multiple times for each clone, leaving me with 31.4GB (compressed) media.

Edit: Got cut short when GF came home =)
The source of this is from this thread
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Staff member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Clones are more a system specific flag where right now HP does not take into account system specifics like that. Bleasby will have to decide how to support this as it's also related to FE specific info from the database.

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RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

What if instead of copying stuff multiple times if you knew which ones were clones you could use symlinks to the parent media folders. Just an idea not sure if that is possible even.


RocketLauncher Developer
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

I will try to add support for as many assets as I can to use parent files on clone games if there is any parent info in the database.

I will do that as soon as I am able to get some free time to repass the hyperpause code to work with the new beta testing features.

This will be most probably a user definable hyperpause or hyperlaunch option.

Just be patient, and this will come.


Staff member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Symlinks are not portable, so it is not a solution.

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New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

I will try to add support for as many assets as I can to use parent files on clone games if there is any parent info in the database.

Sorry but isn't this hypocritical? a mere few days ago you posted this:

bleasby said:
This is very specific and I have no intention to include on the official release. The _Default folders are meant to share assets between a large number of games. Any other solution for that would imply the same work that you would have to add a symbolic link to the contents and share between the games that you want. Not in my todo list.

It's the same workload one than the other, you only change the lookup file.


RocketLauncher Developer
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Sorry but isn't this hypocritical?

Do I really have to answer that?

It is just unbelievable stupid and offensive to call me hypocritical over that. You should have at least a clue of the things that you request before choosing to freely offend somebody else.

The clone off tag already exists on databases. It is already a variable of the program. It is already dealt within the HL plugin structure. It has its structure well defined. It is an unidirectional and singular relationship (each game has only one possible parent and it stops there). It is limited to work only inside the same system. It is already supported for alternative media assets and alternative database info for some of the features of HL, like the frontend videos that I show on HyperPause for example. It only requires the same code to be applied to a wider range of HyperPause features to be added to the current build.

Your requested feature: requires extra file access commands; if correctly implemented is most probably a non singular and non unidirectional relationship between games; it does not even has a structure defined (you and ghutch started to discuss something very crude about it); it is not limited to assets share within the same system only, which brings a lot of extra complications on the file input structure;...

If you do not have any idea about what you are asking for, please DON'T OFFEND ME for trying to improve things so OTHERS THAN YOU CAN ENJOY the program in a better way.

I do not even use a frontend, I do not have time to play games, I only sit in front of the computer after a hard day of work, in hours that I could be sleeping, to make HL stuff because of the nice people that is around here.
If you don't like my free shared work, please next time just save your personal opinions to yourself. I don't want to have as a reward be called by offensive words. If this starts, I will for sure rethink if I should really spend my time adding even a single code line to this.

DJVJ, feel free to remove or edit in any way my post if you think that you should keep the forum clear of such outbursts.
I just felt the need to answer the very biased previous post.


Staff member
Dogway, this is your one and only warning. You bring the same tone over here, to my house, you will be banned. I don't tolerate your attitude and you are very lucky I have not banned you already over on HS as I have banned others for less. Your only saving grace is you actually have some good input to offer and I'm trying to cut you some slack. But that only buys you so much time.

Sent from my Samsung S3 using Tapatalk


New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

I'm not calling you hypocrite but if you feel offended...

I'm well aware of the clone tag, but really looking for the clone tag on a xml is as simple as it gets, and way easier for .ini files (my request), this is repeatedly done in hyperlaunch. Now what you are left with is the same workload for both. Your reply this time is waaaay more elaborated than a briefly "not on my todo list", we are communicating.

ghutch wanted to do something nuts, control what of the hundreds of images (or assets) in a game is shared among the thousands of games, I don't want to spend my life editing, no thanks, I suggested him to share folders inside a label (later on development) but he didn't feel comfortable with the idea, at a point I didn't know if he was on his feet or not. So don't alienate me with such crazy ideas please, I look forward practical solutions.

I know you are not currently on the works, not even remembering exactly how hyperpause used to function (your words) despite how much you try to convince me how impossible my request was, and I'm not criticizing that, but you seem to be more open to some IMO unneeded features (why would you want repeated clone games?), than a real scenario need, save tons and tons of gigabytes (talking hundreds) of redundant media. If you bother because you need to copy a few more MAME clone art here and there (15Gb at most of redundancy) then you care for saving a few hundred Gb (manuals, guides, videos, artbooks, comics, art, music... you name it). Don't be such dramatic.

edit: djvj, why is with that condescending tone? I DO HAVE a point, and I explained it above. That dramatic bleasby's reply was uncalled for. I'm putting his words towards himself, because to me it doesn't make sense at all to support one feature few days later of blatantly putting it off in such a hostile manner... yes hostile is the word, I would have shared so much more without that hostile attitude I have got in the forums... I believe in the community not in individual egos (and their fandbase).
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New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

I'm not calling you hypocrite but if you feel offended...

I'm well aware of the clone tag, but really looking for the clone tag on a xml is as simple as it gets, and way easier for .ini files (my request), this is repeatedly done in hyperlaunch. Now what you are left with is the same workload for both. Your reply this time is waaaay more elaborated than a briefly "not on my todo list", we are communicating.

ghutch wanted to do something nuts, control what of the hundreds of images (or assets) in a game is shared among the thousands of games, I don't want to spend my life editing, no thanks, I suggested him to share folders inside a label (later on development) but he didn't feel comfortable with the idea, at a point I didn't know if he was on his feet or not. So don't alienate me with such crazy ideas please, I look forward practical solutions.

I know you are not currently on the works, not even remembering exactly how hyperpause used to function (your words) despite how much you try to convince me how impossible my request was, and I'm not criticizing that, but you seem to be more open to some IMO unneeded features (why would you want repeated clone games?), than a real scenario need, save tons and tons of gigabytes (talking hundreds) of redundant media. If you bother because you need to copy a few more MAME clone art here and there (15Gb at most of redundancy) then you care for saving a few hundred Gb (manuals, guides, videos, artbooks, comics, art, music... you name it). Don't be such dramatic.

edit: djvj, why is with that condescending tone? I DO HAVE a point, and I explained it above. That dramatic bleasby's reply was uncalled for. I'm putting his words towards himself, because to me it doesn't make sense at all to support one feature few days later of blatantly putting it off in such a hostile manner... yes hostile is the word, I would have shared so much more without that hostile attitude I have got in the forums... I believe in the community not in individual egos (and their fandbase).

If bleasby/djvj implements only the clone being able to share the parent's files, can you do what you originally wanted?

This is a Yes or No question, no explanation or other answers needed.
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New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

edit: I misread your question. Yes, having a look at the code. It's possible if code is not too spread out. Below my old post.

No, because I only have about 1000 MAME games (no clones, crap, etc).

For that I used a custom AHK script that copies clone art to parent folders, it only raised a few gigabytes (about 3), so to bother so much (with HyperPause code) for so little gain it's a bit ridiculous IMO, if you are going to get your hands dirty at least do something more worthy, don't you think?

edit: btw lots of the art packs for MAME are jpg's converted to png's and occasionally edited (basically with saturation pumped up). I don't know why they did that. I redownloaded many of them in the original jpg weighting much less and with more natural colors.
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Staff member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Dogway, it is your approach, you constantly attack rather than respond. You come across as expecting the developers to implement your requests, where as a simple request would suffice, like all the others before you. If we can get to it and feel it is a worthy addition we will. Do not forget, you did not employ us. Look at how many of your threads have turned into arguments. The common denominator here is your approach into each matter. Leave it at the door here please, that's all I ask.


New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

You say it as I was a beggar, you know I also work on my stuff and fix my things (the ones I'm able to of course). I'm pretty neutral but not being upfront is what worries me more from people as I pointed above, hostile to some users and welcoming to others, what kind of approach would you expect from me? I give what I receive. The problem comes when forums become a pot for high ego individuals wanting to fill that void, easy thanks between net friends and cool words. I'm all for the project, not the people, if today being neutral sounds like edgy then that's very wrong, there's a thanks button and I don't need to go embellishing my phrases. I would have loved to talk to you on a technical level on so many threads... and here we are discussing nonsense.

edit: I don't expect my requests to be implemented, I expect feedback, kind of "ROGER", heard ya, good idea, bad idea (and explanation) or we are busy, as bleasby explained, and which I'm fine with.

Well, I go to sleep. Good night.
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New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Good, I'm glad that you can solve it with the simpler edit of adding clone/parent relationship support to hyperpause.
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RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

(why would you want repeated clone games?), than a real scenario need.

Well, it IS a real scenario need for me. Since you do not have clones in your system, it is not for you. Just have a look at the difference in size between the media with clones and without.
ftp://misc:[email protected]/MAME/MAME_HyperPause_Media/RomSet 0.154/

I was not going to reply to this thread initially, and I will not reply any more. The way you write is very offensive and triggers a side in me that I can disregard now that I'm in my 40s.


New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

Leave it at the door here please, that's all I ask.
The ban should have been lifted 2 days ago, I even messaged you the day before yesterday. That's the seriousness you presume off. I was warned I could not post in the forums, not that my privileges would be cut (gold forum access, FTP). Don't be a kid and lift me the ban so I can put my stuff together and leave this ungrateful community, you clearly don't deserve my manpower.


Staff member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

It's supposed to be lifted automatically. Might be a fault in the tools controlling it. I lifted it now.

Next time you start up, no matter the reason, the ban will be permanent. I really don't care what manpower you have to offer, it's not worth your demoralizing attitude. If you feel you can't control yourself, then just stay quite and behind the scenes like many others.


New member
RL Member
Re: HyperPause media for clones.

"Next time.." "Next time..." I don't want to deal with such hostile and flaming words anymore. It's not about not controlling myself which in fact I have been doing the last 2 weeks, it's more about dealing with moderators with easy fingers and disproportionate bans. Just wanted to clear that up. Good bye.