Play slideshow while unzipping

Johnny Mazzic

New member
RL Member
Hi guys, as Alpenjodler mentioned in one of the threads of Hyperspin forum, unzip an iso can take some time, what if we could have the option to play a series of images while unzip the iso or rom in the fade screen? To give you an idea, it would be something very similar to the "extrafanart" feature of XBMC. Also ability to control the amount of time and order of each image, thanks in advance.


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


RocketLauncher Developer
You could use the layer 4 for doing that (the one that makes the bottom right loading circle). Just rename your background images to begin with the layer 4 naming convention and adjust the velocity field for the animation.

Either that or you are going to need changing some code on the fade animations. The fade animation code is open exactly because I that. You could do whatever you want with it.

If you want that option added by us to any layer 1 image, I am afraid that I must say to you that this is not on the priorities list, as there are many things needed to be done before, but I could try to take a look at some time in the future.