Request :" Postlaunch" for all module


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RL Member

I think it would be useful to have "Postlaunch" as PClauncher in all modules/systems, for example to start AHK sleep/send keys and other .exe.

No ?

thank you a lot


Staff member
That's what UserFunctions is for really. PostLaunch was meant as a way to cleanup from PC games/apps which you only use with PCLauncher. If you start to need a more global approach, utilize UserFunctions.


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RL Member
I'm a little confused, djvj. You told me this in another thread:

...But to press a key for a non-pc game is not really supported as there is no PostLaunch support for anything outside pclauncher.

So, if I want AHK to press a key in-game, I can use userfunctions? I thought you stated that it was not possible.


Staff member
To press a key in game, yes you can use postlaunch for that, as long as it's using PCLauncher. If it's not, you need to use userfunctions for now.


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Ok for userfunction, but works for a the "module" not for one game as PCLAUNCHER.

Is anyone can explain to me how it works ? I understand ...but I do not know how to do :

I want only for "dolphin triforce" launch a AHK, in this AHK :

sleep, 10000
send {F1 down}{F1 up}

I would like: When i launch a game with module dolphin triforce, 10 sec after RL send F1

Can someone explain to me in detail ? i read but not understand all...

Thank you a lot


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RL Member
I'm having a hard time understanding this. I managed to make a user function that activates only when I run Prince of Persia in MS-DOS.

Global systemName, romName, emuPath 
	Log("StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting")
        If (systemName = "Microsoft MS-DOS" && romname = "Prince of Persia (1990)")
        WinWait("DOSBox ahk_class SDL_app")
        Sleep, 5000
        Send, {M down}
        sleep, 100
        Send, {M up}

But This won't launch the game since the functions are happening before the game starts. How can I make it do it's thing after the game has launched?


Staff member
Re: Request :" Postlaunch" for all module

Yes I'm sorry. It's not possible to perform a function after the emu has launched for this reason. Userfunctions is only right before the emu launches. Currently only pclauncher is capable to do something after the emu launches but before you close it.

Right now your only option is to edit the module and code something right before the process wait close line.

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Re: Request :" Postlaunch" for all module

Yes I'm sorry. It's not possible to perform a function after the emu has launched for this reason. Userfunctions is only right before the emu launches. Currently only pclauncher is capable to do something after the emu launches but before you close it.

Right now your only option is to edit the module and code something right before the process wait close line.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

OK. Thanks. This is a feature that I would love to see in RL.
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