RetroFE Aeon NOX (Current Setup)


Video of my current setup

Just wanted to say thanks to all involved!
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New member
RL Member
Nice job, first 3 level I have seen someone do with it. You should share some of your stuff from it over on their forum =)


New member
RL Member
Totally nitpicky here but here's a small suggestion. Have that text that scrolls in from the right just pop into existence instead, pause for a few seconds, then begin to scroll.


RocketLauncher Developer
I am beginning to try RetroFE out.
Indeed you have a very nice setup marxkemp!
Would you mind to share the basic artwork for the systems that you already have setup on, or at least let me know were to get them?
I would be interested in getting some system logos, device images and fanart to save me some time.
Besides, I would be interested in any info about if there is already floating around somewhere filled databases and story files fro REtroFE.


Super Moderator
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RL Member
I am beginning to try RetroFE out.
Indeed you have a very nice setup marxkemp!
Would you mind to share the basic artwork for the systems that you already have setup on, or at least let me know were to get them?
I would be interested in getting some system logos, device images and fanart to save me some time.
Besides, I would be interested in any info about if there is already floating around somewhere filled databases and story files fro REtroFE.

When I switched to RetroFE at the beginning of this year I just used all the media I had from HyperSpin and that's where I continue to get new stuff since that's the only place that's really cranking out quality stuff. For the device images I grabbed them from a bunch of random google searches but there's also this download I saw on the LaunchBox forum.

The only databases I'm aware of that have the extra info are the ones that billyc did for the HS Aeon Nox theme. The only problem with those is from what I remember they were based on the HS xmls on HyperList (just like the default ones that RetroFE uses) and quite a few of them are just bad in terms of naming and meta info. I've started just manually adding the developer info to my xmls. I think I remember seeing someone that posted story files on the RetroFE forum a while back. I parsed billyc's xmls to get stories for a few of the systems he had completed them for, but haven't really messed with any other than that.

Even though I switched over a while ago I haven't really spent much time on tweaking the frontend as I would've liked, but I plan on devoting more time to it. 99% of the time I just use some program called "RocketLauncherUI" to launch games that some guys developed :D


RocketLauncher Developer
yeah, I also heard about that RocketLauncherUI misterious program. :D

I am beginning to experiment with other FEs to get the taste of what is around.
Thank you for al the info!
I guessed that there would be a more organized source for the RetoFE stuff already settled, but again, maybe not.

Someday we will probably need to get our hands dirt and make a decent structured database repository. Don't you think brolly ;).


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RL Member
That's exactly what I did, tested out a bunch of different frontends (HyperSpin, LaunchBox/BigBox, emulationstation, Attract Mode) and finally settled on RetroFE as it fit my style and what I was looking for more than the rest. I believe phulshof is trying to get things more organized with the new site (, he didn't have control over the current one so he was limited in what he could accomplish. I know he already made a post in there asking for story files.

I also think the forum/community isn't very large or active but it seems like more people are trickling in. So that could also account for the lack of info and organization. I don't think I've even posted in the forum and I've been using it for a while now (shame on me). Hell, even with large user bases it's usually only a select few that contribute. I know that on the HS site there's maybe 3-4 of us actively trying to improve the xmls and not many more than that doing artwork regularly.

If you guys eventually decide to venture into the databases let me know, I'd be willing to help where I can. I know that's not going to be a small undertaking and you 3 already have your hands full with life and current dev.


Oh I've been venturing in databases for the last 5 or 6 years.

I do have big plans for them as some of you already know, it just won't happen in the HS forums anymore as I don't intend to make anymore posts in there. We might indeed see a decent database repository popping out somewhere in the future ;)

I never thought RLUI would become such a popular frontend back when we started developing it lol

bleasby, you can get a pre-configured setup from the Emumovies FTP, but this will mean downloading like 40GB since videos are also included on it... I already asked marxkemp for the story files and fanart since I'm also giving this frontend a try (since I wasn't the first to ask for this though).


Ill put a reminder to help brolly bleasby out on sunday. RLUI makes my hobby life the best. Same goes for brollys databases.