[SOLVED] Xpadder not loading profiles PART DUEX

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RL Member

I'm trying to set up my Touhou project and doujin games; I have 2 wired xbox360 controllers aka XINPUT controllers, some of these Japanese games are not current so DINPUT controller required.

I have both Joy2Key and Xpadder (as well as something called XInput Plus). Now before everyone jumps one me and say just use JOY2KEY. I came across Touhou project profiles for XPadder and figured that would be easy. So I set it up and launched one game to test "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers" and the game launches but my controls don't work. Looking at the log there is an error but I don't know where to go to fix it.
09:48:57:082 | RL |      INFO  | +N/A   | Main - RocketLauncher v1.2.0.1 (www.rlauncher.com)
09:48:57:208 | RL |      INFO  | +125   | Main - System Specs:
					RocketLauncher Dir: D:\Games\RocketLauncher
					RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
					OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
					SKU: Windows 8
					Total Memory: 16340.45 MB
					Free Memory: 10733.62 MB
					Used Memory: 5606.824 MB
					SystemType: 64-bit
					Physical Processors: 1
					Logical Processors: 8
					GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
					GPU 1 RAM: -1.00 MB
					GPU 1 Driver Version:
					Sound 1 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
					Sound 1 Status: Enabled
					Sound 2 Device: Steam Streaming Microphone
					Sound 2 Status: Enabled
					Sound 3 Device: Steam Streaming Speakers
					Sound 3 Status: Enabled
					Sound 4 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
					Sound 4 Status: Enabled
					Sound 5 Device: Sound Blaster Recon3Di
					Sound 5 Status: Enabled
					OS Language: English_United_States
					System Locale: en-CA
					Formats Locale: en-CA
					Windows UI Language: en-US
					Text Encoding: Windows-1252
					OS Admin Status: No
					RL Compatibility Flags:  HIGHDPIAWARE
					Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1080 work) [32bit] [144hz] [Landscape]  (Primary)
					Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920
					Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080
					Monitor #1 DPI: 100
					ErrorMode: 0
					AutoHotkey Path: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
09:48:57:208 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
09:48:57:209 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Touhou Project -r 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers -f D:\Games\Hyperspin\HyperSpin.exe -p HyperSpin -c 1 -o 1"
09:48:57:209 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin"
09:48:57:209 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - RocketLauncher received "Touhou Project" and "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
09:48:57:210 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers contains a System key in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Games.ini. Switching systemName to Touhou Project
09:48:57:214 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Did not find a "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
09:48:57:214 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers is switching to emulator T98-Next via: D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Games.ini
09:48:57:214 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [T98-Next] section in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Emulators.ini
09:48:57:214 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [T98-Next] section in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
09:48:57:214 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [T98-Next] in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
09:48:57:215 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk exists
09:48:57:218 | RL |      INFO  | +15    | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
09:48:57:218 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers will use module: D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk
09:48:57:226 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
09:48:57:231 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE exists
09:48:57:232 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | Main - INI Keys read
09:48:57:232 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
09:48:57:232 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
09:48:57:238 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
09:48:57:238 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
09:48:57:238 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.hdi
09:48:57:238 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.hdi
09:48:57:238 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
09:48:57:239 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:
					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					Global RLLog
					Global RLObject
					0 := "12"
					rlPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher"
					pluginPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Plugins"
					pluginName := "HyperSpin"
					pluginExt := ".plugin"
					contextOnExit := "1"
					rlMode := ""
					rlTitle := "RocketLauncher"
					rlVersion := ""
					rlAuthor := "djvj"
					rlURL := "www.rlauncher.com"
					langFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini"
					primMonitor := "1"
					frontendPID := ""
					frontendPath := "D:\Games\Hyperspin"
					frontendExe := "HyperSpin.exe"
					frontendExt := "exe"
					frontendName := "HyperSpin"
					frontendDrive := "D"
					exitEmulatorKey := "~Esc"
					restoreFE := "false"
					exitScriptKey := "~q & ~s"
					toggleCursorKey := "~e & ~t"
					emuFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE"
					emuPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project"
					emuName := "T98-Next"
					emuExt := "EXE"
					baseRomPath := ""
					romPath := "D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project"
					romPathFromIni := "D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project"
					romExtension := ".hdi"
					romExtensionOrig := ".hdi"
					romExtensions := "hdi"
					executable := "Next.EXE"
					systemDbName := "Touhou Project"
					systemName := "Touhou Project"
					dbPath := ""
					dbName := "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					dbExt := ""
					romFoundByExt := ""
					romName := "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					romMapPath := ""
					romMappingEnabled := "false"
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled := "false"
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt := "false"
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive := "true"
					romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen := "7"
					romMappingHideParent := "false"
					romMappingMenuWidth := "400"
					romMappingMenuMargin := "65"
					romMappingTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold"
					romMappingDisabledTextColor := "ff888888"
					romMappingTextSizeDifference := "7"
					romMappingTextMargin := "15"
					romMappingTitleTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitleTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold"
					romMappingTitle2TextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold"
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular"
					romMappingGameNameTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameNameTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular"
					romMappingBackgroundBrush := "aa000000"
					romMappingColumnBrush := "33000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush1 := "6f000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush2 := "33000000"
					romMappingBackgroundAlign := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth := "55"
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation := "7"
					romMappingDefaultMenuList := "FullList"
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch := "false"
					altArchiveNameOnly := ""
					altRomNameOnly := ""
					altArchiveAndRomName := ""
					altArchiveAndManyRomNames := ""
					altRomNamesOnly := ""
					romMapScenario := ""
					skipchecks := "false"
					romMatchExt := "false"
					blockInputTime := "0"
					blockInputFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe"
					errorLevelReporting := "false"
					lockLaunch := "false"
					lockLaunchGame := ""
					screenRotationAngle := "0"
					screenRotationAngleGame := ""
					setResolution := ""
					logFile := ""
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","   DEBUG","   TRACE"]
					logLevel := "3"
					logShowDebugConsole := "false"
					logShowCommandWindow := "false"
					logCommandWindow := "false"
					logIncludeModule := "true"
					logIncludeFileProperties := "true"
					logIncludeDLLLogs := "false"
					errorSounds := "true"
					rlDebugConsoleStdout := ""
					sysLang := "English_United_States"
					sysType := "64-bit"
					broadcastWindowTitle := ""
					navUpKey := "Up"
					navDownKey := "Down"
					navLeftKey := "Left"
					navRightKey := "Right"
					navSelectKey := "Enter"
					navP2UpKey := "Numpad8"
					navP2DownKey := "Numpad2"
					navP2LeftKey := "Numpad4"
					navP2RightKey := "Numpad6"
					navP2SelectKey := "NumpadEnter"
					originalWidth := "1920"
					originalHeight := "1080"
					vdEnabled := "false"
					vdFullPath := "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"
					vdUseSCSI := "false"
					vdDriveLetter := "K"
					vdDriveLetterScsi := ""
					vdAddDrive := "true"
					demulShooterPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\DemulShooter_v4.6\DemulShooter.exe"
					servoStikEnabled := "false"
					servoStikExitMode := "false"
					ledblinkyEnabled := "false"
					ledblinkySystemName := ""
					ledblinkyFullPath := ""
					ledblinkyProfilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky"
					ledblinkyRLProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher"
					winIPACFullPath := ""
					ultraMapEnabled := "false"
					ultraMapFullPath := ""
					emuIdleShutdown := "0"
					launchPasswordHash := "UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight"
					cursorSize := ""
					hideCursor := "false"
					hideEmu := "false"
					hideFE := "false"
					suspendFE := "true"
					fadeIn := "true"
					fadeInDuration := "500"
					fadeInTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeIn"
					fadeInDelay := "1000"
					fadeInExitDelay := "0"
					fadeOutExitDelay := "0"
					fadeOut := "true"
					fadeOutExtraScreen := "false"
					fadeOutDuration := "500"
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeOut"
					fadeOutDelay := "1000"
					fadeLyrInterpolation := "7"
					fadeMuteEmulator := "false"
					fadeUseBackgrounds := "false"
					fadeClickThrough := "false"
					fadeSounds := "true"
					fade7zProgressMode := "extraction"
					fadeWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					fadeHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					fadeLyr1Color := "FF000000"
					fadeLyr1AlignImage := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2Pos := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2X := "0"
					fadeLyr2Y := "0"
					fadeLyr2W := ""
					fadeLyr2H := ""
					fadeLyr2Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr2PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr2Prefix := "Extra Layer 1 - Console"
					fadeLyr3Pos := "Center"
					fadeLyr3X := "450"
					fadeLyr3Y := "450"
					fadeLyr3W := ""
					fadeLyr3H := ""
					fadeLyr3Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3Speed := "750"
					fadeLyr3Animation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr37zAnimation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr3Type := "imageandbar"
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress := "true"
					fadeLyr3Repeat := "1"
					fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency := "30"
					fadeLyr3StaticPos := "No Alignment"
					fadeLyr3StaticX := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticY := "870|1575"
					fadeLyr3StaticW := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticH := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticAdjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3StaticPicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticPrefix := "Info Bar"
					fadeLyr4Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr4X := "1792|952"
					fadeLyr4Y := "891|1596"
					fadeLyr4W := "231"
					fadeLyr4H := "250"
					fadeLyr4Pos := "Bottom Center"
					fadeLyr4FPS := "50"
					fadeLyr4PicPad := "420"
					fadeTranspGifColor := "FFFFFF"
					fadeBarWindow := "Image"
					fadeBarWindowX := ""
					fadeBarWindowY := ""
					fadeBarWindowW := "900"
					fadeBarWindowH := ""
					fadeBarWindowR := "30"
					fadeBarWindowM := "30"
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBar := "7zOnly"
					fadeProgressDuration := "0"
					fadeBarBack := "true"
					fadeBarBackColor := "FF555555"
					fadeBarH := "30"
					fadeBarR := "10"
					fadeBarColor := "DD00BFFF"
					fadeBarHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBarPercentageText := "true"
					fadeBarInfoText := "true"
					fadeBarXOffset := "0"
					fadeBarYOffset := "150"
					fadeRomInfoDescription := "filtered text"
					fadeRomInfoSystemName := "image"
					fadeRomInfoYear := "text with label"
					fadeRomInfoDeveloper := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoPublisher := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoGenre := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoRating := "image"
					fadeRomInfoOrder := "Description|SystemName|Year|Developer|Genre|Rating|Publisher"
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement := "User Defined"
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeRomInfoText1Options := "w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText2Options := "w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText3Options := "w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText4Options := "w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText5Options := "cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText6Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText7Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStatsInfoOrder := "Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time"
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement := "topRight"
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeText1X := "0"
					fadeText1Y := "0"
					fadeText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText1 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText2X := "0"
					fadeText2Y := "0"
					fadeText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText2 := "Extraction Complete, Ready"
					fadeText3 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText4 := "Loading Complete"
					fadeFont := "Bebas Neue"
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly := "false"
					fadeExtractionTime := "disabled"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextX := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextY := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions := "cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold"
					fadeInterruptKey := ""
					detectFadeErrorEnabled := "true"
					fadeImgPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade"
					RLDataPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Data"
					RLMediaPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media"
					RLErrSoundPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error"
					modulesPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules"
					moduleFullName := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk"
					moduleName := "T98-Next"
					modulePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next"
					moduleExtension := "ahk"
					moduleExtensionsPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions"
					libPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib"
					sevenZEnabled := "false"
					sevenZPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
					sevenZDllPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll"
					sevenZExtractPath := "C:\Temp Game HyperSpin"
					sevenZExtractPathOrig := ""
					sevenZAttachSystemName := "false"
					sevenZDelTemp := "false"
					sevenZFormats := ".7z|.rar|.zip"
					sevenZFormatsNoP := "7z|rar|zip"
					sevenZFormatsRegEx := "\.7z|\.rar|\.zip"
					sevenZGamesToKeep := ""
					sevenZDeletePerSystem := "false"
					sevenZExtensions := "7z|rar|zip"
					7zExtractPath := "C:\Temp Game HyperSpin"
					mgEnabled := "false"
					mgKey := "~NumpadSub"
					mgBackgroundColor := "FF000000"
					mgSidePadding := "0.2"
					mgWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					mgHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					mgYOffset := "500|800"
					mgFont := "Arial"
					mgText1Options := "x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic"
					mgText1Text := "Please select a game"
					mgText2Options := "w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic"
					mgText2Offset := "100"
					mgUseSound := "true"
					mgSoundfreq := "300"
					mgExitEffect := "none"
					mgSelectedEffect := "rotate"
					mgUseGameArt := "false"
					mgCandidate := ""
					mgValidTypes := "\(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side"
					mgOnLaunch := "false"
					pauseEnabled := "false"
					pauseKey := "~NumpadAdd"
					pauseBackToMenuBarKey := "X"
					pauseZoomInKey := "C"
					pauseZoomOutKey := "V"
					pauseScreenshotKey := "~PrintScreen"
					pauseHiToTextPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
					pauseSaveStateKeyCodes := ""
					pauseLoadStateKeyCodes := ""
					keyboardEncoder := ""
					keyboardEncoderEnabled := "false"
					keymapperEnabled := "true"
					keymapperAHKMethod := "false"
					keymapper := "joytokey"
					xpadderFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe"
					joyToKeyFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"
					profilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles"
					keymapperProfilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey"
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName := "RocketLauncherUI"
					keymapperFrontEndProfile := "joytokey"
					keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal := "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem := "use_global"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit := ""
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled := "false"
					CustomJoyNames := ""
					rotateMethod := "false"
					FEProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncherUI"
					defaultProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\_Default"
					systemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Touhou Project"
					xPadderSystemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Touhou Project\_Default"
					emuProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Touhou Project\T98-Next"
					romProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					RocketLauncherProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\RocketLauncher"
					blankProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey\blank"
					ahkFEProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI"
					ahkDefaultProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default"
					ahkSystemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project"
					ahkEmuProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project\T98-Next"
					ahkRomProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					ahkRocketLauncherProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher"
					bezelEnabled := "true"
					bezelICEnabled := "false"
					shaderName := "false"
					shaderColor := ""
					shaderTransparency := ""
					statisticsEnabled := "true"
					pressDuration := "-1"
					emuVolume := "1"
					dxwndIni := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini"
					dxwndFullPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
					qResFullPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe"
					mon1O := ""
					pacDrivedllFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll"
					userFadeAnimIniFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini"
					testFile := ""
					testDuration := ""
					initialErrorMode := "0"

09:48:57:240 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
09:48:57:240 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Keymapper Init.ahk scripts
09:48:57:241 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Fade Init.ahk scripts
09:48:57:241 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
09:48:57:241 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
09:48:57:241 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
09:48:57:241 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					MEmu := "T98-Next"
					MEmuV := "v13.1th Beta"
					MURL := ["http://www.geocities.jp/t98next/"]
					MAuthor := ["djvj"]
					MVersion := "2.0.5"
					MCRC := "BA15F570"
					iCRC := "1E716C97"
					MID := "635038268927083194"
					MSystem := ["NEC PC-9801","Touhou","Touhou Project"]
					; Notes:
					; This is only needed for games 1th through 5th, so make sure in your Games.ini, you have this Emulator set to load this module
					; In order to autolaunch the game, we have to write the game's name in the MAIN.ini before launching the emu
					; 3th - Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream uses different keys then the other 4 games. We need to remap keys to get 2-players working, so make sure you setup a keymapper profile to change them
					; Default PC-98 keys are:
					;	player 1
					;		RTY
					;		FGH
					;		VBN
					;		shot - z
					;		bomb - X
					;	player 2
					;		789
					;		456
					;		123
					;		shot - left arrow
					;		bomb - right arrow
					settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
					fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
					hideEmuObj := Object("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
					7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
					; Setting Fullscreen setting in ini if it doesn't match what user wants above
					t98INI := emuPath . "\MAIN.INI"
					IniRead, currentFullScreen, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					If (fullscreen != "true" && currentFullScreen = 1)
						IniWrite, 0, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					Else If (fullscreen = "true" && currentFullScreen = 0)
						IniWrite, 1, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %emuPath%\MAIN.INI, DISK, DISK02
					IniWrite, 1, %emuPath%\MAIN.INI, Control, AutoRun	; required for games to start on emu launch
					Run(executable, emuPath, "Hide")
					WinWait("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next")
					WinWaitActive("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next")
					Sleep, 1000	; need this otherwise mouse doesn't move off screen
					MouseMove 0,2000,0  ;Move mouse off screen
					; If romName = 3th - Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream
						; Run, remap_keys.exe, %modulePath%
					Process("WaitClose", executable)
					; Process, Close, remap_keys.exe
						Process("Close", executable)	; WinClose exits fullscreen, but does not close emu

09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk" not found
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project.ahk" not found
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Emulators\T98-Next.ahk" not found
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project\Emulators\T98-Next.ahk" not found
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.ahk" not found
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
09:48:57:242 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
09:48:57:244 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
09:48:57:401 | MD |      INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
09:48:57:402 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Started
09:48:57:402 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
09:48:57:425 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:48:57:425 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: F0CBD5E1AC09E8118001444553540000
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: E09D7EF1059FE8118001444553540000
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Sorting Currently Connected joysticks List to match the order of the Preferred Controller List
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Assigning the New Joystick IDs according to the preferred list for the active controllers
09:48:57:426 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
09:48:57:427 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
09:48:57:427 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
09:48:57:427 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
09:48:57:427 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Ended
09:48:57:427 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe exists
09:48:57:428 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Keymapper - Loading joytokey
09:48:57:428 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "load"
09:48:57:428 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
09:48:57:455 | MD |      INFO  | +32    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:48:57:456 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: F0CBD5E1AC09E8118001444553540000
09:48:57:456 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:48:57:456 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: E09D7EF1059FE8118001444553540000
09:48:57:457 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
09:48:57:457 | MD |   WARNING  | +0     | GetProfile - Keymapper support is enabled for "joytokey", but could not find a "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers", "T98-Next", "Touhou Project", default, a "" player 1 profile or a blank profile in "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey" for controller ""
09:48:57:457 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Started
09:48:57:457 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Exist Xpadder.exe 
09:48:57:462 | MD |   WARNING  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Closing xpadder to avoid dual keymapper conflict
09:48:57:462 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe /C
09:48:57:528 | MD |      INFO  | +78    | Process - Exist Xpadder.exe 
09:48:57:533 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Close Xpadder.exe 
09:48:57:538 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | WinClose - Closing: JoyToKey ahk_class TMainForm
09:48:57:672 | MD |      INFO  | +140   | Process - WaitClose JoyToKey.exe 2
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Ended
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: T98-Next
					MEmuV: v13.1th Beta
					MURL: http://www.geocities.jp/t98next/
					MAuthor: djvj
					MVersion: 2.0.5
					MCRC: BA15F570
					iCRC: 1E716C97
					MID: 635038268927083194
					MSystem: NEC PC-9801|Touhou|Touhou Project
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Touhou Project"
09:48:57:677 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
09:48:57:678 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Open" for "dialog.open"
09:48:57:678 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
09:48:57:678 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Start" for "dialog.start"
09:48:57:678 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Started
09:48:57:678 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\Hyperspin\Databases\Touhou Project\Touhou Project.xml exists
09:48:57:679 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
09:48:57:679 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
09:48:57:679 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Artwork1|Box Art|Cartridge|Flyers|Letters|Other
09:48:57:769 | MD |      INFO  | +94    | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
09:48:57:769 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Video|System Video
09:48:57:769 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
09:48:57:769 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
09:48:57:771 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
09:48:57:807 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: in
09:48:57:807 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.
09:48:58:295 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
09:48:58:358 | MD |      INFO  | +63    | DefaultFadeAnimation - Started
09:48:58:361 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Genre Logo|Rating Logo|Developer Logo|Publisher Logo|Year Logo
09:48:58:361 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
09:48:58:361 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: System Logo|Game Logo|Game Logo
09:48:58:361 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
09:48:58:498 | MD |      INFO  | +141   | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage
09:48:58:562 | MD |      INFO  | +62    | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage6
09:48:59:309 | MD |      INFO  | +750   | DefaultFadeAnimation - Ended
09:48:59:309 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | DxwndUpdateIniPath - DxwndIni set to D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
09:48:59:320 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [Settings] - Fullscreen: true
09:48:59:321 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE
09:48:59:340 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | WinWait - Waiting for "Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next"
09:49:00:217 | MD |      INFO  | +875   | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next"
09:49:02:779 | MD |      INFO  | +2563  | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: out
09:49:03:378 | MD |      INFO  | +594   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
09:49:03:494 | MD |      INFO  | +109   | Process - WaitClose Next.EXE 
09:49:23:601 | MD |      INFO  | +20109 | CloseProcess - Started, user requested to end launched application
09:49:25:888 | MD |      INFO  | +2297  | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: in
09:49:26:387 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
09:49:26:387 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Close Next.EXE 
09:49:26:393 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CloseProcess - Ended
09:49:27:421 | MD |      INFO  | +1031  | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: out
09:49:27:920 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
09:49:27:923 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
09:49:27:923 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | UpdateStatistics - Starting Updating Statistics
09:49:27:992 | MD |      INFO  | +63    | UpdateStatistics - Game section statistics updated.
09:49:27:992 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "unload"
09:49:27:992 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
09:49:27:017 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:49:28:017 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: F0CBD5E1AC09E8118001444553540000
09:49:28:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
09:49:28:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: E09D7EF1059FE8118001444553540000
09:49:28:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
09:49:28:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Started
09:49:28:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Exist Xpadder.exe 
09:49:28:023 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | WinClose - Closing: JoyToKey ahk_class TMainForm
09:49:28:124 | MD |      INFO  | +110   | Process - WaitClose JoyToKey.exe 2
09:49:28:129 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Ended
09:49:28:129 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
09:49:28:129 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
End of Module Logs
09:49:28:202 | RL |      INFO  | +30969 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
09:49:28:202 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
09:49:28:206 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar
09:49:28:322 | RL |      INFO  | +109   | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
09:49:28:336 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | ExitScript - Restored cursor
09:49:28:336 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Ended
Also included screen shots of how I've set it up in RL.

Thanks in advance


Super Moderator
Staff member
RL Member
09:48:57:457 | MD |   WARNING  | +0     | GetProfile - Keymapper support is enabled for "joytokey", but could not find a "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers", "T98-Next", "Touhou Project", default, a "" player 1 profile or a blank profile in "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\joytokey" for controller ""
09:48:57:457 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Started
09:48:57:457 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Exist Xpadder.exe 
09:48:57:462 | MD |   WARNING  | +0     | RunJoyToKey - Closing xpadder to avoid dual keymapper conflict

You have it set to use joy2key as the keymapper for that system so RL is closing xpadder so 2 keymappers aren't running at the same time. If you want to use xpadder specify that on the Settings tab.


RL Member
Thank you very much, Agent 47.

I thought your suggestion would fix my problem and it did, but then a new problem popped up. I get an error message from Xpadder saying it can't find a particular profile and I don't know why it's not just pulling/using the profile I created in RL.

I've attached screen caps and the log, again I'm sure it's a setting somewhere I didn't change I just don't know where.
22:18:17:134 | RL |      INFO  | +N/A   | Main - RocketLauncher v1.2.0.1 (www.rlauncher.com)
22:18:17:259 | RL |      INFO  | +125   | Main - System Specs:
					RocketLauncher Dir: D:\Games\RocketLauncher
					RocketLauncher is: 32-bit
					OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
					SKU: Windows 8
					Total Memory: 16340.45 MB
					Free Memory: 10110.69 MB
					Used Memory: 6229.758 MB
					SystemType: 64-bit
					Physical Processors: 1
					Logical Processors: 8
					GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
					GPU 1 RAM: -1.00 MB
					GPU 1 Driver Version:
					Sound 1 Device: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
					Sound 1 Status: Enabled
					Sound 2 Device: Steam Streaming Microphone
					Sound 2 Status: Enabled
					Sound 3 Device: Steam Streaming Speakers
					Sound 3 Status: Enabled
					Sound 4 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
					Sound 4 Status: Enabled
					Sound 5 Device: Sound Blaster Recon3Di
					Sound 5 Status: Enabled
					OS Language: English_United_States
					System Locale: en-CA
					Formats Locale: en-CA
					Windows UI Language: en-US
					Text Encoding: Windows-1252
					OS Admin Status: No
					RL Compatibility Flags:  HIGHDPIAWARE
					Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1080 work) [32bit] [144hz] [Landscape]  (Primary)
					Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920
					Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080
					Monitor #1 DPI: 100
					ErrorMode: 0
					AutoHotkey Path: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
22:18:17:260 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists
22:18:17:260 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Touhou Project -r 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers -f D:\Games\Hyperspin\HyperSpin.exe -p HyperSpin -c 1 -o 1"
22:18:17:263 | RL |      INFO  | +15    | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin"
22:18:17:263 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - RocketLauncher received "Touhou Project" and "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
22:18:17:263 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers contains a System key in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Games.ini. Switching systemName to Touhou Project
22:18:17:268 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Did not find a "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
22:18:17:268 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers is switching to emulator T98-Next via: D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Games.ini
22:18:17:268 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [T98-Next] section in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Touhou Project\Emulators.ini
22:18:17:268 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [T98-Next] section in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
22:18:17:268 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [T98-Next] in D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
22:18:17:269 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk exists
22:18:17:282 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
22:18:17:282 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - 1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers will use module: D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk
22:18:17:291 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
22:18:17:296 | RL |      INFO  | +15    | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE exists
22:18:17:317 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | Main - INI Keys read
22:18:17:317 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
22:18:17:318 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
22:18:17:324 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side
22:18:17:324 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
22:18:17:324 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.hdi
22:18:17:324 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.hdi
22:18:17:324 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
22:18:17:325 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | BuildScript - User Variables:
					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					Global RLLog
					Global RLObject
					0 := "12"
					rlPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher"
					pluginPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Plugins"
					pluginName := "HyperSpin"
					pluginExt := ".plugin"
					contextOnExit := "1"
					rlMode := ""
					rlTitle := "RocketLauncher"
					rlVersion := ""
					rlAuthor := "djvj"
					rlURL := "www.rlauncher.com"
					langFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini"
					primMonitor := "1"
					frontendPID := ""
					frontendPath := "D:\Games\Hyperspin"
					frontendExe := "HyperSpin.exe"
					frontendExt := "exe"
					frontendName := "HyperSpin"
					frontendDrive := "D"
					exitEmulatorKey := "~Esc"
					restoreFE := "false"
					exitScriptKey := "~q & ~s"
					toggleCursorKey := "~e & ~t"
					emuFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE"
					emuPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project"
					emuName := "T98-Next"
					emuExt := "EXE"
					baseRomPath := ""
					romPath := "D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project"
					romPathFromIni := "D:\Games\Romsets\Touhou Project"
					romExtension := ".hdi"
					romExtensionOrig := ".hdi"
					romExtensions := "hdi"
					executable := "Next.EXE"
					systemDbName := "Touhou Project"
					systemName := "Touhou Project"
					dbPath := ""
					dbName := "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					dbExt := ""
					romFoundByExt := ""
					romName := "1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					romMapPath := ""
					romMappingEnabled := "false"
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled := "false"
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt := "false"
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive := "true"
					romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen := "7"
					romMappingHideParent := "false"
					romMappingMenuWidth := "400"
					romMappingMenuMargin := "65"
					romMappingTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold"
					romMappingDisabledTextColor := "ff888888"
					romMappingTextSizeDifference := "7"
					romMappingTextMargin := "15"
					romMappingTitleTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitleTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold"
					romMappingTitle2TextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold"
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular"
					romMappingGameNameTextFont := "Bebas Neue"
					romMappingGameNameTextOptions := "cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular"
					romMappingBackgroundBrush := "aa000000"
					romMappingColumnBrush := "33000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush1 := "6f000000"
					romMappingButtonBrush2 := "33000000"
					romMappingBackgroundAlign := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth := "55"
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation := "7"
					romMappingDefaultMenuList := "FullList"
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch := "false"
					altArchiveNameOnly := ""
					altRomNameOnly := ""
					altArchiveAndRomName := ""
					altArchiveAndManyRomNames := ""
					altRomNamesOnly := ""
					romMapScenario := ""
					skipchecks := "false"
					romMatchExt := "false"
					blockInputTime := "0"
					blockInputFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe"
					errorLevelReporting := "false"
					lockLaunch := "false"
					lockLaunchGame := ""
					screenRotationAngle := "0"
					screenRotationAngleGame := ""
					setResolution := ""
					logFile := ""
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","   DEBUG","   TRACE"]
					logLevel := "3"
					logShowDebugConsole := "false"
					logShowCommandWindow := "false"
					logCommandWindow := "false"
					logIncludeModule := "true"
					logIncludeFileProperties := "true"
					logIncludeDLLLogs := "false"
					errorSounds := "true"
					rlDebugConsoleStdout := ""
					sysLang := "English_United_States"
					sysType := "64-bit"
					broadcastWindowTitle := ""
					navUpKey := "Up"
					navDownKey := "Down"
					navLeftKey := "Left"
					navRightKey := "Right"
					navSelectKey := "Enter"
					navP2UpKey := "Numpad8"
					navP2DownKey := "Numpad2"
					navP2LeftKey := "Numpad4"
					navP2RightKey := "Numpad6"
					navP2SelectKey := "NumpadEnter"
					originalWidth := "1920"
					originalHeight := "1080"
					vdEnabled := "false"
					vdFullPath := "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe"
					vdUseSCSI := "false"
					vdDriveLetter := "K"
					vdDriveLetterScsi := ""
					vdAddDrive := "true"
					demulShooterPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\DemulShooter_v4.6\DemulShooter.exe"
					servoStikEnabled := "false"
					servoStikExitMode := "false"
					ledblinkyEnabled := "false"
					ledblinkySystemName := ""
					ledblinkyFullPath := ""
					ledblinkyProfilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky"
					ledblinkyRLProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher"
					winIPACFullPath := ""
					ultraMapEnabled := "false"
					ultraMapFullPath := ""
					emuIdleShutdown := "0"
					launchPasswordHash := "UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight"
					cursorSize := ""
					hideCursor := "false"
					hideEmu := "false"
					hideFE := "false"
					suspendFE := "true"
					fadeIn := "true"
					fadeInDuration := "500"
					fadeInTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeIn"
					fadeInDelay := "1000"
					fadeInExitDelay := "0"
					fadeOutExitDelay := "0"
					fadeOut := "true"
					fadeOutExtraScreen := "false"
					fadeOutDuration := "500"
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation := "DefaultAnimateFadeOut"
					fadeOutDelay := "1000"
					fadeLyrInterpolation := "7"
					fadeMuteEmulator := "false"
					fadeUseBackgrounds := "false"
					fadeClickThrough := "false"
					fadeSounds := "true"
					fade7zProgressMode := "extraction"
					fadeWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					fadeHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					fadeLyr1Color := "FF000000"
					fadeLyr1AlignImage := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2Pos := "Stretch and Lose Aspect"
					fadeLyr2X := "0"
					fadeLyr2Y := "0"
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					fadeLyr2H := ""
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					fadeLyr2PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr2Prefix := "Extra Layer 1 - Console"
					fadeLyr3Pos := "Center"
					fadeLyr3X := "450"
					fadeLyr3Y := "450"
					fadeLyr3W := ""
					fadeLyr3H := ""
					fadeLyr3Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3PicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3Speed := "750"
					fadeLyr3Animation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr37zAnimation := "DefaultFadeAnimation"
					fadeLyr3Type := "imageandbar"
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress := "true"
					fadeLyr3Repeat := "1"
					fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency := "30"
					fadeLyr3StaticPos := "No Alignment"
					fadeLyr3StaticX := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticY := "870|1575"
					fadeLyr3StaticW := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticH := ""
					fadeLyr3StaticAdjust := "1"
					fadeLyr3StaticPicPad := "0"
					fadeLyr3StaticPrefix := "Info Bar"
					fadeLyr4Adjust := "1"
					fadeLyr4X := "1792|952"
					fadeLyr4Y := "891|1596"
					fadeLyr4W := "231"
					fadeLyr4H := "250"
					fadeLyr4Pos := "Bottom Center"
					fadeLyr4FPS := "50"
					fadeLyr4PicPad := "420"
					fadeTranspGifColor := "FFFFFF"
					fadeBarWindow := "Image"
					fadeBarWindowX := ""
					fadeBarWindowY := ""
					fadeBarWindowW := "900"
					fadeBarWindowH := ""
					fadeBarWindowR := "30"
					fadeBarWindowM := "30"
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBar := "7zOnly"
					fadeProgressDuration := "0"
					fadeBarBack := "true"
					fadeBarBackColor := "FF555555"
					fadeBarH := "30"
					fadeBarR := "10"
					fadeBarColor := "DD00BFFF"
					fadeBarHatchStyle := "8"
					fadeBarPercentageText := "true"
					fadeBarInfoText := "true"
					fadeBarXOffset := "0"
					fadeBarYOffset := "150"
					fadeRomInfoDescription := "filtered text"
					fadeRomInfoSystemName := "image"
					fadeRomInfoYear := "text with label"
					fadeRomInfoDeveloper := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoPublisher := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoGenre := "disabled"
					fadeRomInfoRating := "image"
					fadeRomInfoOrder := "Description|SystemName|Year|Developer|Genre|Rating|Publisher"
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement := "User Defined"
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeRomInfoText1Options := "w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText2Options := "w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText3Options := "w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText4Options := "w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText5Options := "cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold"
					fadeRomInfoText6Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeRomInfoText7Options := "h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular"
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played := "text with label"
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time := "text with label"
					fadeStatsInfoOrder := "Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time"
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement := "topRight"
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin := "7"
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold"
					fadeText1X := "0"
					fadeText1Y := "0"
					fadeText1Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText1 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText2X := "0"
					fadeText2Y := "0"
					fadeText2Options := "cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold"
					fadeText2 := "Extraction Complete, Ready"
					fadeText3 := "Loading Game"
					fadeText4 := "Loading Complete"
					fadeFont := "Bebas Neue"
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly := "false"
					fadeExtractionTime := "disabled"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextX := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextY := "0"
					fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions := "cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold"
					fadeInterruptKey := ""
					detectFadeErrorEnabled := "true"
					fadeImgPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade"
					RLDataPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Data"
					RLMediaPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media"
					RLErrSoundPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error"
					modulesPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules"
					moduleFullName := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next\T98-Next.ahk"
					moduleName := "T98-Next"
					modulePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Modules\T98-Next"
					moduleExtension := "ahk"
					moduleExtensionsPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions"
					libPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib"
					sevenZEnabled := "false"
					sevenZPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe"
					sevenZDllPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll"
					sevenZExtractPath := "C:\Temp Game HyperSpin"
					sevenZExtractPathOrig := ""
					sevenZAttachSystemName := "false"
					sevenZDelTemp := "false"
					sevenZFormats := ".7z|.rar|.zip"
					sevenZFormatsNoP := "7z|rar|zip"
					sevenZFormatsRegEx := "\.7z|\.rar|\.zip"
					sevenZGamesToKeep := ""
					sevenZDeletePerSystem := "false"
					sevenZExtensions := "7z|rar|zip"
					7zExtractPath := "C:\Temp Game HyperSpin"
					mgEnabled := "false"
					mgKey := "~NumpadSub"
					mgBackgroundColor := "FF000000"
					mgSidePadding := "0.2"
					mgWidthBaseRes := "1920"
					mgHeightBaseRes := "1080"
					mgYOffset := "500|800"
					mgFont := "Arial"
					mgText1Options := "x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic"
					mgText1Text := "Please select a game"
					mgText2Options := "w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic"
					mgText2Offset := "100"
					mgUseSound := "true"
					mgSoundfreq := "300"
					mgExitEffect := "none"
					mgSelectedEffect := "rotate"
					mgUseGameArt := "false"
					mgCandidate := ""
					mgValidTypes := "\(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side"
					mgOnLaunch := "false"
					pauseEnabled := "false"
					pauseKey := "~NumpadAdd"
					pauseBackToMenuBarKey := "X"
					pauseZoomInKey := "C"
					pauseZoomOutKey := "V"
					pauseScreenshotKey := "~PrintScreen"
					pauseHiToTextPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe"
					pauseSaveStateKeyCodes := ""
					pauseLoadStateKeyCodes := ""
					keyboardEncoder := ""
					keyboardEncoderEnabled := "false"
					keymapperEnabled := "true"
					keymapperAHKMethod := "false"
					keymapper := "xpadder"
					xpadderFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe"
					joyToKeyFullPath := "D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe"
					profilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles"
					keymapperProfilePath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder"
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName := "RocketLauncherUI"
					keymapperFrontEndProfile := "joytokey"
					keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsEnabled := "true"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal := "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem := "use_global"
					joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit := ""
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled := "false"
					CustomJoyNames := ""
					rotateMethod := "false"
					FEProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncherUI"
					defaultProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default"
					systemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project"
					xPadderSystemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\_Default"
					emuProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\T98-Next"
					romProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					RocketLauncherProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncher"
					blankProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank"
					ahkFEProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI"
					ahkDefaultProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default"
					ahkSystemProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project"
					ahkEmuProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project\T98-Next"
					ahkRomProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers"
					ahkRocketLauncherProfile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher"
					bezelEnabled := "true"
					bezelICEnabled := "false"
					shaderName := "false"
					shaderColor := ""
					shaderTransparency := ""
					statisticsEnabled := "true"
					pressDuration := "-1"
					emuVolume := "1"
					dxwndIni := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini"
					dxwndFullPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe"
					qResFullPath := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe"
					mon1O := ""
					pacDrivedllFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll"
					userFadeAnimIniFile := "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini"
					testFile := ""
					testDuration := ""
					initialErrorMode := "0"

22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Keymapper Init.ahk scripts
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Fade Init.ahk scripts
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
22:18:17:326 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					MEmu := "T98-Next"
					MEmuV := "v13.1th Beta"
					MURL := ["http://www.geocities.jp/t98next/"]
					MAuthor := ["djvj"]
					MVersion := "2.0.5"
					MCRC := "BA15F570"
					iCRC := "1E716C97"
					MID := "635038268927083194"
					MSystem := ["NEC PC-9801","Touhou","Touhou Project"]
					; Notes:
					; This is only needed for games 1th through 5th, so make sure in your Games.ini, you have this Emulator set to load this module
					; In order to autolaunch the game, we have to write the game's name in the MAIN.ini before launching the emu
					; 3th - Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream uses different keys then the other 4 games. We need to remap keys to get 2-players working, so make sure you setup a keymapper profile to change them
					; Default PC-98 keys are:
					;	player 1
					;		RTY
					;		FGH
					;		VBN
					;		shot - z
					;		bomb - X
					;	player 2
					;		789
					;		456
					;		123
					;		shot - left arrow
					;		bomb - right arrow
					settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
					fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
					hideEmuObj := Object("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
					7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)
					; Setting Fullscreen setting in ini if it doesn't match what user wants above
					t98INI := emuPath . "\MAIN.INI"
					IniRead, currentFullScreen, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					If (fullscreen != "true" && currentFullScreen = 1)
						IniWrite, 0, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					Else If (fullscreen = "true" && currentFullScreen = 0)
						IniWrite, 1, %t98INI%, CRT, FULLSCREEN
					IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %emuPath%\MAIN.INI, DISK, DISK02
					IniWrite, 1, %emuPath%\MAIN.INI, Control, AutoRun	; required for games to start on emu launch
					Run(executable, emuPath, "Hide")
					WinWait("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next")
					WinWaitActive("Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next")
					Sleep, 1000	; need this otherwise mouse doesn't move off screen
					MouseMove 0,2000,0  ;Move mouse off screen
					; If romName = 3th - Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream
						; Run, remap_keys.exe, %modulePath%
					Process("WaitClose", executable)
					; Process, Close, remap_keys.exe
						Process("Close", executable)	; WinClose exits fullscreen, but does not close emu

22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Global.ahk" not found
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project.ahk" not found
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Emulators\T98-Next.ahk" not found
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project\Emulators\T98-Next.ahk" not found
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers.ahk" not found
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
22:18:17:327 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists
22:18:17:330 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
22:18:17:518 | MD |      INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
22:18:17:519 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Started
22:18:17:519 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
22:18:17:546 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:17:546 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: 30D42E4234ADE8118001444553540000
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: C0017A235E3DEA118001444553540000
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Sorting Currently Connected joysticks List to match the order of the Preferred Controller List
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Assigning the New Joystick IDs according to the preferred list for the active controllers
22:18:17:548 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
22:18:17:549 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
22:18:17:549 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Started
22:18:17:549 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ChangeJoystickID - Ended
22:18:17:549 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LoadPreferredControllers - Ended
22:18:17:549 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe exists
22:18:17:575 | MD |      INFO  | +32    | Keymapper - Loading xpadder
22:18:17:575 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "load"
22:18:17:575 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
22:18:17:628 | MD |      INFO  | +47    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:17:629 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: 30D42E4234ADE8118001444553540000
22:18:17:629 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:17:629 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: C0017A235E3DEA118001444553540000
22:18:17:630 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
22:18:17:630 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetProfile - Loading Player 1 Profile -> D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers\p1.xpadderprofile
22:18:17:657 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | GetProfile - Loading Player 2 Profile -> D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers\p2.xpadderprofile
22:18:17:657 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunXpadder - Started
22:18:17:657 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Exist JoyToKey.exe 
22:18:17:663 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe /C
22:18:17:747 | MD |      INFO  | +94    | Process - WaitClose Xpadder.exe 2
22:18:17:973 | MD |      INFO  | +218   | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers\p1.xpadderprofile" "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Touhou Project\1th - Highly Responsive to Prayers\p2.xpadderprofile" /M
22:18:17:013 | MD |      INFO  | +47    | RunXpadder - Ended
22:18:18:013 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: T98-Next
					MEmuV: v13.1th Beta
					MURL: http://www.geocities.jp/t98next/
					MAuthor: djvj
					MVersion: 2.0.5
					MCRC: BA15F570
					iCRC: 1E716C97
					MID: 635038268927083194
					MSystem: NEC PC-9801|Touhou|Touhou Project
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Touhou Project"
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Open" for "dialog.open"
22:18:18:014 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Started
22:18:18:015 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | LocaleUtils.i18n - Ended, using "Start" for "dialog.start"
22:18:18:016 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Started
22:18:18:016 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Games\Hyperspin\Databases\Touhou Project\Touhou Project.xml exists
22:18:18:018 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
22:18:18:024 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
22:18:18:025 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Artwork1|Box Art|Cartridge|Flyers|Letters|Other
22:18:18:176 | MD |      INFO  | +156   | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
22:18:18:176 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Video|System Video
22:18:18:176 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
22:18:18:176 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
22:18:18:179 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
22:18:18:262 | MD |      INFO  | +94    | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: in
22:18:18:262 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.
22:18:18:768 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
22:18:18:830 | MD |      INFO  | +63    | DefaultFadeAnimation - Started
22:18:18:840 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Genre Logo|Rating Logo|Developer Logo|Publisher Logo|Year Logo
22:18:18:868 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
22:18:18:868 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: System Logo|Game Logo|Game Logo
22:18:18:868 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
22:18:19:044 | MD |      INFO  | +187   | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage
22:18:19:106 | MD |      INFO  | +63    | DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - percentage6
22:18:19:859 | MD |      INFO  | +750   | DefaultFadeAnimation - Ended
22:18:19:868 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | DxwndUpdateIniPath - DxwndIni set to D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
22:18:19:896 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | Module Setting - [Settings] - Fullscreen: true
22:18:19:920 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Touhou Project\Next.EXE
22:18:19:953 | MD |      INFO  | +32    | WinWait - Waiting for "Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next"
22:18:20:967 | MD |      INFO  | +1015  | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "Emulation Window ahk_class T98-Next"
22:18:23:592 | MD |      INFO  | +2625  | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: out
22:18:24:199 | MD |      INFO  | +594   | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended
22:18:26:018 | MD |      INFO  | +1828  | Process - WaitClose Next.EXE 
22:18:54:419 | MD |      INFO  | +28406 | CloseProcess - Started, user requested to end launched application
22:18:57:082 | MD |      INFO  | +2657  | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: in
22:18:57:576 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
22:18:57:576 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Close Next.EXE 
22:18:57:583 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | CloseProcess - Ended
22:18:58:653 | MD |      INFO  | +1078  | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: out
22:18:59:153 | MD |      INFO  | +500   | DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended
22:18:59:159 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
22:18:59:159 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | UpdateStatistics - Starting Updating Statistics
22:18:59:257 | MD |      INFO  | +94    | UpdateStatistics - Game section statistics updated.
22:18:59:257 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Started, using method "unload"
22:18:59:257 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Started
22:18:59:303 | MD |      INFO  | +46    | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:59:303 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: 30D42E4234ADE8118001444553540000
22:18:59:304 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Started
22:18:59:304 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: C0017A235E3DEA118001444553540000
22:18:59:304 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetJoystickArray - Ended
22:18:59:344 | MD |      INFO  | +47    | GetProfile - Loading Profile -> D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile
22:18:59:344 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | GetProfile - Loading Profile -> D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile
22:18:59:344 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunXpadder - Started
22:18:59:344 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Process - Exist JoyToKey.exe 
22:18:59:349 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe /C
22:18:59:372 | MD |      INFO  | +32    | Process - WaitClose Xpadder.exe 2
22:19:01:455 | MD |      INFO  | +2078  | Process - Close Xpadder.exe 
22:19:01:462 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: D:\Games\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile" "D:\Games\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank.xpadderprofile" /M
22:19:01:482 | MD |      INFO  | +31    | RunXpadder - Ended
22:19:01:482 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | RunKeymapper - Ended
22:19:01:482 | MD |      INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
End of Module Logs
22:19:01:512 | RL |      INFO  | +44187 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally
22:19:01:512 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
22:19:01:524 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Restoring taskbar
22:19:01:638 | RL |      INFO  | +125   | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
22:19:01:654 | RL |      INFO  | +16    | ExitScript - Restored cursor
22:19:01:654 | RL |      INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Ended


RL Member
Ok I figured it out in the Settings>Mapping tab I needed to set the Ahk Method to internal to use the profile created in RL.

Thanks for all the help.
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