Broadcast System

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RocketLauncher supports third party communication through a built-in message broadcast system.

You can, for example, build a third-party app to pause a game or control any RocketLauncher command from a smartphone.

You can also receive RocketLauncher messages that describe its state, if it started, paused, exit, etc...


Setting your program to receive RocketLauncher messages

  • You just need to set in RocketLauncherUI, the window name of your program so RocketLauncher is able to send its messages to your application.
  1. Open RocketLauncherUI.
  2. On the left pane, choose global.
  3. Select the General Settings tab.
  4. On the RocketLauncher sub tab, go to the Broadcast section.
  5. Fill the broadcast window title field with the window title name of your program.

Sending messages to RocketLauncher from your external program

  • You just need to send one of the below listed valid messages to the window named: RocketLauncherMessageReceiver

Valid Messages

Messages sent by RocketLauncher

  • RocketLauncher Message: Welcome! :) (sent when RocketLauncher starts)
  • RocketLauncher Message: Goodbye! :( (sent when you exit RocketLauncher)
  • RocketLauncher Message: Game Paused. (sent when you pause a game)
  • RocketLauncher Message: Resuming Game. (sent when you resume a game)
  • RocketLauncher Message System is Available. (sent as an answer to a ping request)
  • RocketLauncher Message. Current System: SystemName (sent as an answer to a Which system? request)
  • RocketLauncher Message. Current Game: GameName (sent as an answer to a Which game? request)

Valid messages received by RocketLauncher

  • command|RLPause (simulates a Pause key press)
  • command|RLSelect (simulate a Select key press) (currently only available on Pause)
  • command|RLUp (simulate selecting Up key press) (currently only available on Pause)
  • command|RLLeft (simulate selecting Left key press) (currently only available on Pause)
  • command|RLRight (simulate selecting Right key press) (currently only available on Pause)
  • command|RLDown (simulate selecting Down key press) (currently only available on Pause)
  • command|RLExit (simulates selecting Exit RocketLauncher key press)
  • ping (message to test the reachability of RocketLauncher. Once received, RocketLauncher will send back the message "RocketLauncher Message System is Available." to all windows configured to receive broadcasted messages on RocketLauncherUI)
  • Which system? (message to ask RocketLauncher to send what the current system is. Once received, RocketLauncher will send back the message "RocketLauncher Message. Current System: SystemName", where SystemName is the name of the current system, to all windows configured to receive broadcasted messages on RocketLauncherUI)
  • Which game? (message to ask RocketLauncher to send what the current game is. Once received, RocketLauncher will send back the message "RocketLauncher Message. Current System: gameName", where GameName is the name of the current game, to all windows configured to receive broadcasted messages on RocketLauncherUI)

Code example

  • On the below link you can find a small AHK code able to handle the RocketLauncher communication and control commands to serve as an example if you want to use this feature on your own.
  • You just need to set, as explained in the beginning of this page, the Broadcast Window title on RocketLauncherUI to: RocketLauncherController.

Broadcast App Code Example