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RocketLauncher allows you to hide your taskbar, desktop or your mouse cursor in any emulator so you don't have to worry about them showing during your gameplay.

  • To enable these options you just need to set them to true in your "Global RocketLauncher.ini" file in the [Desktop] section, or just check them in the RocketLauncherUI.
  • You can enable these options on a per-system basis if you want different configurations to different systems. Just edit the system corresponding "RocketLauncher.ini" file or check them in the system section of RocketLauncherUI.

Hiding the Mouse Cursor:

  • In the ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini" or ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\System Name\RocketLauncher.ini"

Hiding the Desktop:

  • In the ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini" or ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\System Name\RocketLauncher.ini"

Hiding the Taskbar:

  • In the ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini" or ".\RocketLauncher\Settings\System Name\RocketLauncher.ini"

Alternative Taskbar hiding:

  • Some emulators might restore the taskbar or make it "bleed" through the application. You can use this script in that case.
Alternative Hide Taskbar Download
  • Make sure to turn off the RocketLauncher hidding taskbar to avoid a conflict between them.
  • Steps to use the alternative Hide taskbar.
1. Download the attached at this link.
2. Extract it wherever you like and Open HyperHQ.
3. Goto Main Settings -> Startup/Exit and set the Startup Program to HideTaskbar.exe.
4. Make sure Hide_Taskbar in your Settings\Global RocketLauncher.ini is set to false (we don't want RocketLauncher to control taskbar hiding because it is being hidden by HideTaskbar.exe instead).