Recent content by IceLancer

  1. I

    Bezel image file location with relative path support? (critical)

    Hey there! I wasnt really playing with bezels untill recently i just used one main theme bezel rather then per game. Anyway , now that i have, i find one critical problem in bezels per game. As u are aware of bezel project has done nice job to make per game bezels, but it has uncovered a problem...
  2. I

    thebezelproject - bezelproject-NES Ready for Rocketlauncher

    thebezelproject - bezelproject-NES/SNES Ready for Rocketlauncher All bezels are work of bezelproject I have no claim on them. I just used my py skills to make them ready with .ini files for Rocketlauncher users I separated bezels into 2...
  3. I

    [BUG]Bezels are broken in latest retroarch 1.73

    [Fixed]Bezels are broken in latest retroarch 1.73 (nightly) Hey! The only bezel working for latest RA is snes(tested more, sega dreamcast is also working) , all others are none functional, vieweport is not set ,retroarch window is not being moved and bezel is loading behind entire retroarch...