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  1. X

    Suyu Switch Emulator Module

    Since the Yuzu emulator is no longer going to be updated I modified a module that works on the latest version available of the Suyu Emulator "beta v.0.0.2 master 0 gfec573f".
  2. X

    Updated Dolphin module that works with latest builds.

    I have been testing dolphin-master-5.0-19368-x64 and it looks like the newer versions of dolphin have stoped storing the Dolphin.ini file in the emulator folder. Instead the new location is in the APPDATA folder. I was able to change the path to it in the module by adding the following...
  3. X

    Ryujinx Module

    Just informing that this Module works Perfectly with every version of the emulator so far. For some reason I had my exit key set up to "end" in my Rocket launcher instead of "esc" as I normally have it. lol I feel really dumb haha Sorry for not anwering earlier but I got cought up in other...
  4. X

    Ryujinx Module

    Hello I am new to this community, I just wanted to inform that this last module does not exit correctly on version 1.1.142 will try to fix it.