Back in the saddle


New member
RL Member
Congrats DJ on the new site its looking great so far. I can't wait to see what happens next. Will HQ also live here or will that stay on HS forums?

I am back after a long break which i am finding is a good thing. My original approach to my setup was that i wanted every system possible running in HS on my cab which became overwhelming quickly and a huge time sink. Now i am really going to focus on systems that run best on a cab and set aside some of the more frustrating systems for now. I will be contributing to HL media again, i decided to go with a smaller resolution for performance reasons (mainly HS) and i will end up releasing a new set of bezels based on my new res.

My main focus right now is getting "best in slot" emulators for each system. I want to use emulators that the best balance of features like 4player support, disc swapping, support for window resizing (bezel support), direct input, with the most accurate emulation for that system. After i am finished with each system i am going to post my setup for that system including HP themes, module ini, instruction cards, HL config files and such.

Its great to be back and i want to thank you DJ and everyone involved for all the time and dedication put into HL.


Staff member
Thank you for the kind words nosh.

By HQ you mean HLHQ right? Anything HL related will be here from now on. There will be no more release information on the HS forum either.

Sounds like you have some busy times ahead of you and can't wait to see what you come up with next. Let us know if you have any issues you need help with.