ControllerRemap Question


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RL Member
I'm pretty comfortable using drventure's ControllerRemap utility, however as I'm getting deeper into customising my games to work with my controllers I've noticed a problem.

The ControllerRemap utility can be used to define controls at a per-game level, which is what I'm currently doing for the games where the defaults are incorrect. The end result of the tool is to apply your controls to the "Input (general)" section of the MAME menu, which then is read by the "Input (this Machine)" section, so on the "Input (general)" section it will say P1 Button 1 is Joy 5 Button 0 while the "Input (this Machine)" section for Street Fighter 2 it will say P1 Jab Punch is Joy 5 Button 0.

What I've noticed is that some game don't have this link between the "Input (general)" section and "Input (this Machine)" section. Asteroids Deluxe has Buttons 1-5 setup to controls not referenced in the "Input (general)" section, so for P1 Button 1 using my default controls it currently maps to Joy 5 Button 1 but Asteroids Deluxe in the "Input (this Machine)" section has P1 Button 1 set to "KBD LEFT or Joy 1 Left". I've noticed this on Lucky & Wild as well. It's not that they aren't using the mappings at all, as things like Start and Coin are being pulled over.

My question can these game that do not fully reference the "Input (general)" section be overridden to do so or is this just a matter of fact for certain games? If it is that certain games just don't work with the CFG file in the ctrlr folder, does anyone have a list of what games, so I can use Xpadder for these games. I'm using MAMEUIFX 0.175.1 13TH ANNIVERSARY as my emulator in case this has anything to do with this issue.


RL Member
You will need yo ask in mame forums. I have noted this too and is for sure a mame thing... You can try to use ControllerRemap support in RL to map the game specific controls (setup in mame and use the game.cfg to create the game specific controller)