Daphne Setup Observations


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I'm not looking for any help I just finished getting Daphne setup and running this weekend and ran into some trouble I thought I'd share to help others. There were a couple tutorial videos I watched to help me out. I'm using LaunchBox and RocketLauncher to run the games. One tutorial will lead you to run the DaphneLoader.exe and go into every game and change the configure disc to Manual...if you see the video you'll know what I mean. I ended up reversing all that because it is not required if you are running legimate copies of the Dragon's Lair / Space Ace stuff. The other thing in one tutorial was it said you needed to unzip all the roms into the folders. I initially tried that when I was having issues but it didn't fix the problem. I now have everything up and running and I have no roms unzipped so that step should not be required either.

Now the main thing that caused me heartache. I kept getting the message about not being able to find the rom files when trying to run Dragon's Lair. After wasting 2 hours on it I finally figured out the problem. When I was hitting the X to close out the DaphneLoader.exe program it was leaving the process running which was locking out access to those roms. As soon as I figured that out and killed that task Dragon's Lair started running fine. Hope this helps someone else in the future.