HELP!!! Kodi, Advanced Launcher and HyperLaunch


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RL Member
Could someone help me set up HyperLaunch with Kodi as the fronted using Advanced Launcher, I really am lost after reading the two topics on here, I could really be doing with a step by step guide on how to set up HyperLaunch, and then a step by step guide on how to setup Advanced Launcher in Kodi. I don't even know what type of launcher I should be using, whether it's a file launcher or standalone executable. I have managed to setup HyperLaunch with HyperSpin as my fronted but would prefer Kodi for seamless integration.


Wel in general you choose a file launcher and set hyperlaunch.exe as the executable. With the rom arguments you have to set the options as descriped in the hyperlaunch wiki.


Staff member
Welcome ePro.dark.Angel.

First check out the wiki marxkemp mentioned here:

That will let you know what is needed on the HL side to get it to even work. One problem will be creating a plugin for HL as one was not made, but you can use the RetroFE basic plugin as an example just to get the launching to work. I think someone made a guide somewhere, but it may be over on the HS forums, so search both forums for it.


New member
RL Member
Thanks guys I'll have a look over at the HyperSpin forums, I have had a look at the wiki and added the correct parameters to Advanced Launcher, however when I try to launch the game I get an error pop-up in Kodi saying file not found even though it is listed in Advanced Launcher.

I Figured it out, it appears Advanced Launcher doesn't like network shares moved my ROMS to the local machine and its working now.

Is there a way to map a network drive at start-up so that its always connected, every now and then I get an error pop up saying couldn't reconnect mapped network drives which makes the setup break. At the moment I am using this VBS script on startup with a shelled Kodi frontend.

On Error Resume Next
Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

Public Sub CheckAndMapNetDrive(Letter, Path, Persist)
'Check if drive letter is already used
Set colNetDrives = objNet.EnumNetworkDrives
For i = 0 To colNetDrives.Count - 1 Step 2
If colNetDrives.Item(i) = Letter Then
'Drive Letter Exists, Test if it's the same Path
If colNetDrives.Item(i+1) = Path Then
'It's the same, no new mapping necessary.
Exit Sub
'It's different, remove old.
objNet.RemoveNetworkDrive colNetDrives.Item(i)
End If
End If
'Drive does not exist now, never did or removed.
objNet.MapNetworkDrive Letter, Path, Persist
End Sub

' Edit the following to fit your environment!
' CheckAndMapNetDrive [Drive_Letter], [Net_Path], [Bool_Persist]

CheckAndMapNetDrive "Z:", "\\TARDIS\Downloads", True
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