how to change WinWaitActive default time


RL Member
I've only found one thread years ago asking about this with no resolution. So I figured I ask it again to see if anyone has an answer.

How do you change WinWaitActive default time from 30 seconds to anything longer?

Its strange that 30 seconds is referenced as the "default" time, implying that is a parameter that can be adjusted.

I ask because RPCS3 takes almost 90 seconds to load the first time its launched after booting my pc. No, there is nothing wrong with my RPCS3 installation (I have 1260 games and after 500-600 games it can't launch within the default WinWaitActive 30 second time)

Anyone successfully adjusted this?
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I might be interested in an increase of the AppWaitExe time as well for Epic Games Store PC games. Anybody know anything about changing these times?


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RL Member
Is rpcs3 taking 90 secs to game window or to compiling window?

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RL Member
The module should be waiting for the compiler window then the game window. It?s possible that the window titles need updating in the module.

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