HyperPause and 15Khz resolutions


RL Member
Pause and 15Khz resolutions

I need help on an issue i encounter with Pause.
I have a setup with a win10 box connected to a CRT TV, with native resolutions.
When i call Pause, i can't manage to make interface scaling to the resolution in use in emulator. It is OK in 640x480i but not in all my progressive resolutions from 256x192p to 320x240p.
In those resolutions, menu appear to be zoom in the upper left corner, and i can't see menu items.

What do i miss ? I tried to use the "Force resolution" setting without success. Are there magical settings in appearance menus that could do the trick ?
Or should i use some kind of ahk script to change resolution before loading pause and restore game resolution on exiting (if it's even possible...) ?

Any help would be great !
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