HyperPause App


RL Member
Hey guys. I don't know if this is beyond the dev teams abilities or if it has been discussed yet, but hey why not ask?!

I thought of this playing through Lords of Shadow 2. I was using a guide with HP, but I found myself launching HP ALOT to cross reference the walk through with the game. I'm honestly surprised the game was able to minimize and restore Everytime so Thankyou to Bleasby for making it stable.

So I started thinking... How much simpler would it be to look at game info/guides and codes & artwork and stuff if HP or HL was able to send a signal to an app on your phone or tablet depending on what game was launched? Like launch Sonic the Hedgehog and then on the app you get the HP screen... No need to use it on the TV.

I mean of course I understand not everyone has an iPhone or smartphone but for those users they can use HP legacy mode or whatever.

Please keep in mind this is only an idea as you can do this all manually by going to gamefaqs or google but would be cool to have HP in your tablet or phone.


RocketLauncher Developer
You are asking for a Xbox SmartGlass like feature using HyperPause, no?

The part of sending the signal to a phone about the game that you are running (or any hyperpause option that you would select) would be the easy part to implement of what you want.

The problem relies on the phone or tablet app. HyperPause was made to work in Windows and at the time that I created it I did not though about doing it in a language that could be easily ported to other OSs.

So the phone or tablet HyperPause app would need to be created almost from zero.

However, if you have a Windows tablet to use like your secondary screen, things would be much easier as we could use the new HL ability to launch HyperPause independently to work exactly as you want.

So the answer is more or less this:
Yes. It is technically possible to do it, BUT it would require a lot of free time or a full time dedication to write code that I currently do not have.
So, it is very improbable to happen, even worst on the near feature, and by near you need to think on the year scale.