I am new (I know roll your eyes)


New member
Just heard about this yesterday, following setup guides. I got everything running with MAME, but I have a question. Right now anything I wanted to run is on the MAME selection on the wheel. Does anyone have a guide to settings this up so that I can select and sort by system?

Thanks for any help! Just starting to learn this up.


RL Member
It will already be sorted when you add individual systems (NES, genesis, etc..)
If you are talking about mame sub wheels like capcom classics, snk, konami, and so on... you need to create separate db xml's, hyperspin website can guide you thru that .
Welcome to the communty!

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HS website is down at the moment... If you talking about dividing mame into sub wheels like drew suggested, do a search for hypertools when the site gets back on-line.