Launchbox plugin not pulling media correctly


New member
I checked around and didn't see anyone post about this I came across an issue with half of my Launchbox clear logos not showing on my fade. For example, I was trying to get "007: Quantum of Solace" to show its clear logo on the fade. I took a look at the RL troubleshooting log and it showed:

BuildAssetsTable - Searching for a Game Logo: D:\Gaming\LaunchBox\Images\Sony Playstation 2\Clear Logo\007: Quantum of Solace.*

Which is what I expected it to do. But further down the results it was not finding any images by that and instead setting the game name to the rom name (which no media in Launchbox is named that way). I took a look for myself to in the folder it was checking and I found the image was named: 007_ Quantum of Solace-01.png. Since Windows does allow certain special characters in file names, the Launchbox scraper will name it the library game name but replace any special characters with a underscore, which I found out here:

From what Jason was saying, it doesn't sound like there's anyway to get the scraper to just use the rom file name for it's media (which is extremely unfortunate). SOOO my question is, is there any way to have the Launchbox plugin use some sort of regex to replace any incompatible windows file name characters to be underscores as an additional search type when searching for a game's media?


New member
RL Member

I've noticed the same with my LB + RL setup... did you ever work out how to get around this issue?


New member
RL Member
Rename the images to the rom name and it should be fine. I used bulk rename utility to remove -01 at the end of every file, then I used hypertools to rename all the images according to that system's hyperspin database file. Delete cache folder from launchbox, voila.


New member
RL Member
That sounds involved... Would need to be done after every recrape and does it impact the artwork shown in LB?

Does anyone know if the LaunchBox.plugin file is the correct place to play around with how RL imports LB data?


New member
RL Member
I have edited LaunchBox.plugin to display artwork and descriptions for games with invalid characters.
It runs a regex search to replace ' and : with an _
Game name in Pause will show the name with underscores.
Also, this script will not search artwork subfolders which LB uses (eg for different regions).

*See post below
Last edited:


RL Member
I have edited LaunchBox.plugin to display artwork and descriptions for games with invalid characters.
It runs a regex search to replace ' and : with an _
Game name in Pause will show the name with underscores.
Also, this script will not search artwork subfolders which LB uses (eg for different regions).
Use this script to make RL/Pause use data from LB.

MCRC := "522BEDFD"
MVersion := "1.0.3"

; LaunchBox Plugin (by bleasby)
; Requires at least LaunchBox version 6.10
#MaxMem 256

	Log("PluginInit - Started")

	;---- FrontEnd Information
	frontendPlugin := "LaunchBox" 
	frontendPID := Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") ? Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") : Process("Exist","BigBox.exe")
	WinGet, windowIDList, list, Ahk_pid %frontendPID% 
	loop, % windowIDList
	{	WinGetTitle, frontendWinTitle, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
		if (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Premium")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Games Database")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Big Box")){
			WinGetClass, frontendWinClass, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
	;---- Game Info
	frontendDatabaseFields := "Developer|Notes|Platform|Publisher|Rating|ReleaseDate|StarRating|Title|Version|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|Clone"
	frontendDatabaseLabels := "Developer|Description|Platform|Publisher|Rating|Year|StarRating|Name|CloneOf|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|CloneOf"
	gameInfo := Object()
	gameInfo := BuildDatabaseTable(dbName,systemName,frontendDatabaseFields,frontendDatabaseLabels)
	;----------Loading FrontEnd asset labels
	feMedia := {}
	feLogoLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Logo_Labels", "Game Logo|System Logo")   ; if label "keepFileName" the filename will be used as label
	feBackgroundsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Backgrounds_Labels", "Background|Fanart - Background")
	feDiscArtworkLabel:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Disc_Artwork_Label", "")
	;Acquiring Logos
	logoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	systemLogoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	feMedia.Logos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(logoPath . "|" . systemLogoPath, feLogoLabels, "game|system", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")
	;Acquiring Backgrounds 
	gameBackgroundsPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background\Background"
	gameFanartBackgroundPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background"
	feMedia.Backgrounds := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameBackgroundsPath . "|" . gameFanartBackgroundPath,feBackgroundsLabels,"game|game","png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")

	;Acquiring Disc artwork (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)

	Log("PluginInit - Ended")

BuildDatabaseTable(game,system,ByRef frontendDatabaseFields, ByRef frontendDatabaseLabels){ ; required for rom mapping menu name
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: " . frontendDatabaseLabels,4)
	Global frontendPath, logLevel, dbName, romPath, romExtension, RLObject
	infoObject := Object()
	stringSplit, label, frontendDatabaseLabels, |
	systemXML := CheckFile(frontendPath . "\Data\Platforms\" . system . ".xml")
	FileRead, xmlContents, %systemXML%
	;search for a relative game path in relation with launchbox if the game is on the same drive as Launchbox (required because the way Launchbox saves the ApplicationPath info)
	if (substr(frontendPath,1,1) = substr(romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension, 1, 1))
		searchStringStart := RLObject.getRelativePathFromFull(frontendPath, romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension)
		searchStringStart := romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension
	; Replacing XML invalid characters
	replace :=   {"&":"&"}
	;replace :=   {"&":"&","'":"'","<":"<",">":">","""":"""} ; there is no need for replacing other invalid xml characters either because they are invalid file names or because LaunchBox does not replace them on its databases
	For what, with in replace
		StringReplace, searchStringStart, searchStringStart, %what%, %with%, All
	searchStringStart := "<ApplicationPath>" . searchStringStart . "</ApplicationPath>"	
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Searching LaunchBox database file for XML section: " . searchStringStart,4)
	searchStringEnd := "</Game>"
	GameXMLInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)	; full game section from HS xml
	if !(GameXMLInfo) { ; no info found, setting name info to the game value
		currentobj.Label := "Name"
		currentobj.Value := game
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended - no ""Game Name"" found. Assigning """ . game . """ to the label ""Name""",2)
		Return infoObject
	} Else
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found ""Game Name"" in the database!",4)
	; game xml info
	loop, parse, frontendDatabaseFields,|, 
	{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for: " . currentLabel,4)
		XMLDbInfo := StrX(GameXMLInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
		XMLDbInfo := RegexReplace( XMLDbInfo, "^\s+|\s+$" )
		;post processing some of the LaunchBox database info
		if (currentLabel="Year")
			XMLDbInfo :=  SubStr(XMLDbInfo,1,4)
		currentobj.Label := currentLabel
		currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		if (XMLDbInfo)
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	;platform info
	if (infoObject["Platform"].Value){
		searchStringStart := "<Name>" . infoObject["Platform"].Value . "</Name>"
		searchStringEnd := "</Platform>"
		platformPathInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)
		mediaFoldersXMLKeys := "VideosFolder|FrontImagesFolder|BackImagesFolder|ClearLogoImagesFolder|FanartImagesFolder|ScreenshotImagesFolder|BannerImagesFolder|SteamBannerImagesFolder|ManualsFolder|MusicFolder"
		mediaFoldersLabels := "Videos_Path|Front_Path|Back_Path|ClearLogo_Path|Fanart_Path|Screenshot_Path|Banner_Path|SteamBanner_Path|Manuals_Path|Music_Path"
		stringSplit, label, mediaFoldersLabels, |
		loop, parse, mediaFoldersXMLKeys,|, 
		{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for platform path for: " . currentLabel,4)
			XMLDbInfo := StrX(platformPathInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
			currentobj.Label := currentLabel
			currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
			infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
			if (XMLDbInfo)
				Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	if (logLevel>=5){
		for index, element in infoObject
			gameInfoLog := % gameInfoLog . "`r`n`t`t`t`t`tGameInfo Label: " . element.Label . " | GameInfo Value: " . element.Value
		Log("PluginInit - GameInfo:" gameInfoLog ,5)
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended",4)
	Return infoObject

	Global gameInfo, romName
	obj := {}
	StringSplit, labelArray, label, |,
	StringSplit, AssetTypeArray, AssetType, |,
	Loop, Parse, list,|
	{ 	currentLabel := A_Index
		If !(labelArray%currentLabel% = "#disabled#"){	
			If (AssetTypeArray%currentLabel% = "game"){
				;adding dbnamed assets

romName := RegexReplace( romName, "'", "_" )
romName := RegexReplace( romName, ":", "_" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, "'", "_" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, ":", "_" )

				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				if (parentDbName){
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
					Loop, 9
						obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				;adding rom named assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
			} else { ;system assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
	Return obj

	Global additionalFEAssetsLoaded, feMedia, frontendPath, gameInfo

	;Loading labels from ini files
	feArtworkLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Artwork_Labels", "Advertisement Flyer - Back|Advertisement Flyer - Front|Arcade - Cabinet|Arcade - Circuit Board|Arcade - Control Panel|Arcade - Controls Information|Arcade - Marquee|Banner|Box - 3D|Box - Back|Box - Back - Reconstructed|Box - Front|Box - Front - Reconstructed|Cart - 3D|Cart - Back|Cart - Front|Disc|Fanart - Box - Back|Fanart - Box - Front|Fanart - Cart - Back|Fanart - Cart - Front|Fanart - Disc|Screenshot - Game Over|Screenshot - Game Select|Screenshot - Game Title|Screenshot - Gameplay|Screenshot - High Scores|Steam Banner|Screenshot - Gameplay - Cabinet|Screenshot - Gameplay - Controls|Screenshot - Gameplay - CP|Screenshot - Gameplay - GameOver|Screenshot - Gameplay - Marquee|Screenshot - Gameplay - PCB|Screenshot - Gameplay - Score|Screenshot - Gameplay - Select|Screenshot - Gameplay - Snap|Screenshot - Gameplay - Title")
	feControllerLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Controller_Labels", "")
	feGuidesLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Guides_Labels", "")
	feManualsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Manuals_Labels", "Game Manual")
	feVideosLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Videos_Labels", "Game Video|System Video")
	;Acquiring ArtWork
	feArtworkPaths1 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Circuit Board" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Control Panel" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Controls Information" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Disc"
	feArtworkPaths2 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Disc" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Over" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Title" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - High Scores" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Steam Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Controls" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\CP" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\GameOver" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\PCB" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Score" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Snap" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Title" 
	feMedia.Artwork := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(feArtworkPaths1 . "|" . feArtworkPaths2, feArtworkLabels, "game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")

	;Acquiring Videos
	gameVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	systemVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Videos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameVideoPath . "|" . systemVideoPath,feVideosLabels,"game|system","mp4,flv")
	;Acquiring Manuals
	gameManualPath := frontendPath . "\Manuals\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Manuals := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameManualPath,feManualsLabels,"game","pdf")

	;Acquiring Controller (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	;Acquiring Guides (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	additionalFEAssetsLoaded := true

The plugin is working great with your added modifications. I was having to rename all my images that had _ in the box art or videos but with this added I don't have to.Thanks for sharing.


New member
RL Member
Thanks for testing. New version below which swaps & for &
If you find anyother characters that need to be cleansed let me know and Ill add it to the plugin.

MCRC := "522BEDFD"
MVersion := "1.0.3"

; LaunchBox Plugin (by bleasby)
; Requires at least LaunchBox version 6.10
#MaxMem 256

	Log("PluginInit - Started")

	;---- FrontEnd Information
	frontendPlugin := "LaunchBox" 
	frontendPID := Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") ? Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") : Process("Exist","BigBox.exe")
	WinGet, windowIDList, list, Ahk_pid %frontendPID% 
	loop, % windowIDList
	{	WinGetTitle, frontendWinTitle, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
		if (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Premium")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Games Database")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Big Box")){
			WinGetClass, frontendWinClass, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
	;---- Game Info
	frontendDatabaseFields := "Developer|Notes|Platform|Publisher|Rating|ReleaseDate|StarRating|Title|Version|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|Clone"
	frontendDatabaseLabels := "Developer|Description|Platform|Publisher|Rating|Year|StarRating|Name|CloneOf|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|CloneOf"
	gameInfo := Object()
	gameInfo := BuildDatabaseTable(dbName,systemName,frontendDatabaseFields,frontendDatabaseLabels)
	;----------Loading FrontEnd asset labels
	feMedia := {}
	feLogoLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Logo_Labels", "Game Logo|System Logo")   ; if label "keepFileName" the filename will be used as label
	feBackgroundsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Backgrounds_Labels", "Background|Fanart - Background")
	feDiscArtworkLabel:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Disc_Artwork_Label", "")
	;Acquiring Logos
	logoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	systemLogoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	feMedia.Logos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(logoPath . "|" . systemLogoPath, feLogoLabels, "game|system", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")
	;Acquiring Backgrounds 
	gameBackgroundsPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background\Background"
	gameFanartBackgroundPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background"
	feMedia.Backgrounds := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameBackgroundsPath . "|" . gameFanartBackgroundPath,feBackgroundsLabels,"game|game","png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")

	;Acquiring Disc artwork (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)

	Log("PluginInit - Ended")

BuildDatabaseTable(game,system,ByRef frontendDatabaseFields, ByRef frontendDatabaseLabels){ ; required for rom mapping menu name
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: " . frontendDatabaseLabels,4)
	Global frontendPath, logLevel, dbName, romPath, romExtension, RLObject
	infoObject := Object()
	stringSplit, label, frontendDatabaseLabels, |
	systemXML := CheckFile(frontendPath . "\Data\Platforms\" . system . ".xml")
	FileRead, xmlContents, %systemXML%
	;search for a relative game path in relation with launchbox if the game is on the same drive as Launchbox (required because the way Launchbox saves the ApplicationPath info)
	if (substr(frontendPath,1,1) = substr(romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension, 1, 1))
		searchStringStart := RLObject.getRelativePathFromFull(frontendPath, romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension)
		searchStringStart := romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension
	; Replacing XML invalid characters
	replace :=   {"&":"&"}
	;replace :=   {"&":"&","'":"&apos;","<":"<",">":">","""":"""} ; there is no need for replacing other invalid xml characters either because they are invalid file names or because LaunchBox does not replace them on its databases
	For what, with in replace
		StringReplace, searchStringStart, searchStringStart, %what%, %with%, All
	searchStringStart := "<ApplicationPath>" . searchStringStart . "</ApplicationPath>"	
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Searching LaunchBox database file for XML section: " . searchStringStart,4)
	searchStringEnd := "</Game>"
	GameXMLInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)	; full game section from HS xml
	if !(GameXMLInfo) { ; no info found, setting name info to the game value
		currentobj.Label := "Name"
		currentobj.Value := game
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended - no ""Game Name"" found. Assigning """ . game . """ to the label ""Name""",2)
		Return infoObject
	} Else
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found ""Game Name"" in the database!",4)
	; game xml info
	loop, parse, frontendDatabaseFields,|, 
	{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for: " . currentLabel,4)
		XMLDbInfo := StrX(GameXMLInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
		XMLDbInfo := RegexReplace( XMLDbInfo, "^\s+|\s+$" )
		;post processing some of the LaunchBox database info
		if (currentLabel="Year")
			XMLDbInfo :=  SubStr(XMLDbInfo,1,4)
		currentobj.Label := currentLabel
		currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		if (XMLDbInfo)
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	;platform info
	if (infoObject["Platform"].Value){
		searchStringStart := "<Name>" . infoObject["Platform"].Value . "</Name>"
		searchStringEnd := "</Platform>"
		platformPathInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)
		mediaFoldersXMLKeys := "VideosFolder|FrontImagesFolder|BackImagesFolder|ClearLogoImagesFolder|FanartImagesFolder|ScreenshotImagesFolder|BannerImagesFolder|SteamBannerImagesFolder|ManualsFolder|MusicFolder"
		mediaFoldersLabels := "Videos_Path|Front_Path|Back_Path|ClearLogo_Path|Fanart_Path|Screenshot_Path|Banner_Path|SteamBanner_Path|Manuals_Path|Music_Path"
		stringSplit, label, mediaFoldersLabels, |
		loop, parse, mediaFoldersXMLKeys,|, 
		{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for platform path for: " . currentLabel,4)
			XMLDbInfo := StrX(platformPathInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
			currentobj.Label := currentLabel
			currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
			infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
			if (XMLDbInfo)
				Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	if (logLevel>=5){
		for index, element in infoObject
			gameInfoLog := % gameInfoLog . "`r`n`t`t`t`t`tGameInfo Label: " . element.Label . " | GameInfo Value: " . element.Value
		Log("PluginInit - GameInfo:" gameInfoLog ,5)
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended",4)
	Return infoObject

	Global gameInfo, romName
	obj := {}
	StringSplit, labelArray, label, |,
	StringSplit, AssetTypeArray, AssetType, |,
	Loop, Parse, list,|
	{ 	currentLabel := A_Index
		If !(labelArray%currentLabel% = "#disabled#"){	
			If (AssetTypeArray%currentLabel% = "game"){
				;adding dbnamed assets

romName := RegexReplace( romName, "'", "_" )
romName := RegexReplace( romName, ":", "_" )
romName := RegexReplace( romName, "&", "&" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, "'", "_" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, ":", "_" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, "&", "&" )

				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				if (parentDbName){
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
					Loop, 9
						obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				;adding rom named assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
			} else { ;system assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
	Return obj

	Global additionalFEAssetsLoaded, feMedia, frontendPath, gameInfo

	;Loading labels from ini files
	feArtworkLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Artwork_Labels", "Advertisement Flyer - Back|Advertisement Flyer - Front|Arcade - Cabinet|Arcade - Circuit Board|Arcade - Control Panel|Arcade - Controls Information|Arcade - Marquee|Banner|Box - 3D|Box - Back|Box - Back - Reconstructed|Box - Front|Box - Front - Reconstructed|Cart - 3D|Cart - Back|Cart - Front|Disc|Fanart - Box - Back|Fanart - Box - Front|Fanart - Cart - Back|Fanart - Cart - Front|Fanart - Disc|Screenshot - Game Over|Screenshot - Game Select|Screenshot - Game Title|Screenshot - Gameplay|Screenshot - High Scores|Steam Banner|Screenshot - Gameplay - Cabinet|Screenshot - Gameplay - Controls|Screenshot - Gameplay - CP|Screenshot - Gameplay - GameOver|Screenshot - Gameplay - Marquee|Screenshot - Gameplay - PCB|Screenshot - Gameplay - Score|Screenshot - Gameplay - Select|Screenshot - Gameplay - Snap|Screenshot - Gameplay - Title")
	feControllerLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Controller_Labels", "")
	feGuidesLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Guides_Labels", "")
	feManualsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Manuals_Labels", "Game Manual")
	feVideosLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Videos_Labels", "Game Video|System Video")
	;Acquiring ArtWork
	feArtworkPaths1 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Circuit Board" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Control Panel" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Controls Information" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Disc"
	feArtworkPaths2 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Disc" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Over" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Title" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - High Scores" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Steam Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Controls" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\CP" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\GameOver" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\PCB" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Score" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Snap" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Title" 
	feMedia.Artwork := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(feArtworkPaths1 . "|" . feArtworkPaths2, feArtworkLabels, "game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")

	;Acquiring Videos
	gameVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	systemVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Videos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameVideoPath . "|" . systemVideoPath,feVideosLabels,"game|system","mp4,flv")
	;Acquiring Manuals
	gameManualPath := frontendPath . "\Manuals\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Manuals := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameManualPath,feManualsLabels,"game","pdf")

	;Acquiring Controller (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	;Acquiring Guides (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	additionalFEAssetsLoaded := true


RL Member

But I deleted the following two lines for my setup:

gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, "'", "_" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, ":", "_" )

I use plain text for my game name, and games like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: DragonStrike had the & problem fixed, but then had _ in place of : and I can't have that lol.

Also, I'm pretty sure those edits are unnecessary, because the rom name is what RocketLauncher actually looks for when matching images - the title is just what it displays.

Thanks for this though... I know nothing about code, I just know enough to tweak things and get by. :)


RL Member
I just discovered that the 'publisher' and 'developer' field also need this code added, teeedubb.

Here's what I have for my plugin, everything is working well for me. Brolly, this should be the new Launchbox plugin. The & thing really looks bad in fades when it displays your metadata.

MCRC := "522BEDFD"
MVersion := "1.0.3"

; LaunchBox Plugin (by bleasby)
; Requires at least LaunchBox version 6.10
#MaxMem 256

	Log("PluginInit - Started")

	;---- FrontEnd Information
	frontendPlugin := "LaunchBox" 
	frontendPID := Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") ? Process("Exist","LaunchBox.exe") : Process("Exist","BigBox.exe")
	WinGet, windowIDList, list, Ahk_pid %frontendPID% 
	loop, % windowIDList
	{	WinGetTitle, frontendWinTitle, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
		if (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Premium")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Games Database")) or (InStr(frontendWinTitle, "LaunchBox Big Box")){
			WinGetClass, frontendWinClass, % "Ahk_id " . windowIDList%a_index%
	;---- Game Info
	frontendDatabaseFields := "Developer|Notes|Platform|Publisher|Rating|ReleaseDate|StarRating|Title|Version|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|Clone"
	frontendDatabaseLabels := "Developer|Notes|Platform|Publisher|Rating|Year|StarRating|Name|CloneOf|Series|PlayMode|Genre|Status|Source|Region|Favorite|Completed|Portable|CloneOf"
	gameInfo := Object()
	gameInfo := BuildDatabaseTable(dbName,systemName,frontendDatabaseFields,frontendDatabaseLabels)
	;----------Loading FrontEnd asset labels
	feMedia := {}
	feLogoLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Logo_Labels", "Game Logo|System Logo")   ; if label "keepFileName" the filename will be used as label
	feBackgroundsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Backgrounds_Labels", "Background|Fanart - Background")
	feDiscArtworkLabel:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Disc_Artwork_Label", "")
	;Acquiring Logos
	logoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	systemLogoPath := frontendPath . "\Images\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Clear Logo"
	feMedia.Logos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(logoPath . "|" . systemLogoPath, feLogoLabels, "game|system", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")
	;Acquiring Backgrounds 
	gameBackgroundsPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background\Background"
	gameFanartBackgroundPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Background"
	feMedia.Backgrounds := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameBackgroundsPath . "|" . gameFanartBackgroundPath,feBackgroundsLabels,"game|game","png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")

	;Acquiring Disc artwork (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)

	Log("PluginInit - Ended")

BuildDatabaseTable(game,system,ByRef frontendDatabaseFields, ByRef frontendDatabaseLabels){ ; required for rom mapping menu name
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: " . frontendDatabaseLabels,4)
	Global frontendPath, logLevel, dbName, romPath, romExtension, RLObject
	infoObject := Object()
	stringSplit, label, frontendDatabaseLabels, |
	systemXML := CheckFile(frontendPath . "\Data\Platforms\" . system . ".xml")
	FileRead, xmlContents, %systemXML%
	;search for a relative game path in relation with launchbox if the game is on the same drive as Launchbox (required because the way Launchbox saves the ApplicationPath info)
	if (substr(frontendPath,1,1) = substr(romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension, 1, 1))
		searchStringStart := RLObject.getRelativePathFromFull(frontendPath, romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension)
		searchStringStart := romPath . "\" . dbName . romExtension
	; Replacing XML invalid characters
	replace :=   {"&":"&"}
	;replace :=   {"&":"&","'":"&apos;","<":"<",">":">","""":"""} ; there is no need for replacing other invalid xml characters either because they are invalid file names or because LaunchBox does not replace them on its databases
	For what, with in replace
		StringReplace, searchStringStart, searchStringStart, %what%, %with%, All
	searchStringStart := "<ApplicationPath>" . searchStringStart . "</ApplicationPath>"	
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Searching LaunchBox database file for XML section: " . searchStringStart,4)
	searchStringEnd := "</Game>"
	GameXMLInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)	; full game section from HS xml
	if !(GameXMLInfo) { ; no info found, setting name info to the game value
		currentobj.Label := "Name"
		currentobj.Value := game
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended - no ""Game Name"" found. Assigning """ . game . """ to the label ""Name""",2)
		Return infoObject
	} Else
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found ""Game Name"" in the database!",4)
	; game xml info
	loop, parse, frontendDatabaseFields,|, 
	{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
		Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for: " . currentLabel,4)
		XMLDbInfo := StrX(GameXMLInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
		XMLDbInfo := RegexReplace( XMLDbInfo, "^\s+|\s+$" )
		;post processing some of the LaunchBox database info
		if (currentLabel="Year")
			XMLDbInfo :=  SubStr(XMLDbInfo,1,4)
		currentobj.Label := currentLabel
		currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
		infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
		if (XMLDbInfo)
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	;platform info
	if (infoObject["Platform"].Value){
		searchStringStart := "<Name>" . infoObject["Platform"].Value . "</Name>"
		searchStringEnd := "</Platform>"
		platformPathInfo := StrX(xmlContents,searchStringStart,1,0,searchStringEnd,1,0)
		mediaFoldersXMLKeys := "VideosFolder|FrontImagesFolder|BackImagesFolder|ClearLogoImagesFolder|FanartImagesFolder|ScreenshotImagesFolder|BannerImagesFolder|SteamBannerImagesFolder|ManualsFolder|MusicFolder"
		mediaFoldersLabels := "Videos_Path|Front_Path|Back_Path|ClearLogo_Path|Fanart_Path|Screenshot_Path|Banner_Path|SteamBanner_Path|Manuals_Path|Music_Path"
		stringSplit, label, mediaFoldersLabels, |
		loop, parse, mediaFoldersXMLKeys,|, 
		{	currentLabel := label%A_index%
			Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Looking database for platform path for: " . currentLabel,4)
			XMLDbInfo := StrX(platformPathInfo,"<" . A_Loopfield . ">",1,StrLen("<" . A_Loopfield . ">"),"</" . A_Loopfield . ">"d,1,StrLen("</" . A_Loopfield . ">"))
			currentobj.Label := currentLabel
			currentobj.Value := XMLDbInfo
			infoObject.Insert(currentobj["Label"], currentobj)
			if (XMLDbInfo)
				Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Found """ . currentLabel . """ with a value: """ . XMLDbInfo . """",4)
	if (logLevel>=5){
		for index, element in infoObject
			gameInfoLog := % gameInfoLog . "`r`n`t`t`t`t`tGameInfo Label: " . element.Label . " | GameInfo Value: " . element.Value
		Log("PluginInit - GameInfo:" gameInfoLog ,5)
	Log("BuildDatabaseTable - Ended",4)
	Return infoObject

	Global gameInfo, romName
	obj := {}
	StringSplit, labelArray, label, |,
	StringSplit, AssetTypeArray, AssetType, |,
	Loop, Parse, list,|
	{ 	currentLabel := A_Index
		If !(labelArray%currentLabel% = "#disabled#"){	
			If (AssetTypeArray%currentLabel% = "game"){
				;adding dbnamed assets
romName := RegexReplace( romName, ":", "_" )
romName := RegexReplace( romName, "&", "&" )
gameInfo["Name"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Name"].Value, "&", "&" )
gameInfo["Developer"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Developer"].Value, "&", "&" )
gameInfo["Publisher"].Value := RegexReplace( gameInfo["Publisher"].Value, "&", "&" )																			  

				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Name"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				if (parentDbName){
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
					Loop, 9
						obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["CloneOf"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Parent " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				;adding rom named assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . romName . "-0" . a_index . ".*","Rom " . labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
			} else { ;system assets
				obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel%,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
				Loop, 9
					obj := BuildAssetsTable(A_loopfield . "\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "-0" . a_index . ".*",labelArray%currentLabel% . "-0" . a_index,AssetTypeArray%currentLabel%,extensions, obj)
	Return obj

	Global additionalFEAssetsLoaded, feMedia, frontendPath, gameInfo
	;Loading labels from ini files
	feArtworkLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Artwork_Labels", "Advertisement Flyer - Back|Advertisement Flyer - Front|Arcade - Cabinet|Arcade - Circuit Board|Arcade - Control Panel|Arcade - Controls Information|Arcade - Marquee|Banner|Box - 3D|Box - Back|Box - Back - Reconstructed|Box - Front|Box - Front - Reconstructed|Cart - 3D|Cart - Back|Cart - Front|Disc|Fanart - Box - Back|Fanart - Box - Front|Fanart - Cart - Back|Fanart - Cart - Front|Fanart - Disc|Screenshot - Game Over|Screenshot - Game Select|Screenshot - Game Title|Screenshot - Gameplay|Screenshot - High Scores|Steam Banner|Screenshot - Gameplay - Cabinet|Screenshot - Gameplay - Controls|Screenshot - Gameplay - CP|Screenshot - Gameplay - GameOver|Screenshot - Gameplay - Marquee|Screenshot - Gameplay - PCB|Screenshot - Gameplay - Score|Screenshot - Gameplay - Select|Screenshot - Gameplay - Snap|Screenshot - Gameplay - Title")
	feControllerLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Controller_Labels", "")
	feGuidesLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Guides_Labels", "")
	feManualsLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Manuals_Labels", "Game Manual")
	feVideosLabels:= RIniLoadVar("GlobalPluginsIni","SystemPluginsIni", "LaunchBox", "Fe_Videos_Labels", "Game Video|System Video")
	;Acquiring ArtWork
	feArtworkPaths1 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Advertisement Flyer - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Circuit Board" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Control Panel" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Controls Information" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Arcade - Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Back - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Box - Front - Reconstructed" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - 3D" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Disc"
	feArtworkPaths2 := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Box - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Back" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Cart - Front" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Fanart - Disc" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Over" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Game Title" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - High Scores" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Steam Banner" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Cabinet" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Controls" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\CP" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\GameOver" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Marquee" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\PCB" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Score" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Select" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Snap" . "|" . frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Screenshot - Gameplay\Title" 
	feMedia.Artwork := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(feArtworkPaths1 . "|" . feArtworkPaths2, feArtworkLabels, "game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game|game", "png|bmp|gif|jpg|tif")
	;Acquiring Videos
	gameVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	systemVideoPath := frontendPath . "\Videos\Platforms\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Videos := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameVideoPath . "|" . systemVideoPath,feVideosLabels,"game|system","mp4,flv")
	;Acquiring Manuals
	gameManualPath := frontendPath . "\Manuals\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value
	feMedia.Manuals := launchboxProcessExtraFiles(gameManualPath,feManualsLabels,"game","pdf")

	;Acquiring Controller (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	;Acquiring Guides (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)
	additionalFEAssetsLoaded := true


I'm not really sure about those Regex replaces, I mean this problem should appear in the HS plugin too right? And it seems to be dealt differently in there, could you please have a look at this bleasby to see if this is the best way to fix it or if it should be handled differently?


RL Member
The other issue is, Discs are not showing. I found this line in the plugin:

;Acquiring Disc artwork (not available or location unknown on LaunchBox folders)

The location is the 'Disc' folder, e.g. LaunchBox\Images\Sony Playstation\Disc

I tried editing the line below to this:

gameDiscPath := frontendPath . "\Images\" . gameInfo["Platform"].Value . "\Disc" match the other entries (backgrounds, etc.), but I still can't get discs to appear in Pause.

Edit: I just realized I can put disc images in the Multigame folder and all will work, so it's probably the best solution for all frontends.
Last edited:


RL Member

I think the reason this is a problem for Launchbox and not HS is because launchbox renames your games to a standardized naming on import to match it's database. So if you import "Super Mario Bros. (USA).sfc" into launchbox, the xml will be written like "Super Mario Bros." I think RL is looking for "Super Mario Bros. (USA).png" for example, but when launchbox downloads artwork for the game it'll be named like "Super Mario Bros.png-01" etc.


RL Member
Is anybody else having trouble displaying all the metadata fields when fade is used? I have updated the plugin to Suprakarna’s revision, but the only info it shows for me on fade is game name and year. No publisher, developer, genre and they are checked in Rlui to display text.

Also from a testing perspective, I have recently been redoing all my fades over. When using Rlui’s fade test function, only the game name shows on the info bar. In order to get the year to show, I actually have to boot a game from within launch box to display it.

If you’re using the launch box plugin, shouldn’t it pull the full game info for fade testing even if launchbox isn’t running?


Super Moderator
Staff member
RL Member
When using Rlui’s fade test function, only the game name shows on the info bar. In order to get the year to show, I actually have to boot a game from within launch box to display it.

If you’re using the launch box plugin, shouldn’t it pull the full game info for fade testing even if launchbox isn’t running?


RL Member
Not sure if this is related, but when I have Launchbox set on my system, Fade uses the "Name" field rather than the "Description" field which gives some wacky results when the files use odd naming standards i.e, MAME. Does anyone else have this?

For example in Fade, the game "Time Crisis" is displayed as "timecris". It works fine with Hyperspin, which leads me to believe it's something to do with the Launchbox module rather than the Fade module.


New member
I've run into a media problem as well. I've got my fade set up to use the clear logo image, but it only works on some games and not others even though Launchbox/BigBox displays the image.

After digging around, it looks like the issue is with LaunchBox's region folders for images. If the image is in (system)/Clear Logos/, it works fine. If it's in (system)/Clear Logos/(region)/, RL doesn't see it.

I can try manually moving the images into the main Clear Logo folder, but I'd have to do that for every system, and repeat every time new games are added. Is there any way to have the plugin search the subfolders as well?


Super Moderator
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RL Member
The plugin could be modified to search region subfolders but the potential problem with that is priority if images are found in multiple regions and/or the main images directory.

I don't use LB so I don't know the specifics but I vaguely remember hearing about region priorities. I'm not sure if that only applies to roms or images as well but if there was a setting for it we could read that and that would probably take care of it.


New member
RL Member
I found one more character that needs to be addressed, and it's the forward slash, "/"

The edited plugin works fairly well, but 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex is an example of a game that doesn't work still.