MaLa plugin


New member
I am impressed with the launcher. It performs bezels like I always wanted. Not sure how to integrate since there is no plugin. I have been using MaLa for years since I have been using an underpowered system to drive my Arcade. Now that I upgraded I wanted to spruce it up, but not go overboard with HS or other fancy FE's. Not quite sure of the plugin settings yet but may give it a stab to see how to integrate. Problem is there is no standard naming convention for MaLa as everything is definable. The plugin syntax seems a little daunting to get right. Any first tips?


RL Member
MALA is a fontend within its self and wont work from what I know with Rocket Launcher

ITs a great FE don't get me wrong but has not been developed in far too many years to start counting now and isn't really worth messing with and trying to get it to work outside of its own box

when I started with HS I started with Just MAME on a sinle EMu setup and its was simple and nothing was over kill

from there I decided to add a few more systems and then slowly my systems grew to what I wanted

at anytime I can set the HS without doing anything to single emu and leave the rest there and also MALA as a standalone on its own as it was intended when developed is also sat on my HDD and all links defined to the HS folders so not to break HS

I would suggest doing the leap and moving to HS and RL and leaving MALA out of the equation


I'm pretty sure MALA can work with RL without any issues, if it can launch emulators then it should also be able to start RL. If all you want is to be able to launch the games using RL then creating a plugin would be pretty simple, on the other hand if you want to be able to see all the MALA artwork from within the pause menu as well then the plugin can be a lot more complex depending on the structure MALA uses and you need to know that structure pretty well.
System names should also match the official ones from RL, but I guess you can easily change this in MALA?


Staff member
MaLa works fine with RL.

I noticed the beta version crashes each time you select a mame exe that has spaces in the filename...

I don't see us being able to read anything from mala we could use. They use an unknown format as a db and to store all system related settings and mappings. The mala.ini is of no real help.

If someone can figure out the format used in its files, it's possible we could do more with it. Here is some more info on the subject:

Until then, a generic RocketLauncher plugin is all there will be. Just pushed the mala plugin live for RocketLauncher.

Here is your setup info:


New member
Yes, we have had to resort to tools to manage our rom lists. The snap data is encoded in the mala.mle file. Until MaLa converts to xml/ini files I'll use the default plugin. Thanks


Is any code for encoding/decoding the data public? Since there seems to be third party tools available for this I assume this info has been shared at some point.
Without this it won't be possible to list any systems or games from within RLUI since we can't read the data.