Moves lists issues with displaying


New member
RL Member
Was checking out the new pause on secondary monitor thing and noticed some of the commands within it are not displaying images. Specifically the ones I have noticed so far are whatever _O and _G are.


RocketLauncher Developer
Any image code that is not showed is because it was never created.

I already explained this numerous times and asked for a few users to help on filling the gaps, but everybody that said that would do something to help never came back with anything to me.

The current images (all kindly created by THK) can be found on: RocketLauncher\Media\Moves List\_Default

You just need to create a _O.png and a _G.png image and place the new images on this folder.

If you or anyone else helps to create the missing moves list files, please share with us and we will add them to the official RocketLauncher files, with proper credit.