My experiences with the Arcade VGA 5000/MAME & Screen Tearing


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Hi all,

I thought I would post regarding my recent struggles with MAME the Arcade VGA 5000 and the horrible screen tearing in Neo Geo games,.

Ive been working on converting a Blast City Cabinet to HyperSpin over the last few weeks and got quite frustrated with the terrible screen tearing in Neo Geo games in particular.

The Arcade VGA works a treat and with the aid of the avres program it creates per game ini files detailing the correct resolutions for all games. All this worked fine and MAME uses these ini files to good effect. As soon as I started playing the Neo Geo titles I soon found that they had terrible horizontal screen tearing. It was so bad that I struggled to enjoy the games. Using the Ultimarc instructions I used ddraw, turned off triple buffer and all hardware stretch. The games look beautiful until they start to scroll! I needed a solution so I contacted Andy at Ultimarc where I was informed that this was a known issue. I was surprised that there was no solution so I decided to take matters into my own hands. After a lot of research and trial and error I have managed to fix it. The AVRES program creates per game ini files and defines the resolution for all games individually. The Neo Geo games are defined as 320x240 resolution. I edited this to 321x240 and the results were superb. The games now have no tearing and look fantastic.

I found this a very annoying issue and I had difficulty finding any information to help me. With that in mind I thought I would share this in case anyone else was in the same boat as me.


Staff member
Thanks daith, hopefully somebody will find this useful. What made you think to add 1 to the x size?


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Hi DJ, I was thinking there must be an issue with the resolution selected by AVRES so I played around with it a little bit changing it a few times (lucky I guess) :).

I have an made further changes today with even more improvements.

I wasn't aware before today that the the MVS had a native resolution at 320x224. It seems that the utility AVRES picks the closest which must have been 320x240 but this looked terrible. I have now manually changed all the ini's (Neo Geo) to reflect 320x224 and I now have a perfect picture on my arcade monitor. No judder and no tearing either Horizontally or vertically. with ddraw
My MAME settings are as follows:

video ddraw
numscreens 1
window 0
maximize 1
keepaspect 1
prescale 1
effect none
waitvsync 0
syncrefresh 0
hwstretch 0
triplebuffer 0
switchres 1