My method for putting CEMU's GamePad screen to a second monitor


New member
Let me start off with an apology as I have looked at the forums and am not too sure where this should belong. Hopefully a moderator could help me out with this and move it to the right place.

My ultimate goal when I finish my arcade cabinet is to have a 7" touchscreen on the control panel for various things, however the main 2 being for CEMU and Citra. However, I have scoured the internet and have found very little to no info as to how to be able to do this. Even with CEMU's capability to put it to a new window.

That being said.... If I'm looking for this info, I'm sure others are too. Which is why I wanted to share this little snippet I put together and added to my Cemu.ahk module to allow this to work. Which in turn, tested on 2nd monitor btw, will take the GamePad View, as long as you have it enabled, and move it over to Monitor 2, Maximize it, and remove the Title Bar. So when you run a Wii U game, the game pad will automatically fill your second screen away from your monitor, every time you load it.


; Attempt to move Gamepad to New Window
SysGet, Mon2, Monitor, 2 ; Get second Monitor Info X and Y
WinGetPos, Padx, Pady, Padw, Padh, GamePad View ; Get the GamePad's Width and Height Probably not necessary as we maximize below
WinMove, GamePad View,, %Mon2Left%, %Mon2Top%, Padw, Padh ; Move Window to second monitor
WinMaximize, GamePad View ; Maximize window to fill Monitor
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, GamePad View  ; Remove the title bar


All you should have to do is paste the code in the middle between FadeInExit() and primaryExe.Process("WaitClose"). You need a second monitor for this mind you. You can arrange this on a 1 monitor setup too if you run windowed mode. you would just need to know the x, y, width, and height you want the window to be in WinMove.

As for my touch screen, I order it from China and it has yet to arrive so I'll have to post an update as to how the touch features are working. I hope this helps others out there who want to do something strait forward and simple.