N64 Project 64 config file modules


New member
Hai there, I just spent a couple of hours ripping my hairs out not understanding what was wrong untill I finally pulled myself to read the config file trough ( this is 2x )

emuCfg := CheckFile(emuPath . "\Config\Project64.cfg") ; check for emu's settings file
currentFullScreen := IniReadCheck(emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")
If (Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen = 0)
IniWrite(1,emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")
Else If (Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen = 1)
IniWrite(1,emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")

in here had you swapped the values around and basically created a loop that would always made it small screen if it was fullscreen instead of the other way around, the value for fullscreen is 1 not 0 <3
I figured it would be an easy change and it would save future peepz the hairloss I just endured <3


The only thing your fix does is to always set the emulator to run fullscreen and completely breaks windowed mode.

The old code logic is perfectly fine, if it's not working for you then it's because you didn't have that setting set in the cfg file in the first place. This should be more robust since it will handle that scenario as well:
emuCfg := CheckFile(emuPath . "\Config\Project64.cfg") ; check for emu's settings file
currentFullScreen := IniReadCheck(emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")
If (Fullscreen != "true" And currentFullScreen != "0")
IniWrite(0,emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")
Else If (Fullscreen = "true" And currentFullScreen != "1")
IniWrite(1,emuCfg,"default","Auto Full Screen")