Newbie: RocketLauncher, JoytoKey and IPAC Ultimate


New member
RL Member
I'm hoping someone could guide me a bit on this...

I had Hyperspin setup a while ago with XBOX controllers and a keyboard and things worked okay.

Today I tried to ADD a Ultimate IPAC controller for some regular arcade controls and it seems the system doesn't recognize the arcade buttons as keyboard strokes in Hyperspin (via Rockeylauncher)... My Rocketlauncher/ Hyperspin config was setup for JoyToKey (but thats for the controllers)...So how do I get it to recognize the IPAC controller as well?

I noticed I can setup the IPAC as a Gamepad, so is that what I should be doing? Shouldn't the IPAC just act like another connected keyboard? or does JoyToKey kill that?

Thank you!!


RL Member
You tried to add it in what? RLUI? What do you mean in HS via RL? They are completely different. If HS isn't recgonizing your keys, then you need to set them in HyperHQ.