Nuance Module


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I have no idea if I wrote this or got it from elsewhere - but here is a Nuance module.


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Do you now how to set this up as it will ony show one game.
The module doesn't dictate what games "show up". You would follow the same steps for setting up any system via your frontend and your frontend to RLUI connection. Typically, if certain games aren't "showing up" it's due to your frontend. Especially if you're using a certain one. If you ever have issues with modules please post a troubleshooting log because without that information nobody will be able to help you.


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The games show in the frontend with the standalone emulator but when i try to add them to rocket launcher it will only show the same game even if i add one at a time.


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The games show in the frontend with the standalone emulator
Are you saying that the games show in "Nuance", the emulator, or in your frontend? What frontend are you using? Even if your are using RLUI as your frontend (which is very rare) you would need to provide a list of games. Please provide more information about your entire setup.


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Sorry for slow reply iam working silly hours. Iam using the frontend Launchbox and the games show and launch fine using the Nuance emulator through launchbox. I use rocketlauncher for systems that dont support bezels. The issue seems to be how iam adding the rom extensions in the emulator set up in rocketlauncher. To launch the games the file is "" so i put that as the rom extension. Now when i go to the games list for that platform after adding the rom directory within rocketlauncher and refresh the list it only shows "Merlin Racing " even if i add each rom seperatly.


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All I was asking for is a guide on how to add/ set this up in rockelauncher. If anyone has a moment to put one up it would be appreciated.


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You need to set skip checks 'Rom Only' in rocketlauncher. Don't set as the rom extension in the emulator settings, it has no effect here. Otherwise you need to do as @agent47 has suggested.
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