Odyssey 2 Voice emulation


RL Member
Just curious if the voice feature can be added to games like KC's Crazy Chase and Timelord.

Command line in mame would be: mame odyssey2 -cart1 voice -cart2 timelord

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I was never away ;) and congrats on the new baby.

Btw if you have a list of all games that support the voice module I can also pre-configure those in the module ini file.


RL Member
What games work with The Voice of Odyssey²?

The original Voice games were: Sid the Spellbinder, Nimble Numbers Ned, Type & Tell, Smithereens, K.C.'s Krazy Chase, P.T. Barnum's Acrobats, Attack of the Timelord, Turtles, and Killer Bees. "Homebrew" titles that support The Voice include Mr. Roboto and Pong for Videopac and Odyssey².


RL Member
What games work with The Voice of Odyssey²?

The original Voice games were: Sid the Spellbinder, Nimble Numbers Ned, Type & Tell, Smithereens, K.C.'s Krazy Chase, P.T. Barnum's Acrobats, Attack of the Timelord, Turtles, and Killer Bees. "Homebrew" titles that support The Voice include Mr. Roboto and Pong for Videopac and Odyssey².

All the ones in your list work fine in MAME.


RL Member
Just curious if the voice feature can be added to games like KC's Crazy, Chase and Timelord.

Command line in mame would be: mame odyssey2 -cart1 voice -cart2 timelord


is there an issues running all games with voice in cart 1 even if they don't support it? I mean in the real console you wouldn't remove the module between games ya?


RL Member
is there an issues running all games with voice in cart 1 even if they don't support it? I mean in the real console you wouldn't remove the module between games ya?

So I did some testing, and both games that use and do not use the voice module launch fine from MAME if you use -cart1 voice -cart2 gamegoeshere. Wouldn't it be simpler to just modify the launch logic in the module to always use -cart1 voice for odyssey2 then to maintain a list of roms that do and do not support voice and use different command lines?


RL Member
I updated my customized mame module file and was able to get voice to work. This command update launched both voice enabled and non-voice enabled games without issue on mame .170b.

		}Else If (mameID = "odyssey2")	; Magnavox Odyssey 2
			param1 := " -cart1 voice -cart2 """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
			param2 := " -ui_active" ;Enable partial keyboard mode at startup
			If romName not contains (USA
				mameID := "videopac"


RL Member
Since we're on the subject how about adding supercharger to MAME module also.

mame a2600 -cart1 scharger -cass offifrog

As of now this doesn't work in HL. I have to use the stella emulator.
