Problem with Xbox 360 Controllers, one Wired, one Wireless


RL Member
Ok i buy a X360 Wireless controller.

I already have a wired controller that now i want to use as player 2. Wireless as player 1 of course.
In most emulators i dont have any problem as i use xpadder.

The problem i have is with emulators that i have configured with XINPUT. In this case there is now way the wireless controller takes position as player 1 (well sometimes it does but is very random) as the player 2 is always connected and player 1 is connected ones i turn on my PC... i have preferred controllers order setup in HyperLaunchHQ but that dont help as i asume this works only for the DIrect Input part of the controller.

So there is some way to force wireless controller to always being detected as XINPUT PAD 1 (i can disconnect pad 2 but the idea is to play 2 players :p)...


Staff member
From what I gather, forcing the order is only for dinput, xinput you cannot. I really wish there was a quick summary of the proc/cons of the 2 and what HL/xpadder can do for them.


RL Member
From what I gather, forcing the order is only for dinput, xinput you cannot. I really wish there was a quick summary of the proc/cons of the 2 and what HL/xpadder can do for them.

i was hopping that was not truth.... :( ok mmm will have to test more tonight.

The good thing about x360 controllers is that the have all the same buttons and they are supposed to be all the same so no matter which controller is loaded as p1 p2 etc.. You just have to look at the lights in the guide button.

My problem is that they are no the same...

Well will have to buy another wireless controller... Hahahah


RL Member
Aparently is Xpadder what causes the randon behavior of my Xbox Controllers:

When i open xpadder or hl does it, both controllers have the 1 light tuned on :/ ... if i press the guide in wireless controller it apears in screen as player 1, and wired as player 2... but some emulators respond to wired controller as player 1... the same with xpadder, it displays ID 2 in wireless controller... and i have all my systems setup with xpadder :_( very sad right now.

If i disconnect both controllers and use them without xpadder they work on with wireless as player 1 (as long as i connect wireless first)

Some strage things happen here hhaha . :mad:


Staff member
Oh man, yea I can see why that would suck. That's a similar issue I have on my HTPC. I can never seem to get P1 or P2 in the correct order, but both are wireless and same model. I'll be honest though, I haven't put much effort and don't know much about all of it to figure out w/o doing research to see what others are doing. Controls are my weakness.


RL Member
Yes Xpadder, after much testing i can asure that, is the problem, it detects the order of the controllers diffrent from all other apps adn always give priority to the Wired COntroller God Knows Way... will have to take my time and investigate... if i can find a Xpadder without xinput support it will not mess around with my the controllers. Or use Joytokey in the worst case :/

Thanks for the help djvj.

If i found someting i will inform here, even if the problem is with the combination of wired/less controllers it can help someone.


RL Member
Djvj... Is posible to set different keymapper for every system? (I'm not in my PC right now) so I can use ahk as ketmapper for the systems,that use xinput... That way xpadder will not f#$% my xinpit order. Will have to plug the second controller just when playing 2 players games. And connect and disconnect both controllers sometimes if I play games from various systems in 2 players... But is a temporal solution... I think I will migrate everything to ahk to avoid this problem.

EDIT: already check, it is posible to set different keymapper for every system, now i have someting to work with :)

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Staff member
One of the last updates I changed it so you can set a different keymapper for each system, so yes you can.

I was just playing with my htpc last night and added steam big picture to the xbmc main menu, works great! I did find controls still funky because even though the wireless xinput controller was off, windows still had it as player 1 and my wired dinput one as player 2. So some games would not respond and allow me to navigate (MK Collection was one). Kydrift game wouldn't even respond to anything but directionals. This is a bit of a bummer because this means I need to do some sort of keymapping if I want to use other controllers.


RL Member
Hoo aparently i cant ise AHK as a keymapper anymore...

HLHQ dont have the option so i change the ini and get this :(

Sin título.png


Staff member
Ahk is not a Keymapper choice anymore because you can use it along with xpadder or joytokey. It has its own enable option now.

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RL Member
I found a soltion to my problem... not perfect but will save some time to me:

I install an alternative driver that turns my wired xinput controller into a pure direct input device, with loth of features like, separate axis for each trigger, reasign buttons, actually this driver is a dream come true, every controller should come with someting like this:


It also works with the wireless controller but i want to use some of the xinput features for it (turn off the controller) and my problem was with 2 xinput controllers at the same time.

Sooo for now i can keep using my setup... until i buy anoter wireless controller that will come with many new problem hahah


Staff member
That sounds pretty cool. Never heard of it. The driver is not for wireless controllers though, is that why you would have a problem later?

NM, clicked the link, they have a wireless version, so why would you have a problem if that driver works for you?


RL Member
That sounds pretty cool. Never heard of it. The driver is not for wireless controllers though, is that why you would have a problem later?

NM, clicked the link, they have a wireless version, so why would you have a problem if that driver works for you?

this fixes my problem. Wath i mean is that i decide to use the driver Just for my wired controller because it disables xinput completely and doing that in my wireless controller will stop me for use the turn off feature of the controller... Meaning I will have to remove the battery pack to turn the controller off. The driver work like a charm in both controllers, bit I will use it just for one of them, tested on all emulator and working great btw.


Staff member
Can we work on putting together a Pro/Con list of XInput vs DInput and Wired/Wireless in relation? This goes for anyone reading this.

This would be good for the HL wiki. I already put together a lot of info on Input Lag up there. Controls are a massive grey area for users who can use all the help they can get.


RL Member
Can we work on putting together a Pro/Con list of XInput vs DInput and Wired/Wireless in relation? This goes for anyone reading this.

This would be good for the HL wiki. I already put together a lot of info on Input Lag up there. Controls are a massive grey area for users who can use all the help they can get.

Ok will take a look on this already have experience I never touch a cabinet nor arcade controls. Just keyboard, wiimotes,, mouses and joysticks. If that's enough the next week I will be done with various real life business and will continue with the gaming stuff. I already have a post in hl forum but will need to change some things and ask some other people wich have other controllers.

I start with the controls thing with the wiki. Also note that the HyperLaunch logo is gone.
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RL Member
Djvj i can't log in the wiki anymore. I try to reset the password but in the moment I introduce the new password it says: wrong password entered or something similar... Can you help me? I try to fix it myself but I can't...
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Staff member
Have you changed your password on the forum or wiki at anytime in the past?

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RocketLauncher Developer
if helps on anything, i just tested and I can login to the wiki with no problems.


RL Member
Yeah I may have done something wrong... Don't know Wath... But now i can't reset my password
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