RL + HyperMarquee + EDS


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EDS appears to be setup so that is looks like LEDBlinky.exe and can intercept events intended for LEDBlinky and react by forwarding to LEDBlinky and other programs like HyperMarquee. I'm trying to figure out if RL can be set to point to the LEDBlinky.exe in the EDS folder and be able to trigger HyperMarquee. I tried configuring it that way and nothing seems to happen. I was interested in making it work this way so that HyperMarquee could work for all front-ends in RL and because when I finish my cabinet I will have led buttons so I'll eventually run LEDBlinky.


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RL Member
So I gotta ask is development dead on this program? I haven't seen anyone listed as a developer post since I joined the forum. And is the source code available anywhere? I could probably figure out anything I need if I could browse it.

I enabled LEDBlinky and set the path but I can't see any sign in the RL log that's its trying to send anything. There are 4 entries in a row in the log that are related to LEDBlinky and its just showing that it's enabled, the name if you fill in that field, and two paths under RL for LEDBlinky profiles but those directories don't even exist.


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No, development isn't dead and I know brolly has posted a few times in the past few weeks. There are 3 devs but I believe only 1 is active atm and since this is a free program it's a matter of having free time.


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Yes I totally understand the time thing that's why I wondered if it was open/closed source. I've been a developer for over 30 years and I work on a lot of side projects so I'm the kind that can jump in and help out. You can look me up on GitHub as AzGilrock to see everything I've worked on.


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RL Member
You realize that RL will only be able to trigger HM after a game is selected, right? Meaning it wouldn't be able to change marquees while browsing through the frontend, the frontend would have to handle that.

I admittedly know next to nothing about the whole LEDBlinky, EDS, HM stack but if you just wanted to have RL change the marquee at game launch couldn't you just setup a global user function to send EDS or HM the proper parameters?


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Yes I wasn't that concerned about having marquees show up when I'm still in game selection. I was hoping to get it to run through the RL LEDBlinky support because I will eventually finish my new control panel that has led buttons and would want EDS to be able to route the events to both LEDBlinky and HyperMarquee.

In the meantime yes I'm trying to launch HM directly in a UserFunction. I have it working where it launches HM and the marquee image shows up. My one snag is I have not found code that will terminate the process. I tried at least 6 different examples of AHK code that is supposed to kill a process and nothing seems to kill HM. So if I run a few games I end up with many instances of HM. I've tried creating the Process and saving it in a global and calling the Close function in Post Launch and that didn't work.

As far as using EDS directly I'd have to figure that out. It was mainly meant to be used with named pipes which would be done from an actual program and not AHK scripts. I'm pretty sure if RL is working with LEDBlinky then I just need to figure out what the data signature looks like to configure EDS to receive it. I haven't given up I just need more time to work on it.


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If definitely does not appear the RL calls LEDBlinky.exe as a CLI process. Maybe it's using IPC and I would need to know what pipe names it sends. So I just turned it off for now.

I figured out how to invoke EDS from the command line and then got the User Functions working so I have it displaying and closing HyperMarquee. I figured out why it wasn't closing after closer inspection of the RL log. I had the code in the wrong user function. I was using PostLaunch when it should have been PostExit. When I first read the description for PostLaunch and it said it runs after the EXE I thought that meant after the EXE completes. Still not sure why that didn't cause the Marquee to immediately close but it must have been a timing thing where it was firing the close process too soon after starting it.


RL Member
The part where you want to kill the marquee, you must used eds and the close loop numbers to make the marquee go away and launch a blank or black marquee at time of game. Eds already supports this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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RL Member
The part where you want to kill the marquee, you must used eds and the close loop numbers to make the marquee go away and launch a blank or black marquee at time of game. Eds already supports this
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes if you look up 2 post above yours I said:
"I figured out how to invoke EDS from the command line and then got the User Functions working so I have it displaying and closing HyperMarquee."


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I'd like answers to what I've been asking. I want to know if the code is open source. The Wiki indicates it is or was. I'd like to know how the LEDBlinky stuff is supposed to work in RL. There are several settings in RocketLauncher related to LEDBlinky but I see no sign they actually do anything. Sure I can call EDS myself like I'm doing as a workaround but it looks like effort was put into RL to interface with LEDBlinky and I'd like to know how it works. Not every front-end supports LEDBlinky so please stop telling me I shouldn't be trying to make it work from RL. That's works for you but I'd like to try something different.


RL Member
Hypermarquee is no longer being developed because of the actions of the mods over at the HS forums. The guy got pissed and said F it. Sevenseal is still developing EDS and you can use it to launch LEDBlinky (the real one) upon front end start. I do not believe that it is open source, I have not seen any indication of that on GitHub or the like.


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RL Member
Yep I'm all squared away. I sent both guys a small donation and got the tips I needed. The key in RL was I needed to choose "All" instead of "true" for the LEDBlinky option. But after I got it working RocketLauncher doesn't really send out the LEDBlinky commands in the proper format that EDS can use for HyperMarquee so I gave up on that and I'm just using my own AHK user code.


RL Member
Yep I'm all squared away. I sent both guys a small donation and got the tips I needed. The key in RL was I needed to choose "All" instead of "true" for the LEDBlinky option. But after I got it working RocketLauncher doesn't really send out the LEDBlinky commands in the proper format that EDS can use for HyperMarquee so I gave up on that and I'm just using my own AHK user code.

Cool. Be sure you mark the thread as solved! :)


RL Member
So I gotta ask is development dead on this program? I haven't seen anyone listed as a developer post since I joined the forum. And is the source code available anywhere? I could probably figure out anything I need if I could browse it.

I enabled LEDBlinky and set the path but I can't see any sign in the RL log that's its trying to send anything. There are 4 entries in a row in the log that are related to LEDBlinky and its just showing that it's enabled, the name if you fill in that field, and two paths under RL for LEDBlinky profiles but those directories don't even exist.
Development is definitely dead now after all these years. I am also looking for the source code, would love to be able to add looping mp4 videos, currently they only play once and stop.