Sharing / Importing Front Ends Game lists


New member
I've been a Hyperspin/Rlauncher user for quite a while. I have over 100 systems setup currently with all artwork etc. etc. I just purchased Launchbox and to my surprise (or maybe my understanding) is that it expects me to go back through and set each console back up. If that is correct is there any way possible through RL that you could implement the option to import the games list from my Hyperspin FE setup to Launchbox FE (and for anyone any FE of their choosing? And if this isn't already a way to do this could I ask that this become a feature? Thoughts?


Nope, sorry that is beyond the scope of what RL does. I'm pretty sure you can import your HS databases into LB though, someone in the LB or HS forums should be able to help you with that.