

RL Member
I think it may be beneficial for threads to not get drowned if each emulator and each module had their own subforum under the main forum.



It seems that a lot of people are willing to help, but with the forums being flooded with questions they quickly become page 4 news.


Super Moderator
Staff member
RL Member
Maybe for the most popular 5-10 modules but definitely not every one since there's almost 200.

I disagree about the amount of people willing to help, it's quite the opposite IMO. It's not really a matter of things getting buried but more of a lack of people capable of helping.

95% of the posts here are seeking support or requesting features. There's not very many active people who actually help with support and troubleshooting and only 3-4 regular visitors capable (or willing) to implement new features or fix bugs.

I do my best but I simply don't have the time to get to everything and from what I've seen there's not many other people doing the same.


RL Member
I help where I can. The biggest forum I have noticed lacking is the Pause forum. If someone could help me get mine setup all proper, I would be able to help those in need over there. It seems as if Pause is one of the greatest features, but SUPER underutilized.