Switching bezels


New member
Let's try again...

I see in the RL settings, you can set up a hotkey to cycle through bezels. Do the bezels have to be the same name of the game? or does it not matter as long as the folder they are in matches the name of the rom ?


RL Member
RocketLauncher Wiki is always a good source to check first for information: https://www.rlauncher.com/wiki/index.php/Bezels

The bezel files inside each game folder need to be named "bezel something" like bezel 1, bezel 2 or bezel name, bezel other name. Then each need to have also the corresponding .ini file named the same as the bezel files with the coordinates inside.

RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel 1.png
RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel 1.ini

RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel 2.png
RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel 2.ini

RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel name something.png
RocketLauncher\Media\Bezels\NAME OF SYSTEM\NAME OF THE GAME\bezel name something.ini

All this info and more in the RL wiki link above.


RL Member
Ah, someone who actually reads the docs! I'm shocked.
The possible issue might be more about users not knowing that RL wiki exists and its purpose, even if it's linked at the top of the forum. That and not many people use certain RL features, bezels switching included.


RL Member
Pretty much what I said the other day. Before someone hijacked the thread and deleted it. Wonder how that happens 💀