TheGamesDB Meta Collection


RL Member
I currently keep and maintain a database of all the game and platform meta on the TheGamesDB website. I am starting to update the Official HyperList XMLs from Aside from the original data in the xml I am adding: Rating, Players, and Score. Possibly more, especially when I get to MAME. I am also saving any game descriptions that are available to text files (story files). Some games have multiple entries at GDB so if there are multiple descriptions for one game they will be named: GameName.txt, GameName (1).txt, and so on.

Anyone finds any errors let me know so I can fix them. XML files are compatible with HyperSpin and RetroFE.

Nintendo Entertainment System - XML and 855 of 886 story files.
Sega Genesis - XML and 933 of 942 story files
Sega 32X - XML and 34 of 34 story files
Sega CD - XML and 170 of 171 story files
Sega Game Gear - XML and 329 of 335 story files
Sega SG-1000 - XML and 74 of 75 story files

Further updates will be posted here.

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