Ultimate Save State Thread


Staff member
Thanks mccorkled.

Why are you using system specific emulators.ini? It's a rare case you need to define emulators in there. Keeping them all in global allows the same emulator to be used in any system.

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RL Member
I personally just like setting up each system separately. Initially I was doing that to just learn everything but over time I started to really like it. For my systems that use the same emulator like Mednafen, I just make a copy of the entire Mednafen directory and copy it to the new systems folder. Then if my friends or someone wants a system or two they can pick and choose without breaking anything. Also when I update the emulator it only has the potential to break only that system rather than all the systems that use it. I've been wanting to make a file/folder tree to upload somewhere but I cannot find any good programs. I used to have one about 10 years ago that was great. It would export to a .html and you could expand (+ icon) folders right in the html to see the contents. I feel like this would help a lot of people. If you know of a program please let me know!


RL Member
I am working on PCSX2 and could really use someone's help. I was going to go with the RetroArch method above since there are no direct shortcuts in PCSX2 to save to certain slots. The problem with that is that once you scroll to slot 9, it loops back to slot 0 and once you scroll to slot 0 it looks to slot 9 so you cannot ever reach a "starting point" to figure out where the saves start. Any ideas?

PCSX2 savestate-related hotkeys

F1 - creates a savestate in the current slot. Default is slot 0.
F2 - points to the next savestate slot. If max 9 is reached, it will loop back to point at slot 0.
shift + F2 - points to the previous savestate slot. If min 0 is reached, it will loop around to point at slot 9.
F3 - loads the savestate from the current slot. Default is slot 0.

The 3DO emulator 4DO has this same looping feature.
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RocketLauncher Developer
You are going to need a more complex code to support more than one slot in this is the case and if there is no alternative on the emu.
Did you tried to ask on the emu forums/git if there is any other way to choose the slot to save or to start from a fixed slot?
As the emu is still under development, maybe they could help you on that.

Anyway, if that is not possible, you are going to need to create a code on the module, under the Save state slot label, that reads from a module setting the current saved slot, saves the game and update the current saved slot once it is done saving.
This would only work if you only use RL to save your games, as the current selected slot info would be loose if you don't.
A much more complex code could try to parse the current slot info given from the emu on the screen, but this would require some more knowledge on AHK codding.

If you want to try the RL module label way, I wrote about two or three weeks ago a post about using the save and load state labels under more complex save cases (where simple fixed key presses are not enough for the emu).
Just try to search for it if you want to know a little bit more about it and make any questions you want and I will try to help you on the process.

Edit: by the way, thank you very much for sharing this!!!
Please keep doing it as it is a huge contribution for us.
Also, if you simply add to the list the emus that out are able to make work with the default emu config, the ones that need some special configurations and the ones that you can't add support for the save and load state features we would appreciate a lot.
I promise you that whenever I can I will try to add support for any problematic emus to improve your list!!!

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RL Member
Thank you. I asked about it on the PCSX2 forum and those guys aren't very friendly. I'll work on getting more default saves up.


RL Member
Ok guys, I spent several hours today figuring these all out. I'm quite certain that they are all working perfectly but more testing always helps. If anyone can help me fill in the blanks that would be cool. I only ran through all of the emulators that I can use for the systems I have. I didn't want to install a bunch of things I'll never use. Hoping someone can chime in with ePSXe, PCSX2, and Raine.


RocketLauncher Developer
By "manual save/load" do you mean that you need to open a dialog, chose a file name and save the game?

If yes, you can automate them also by using a code similar to the one you can find on the CPCE module for example (using the SaveStateSlot and LoadStateSlot labels).

I had a few other emus already working with the SaveStateSlot code sometime ago, but they were lost by one of the dumb hyperspin forum resets that they made without saving any backup.


RL Member
Yes. You have to click save/load and point to the file. I see I'm not the only one upset with the HS forums. Their search doesn't work but you should be able to find your thread still. I usually check under my username and then threads I started.


RL Member
Bump for a few added emulators and to help any that have not seen this thread yet.
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New member
RL Member
If the programmers of RL recover the possibility of use the variable %romName% you can add two new systems at the list:


Pause_Save_State_Keys={F6}{Enter}%romName%{Enter}{LAlt down}{s down}{s up}{LAlt up}


Pause_Save_State_Keys={Shift down}{End down}{F5}{Shift up}{End up}%romName%{Enter}
Pause_Load_State_Keys={End down}{F5}{End up}%romName%{Enter}

Only using this variable is possible to automatice any emulator that request input the name of the file manually.

Also is possible add more slots for save using suffix like: %romName%-1, %romName%-2, %romName%-3, etc.

I hope this variable will be available again soon, I guess is a minor change in the code.



Thanks to brolly it's possible to use again this variable.

Only is necessary modify the module "Pause.ahk" as indicated in this post: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/show...RomName-variable&p=40256&viewfull=1#post40256
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RL Member
If the programmers of RL recover the possibility of use the variable %romName% you can add two new systems at the list:

Added. Thank you. It's unfortunate that this subsection doesn't get much action. I have a lot of unanswered posts here, but I am glad to see that putting this list together has helped two people haha. If you're interested, go through the list and figure out what needs done for the other emulators that say "manual save/load state" and I will update them too. They should use a similar configuration.