Xpadder and HyperSpin not working together


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RL Member
[Solved] Xpadder and HyperSpin not working together

Not really sure where to even begin to go with this but I am newish to HS as last setup was just a drag and drop from UG pretty much and now trying to make it from scratch after a HD failure and now my son is old enough to enjoy. Anyways I bought xpadder today and it seems I figured out how to make a profile and that works just fine stand alone. I watched all the youtube videos I could find and configured (what I think properly HLhq with all the info as well. When I test the scripts with the lil green bolts it sees the 360 controller fine and all the keys I set it to. So that is all fine and dandy then when I close out and launch HS nothing works in HS nor the emu I configured. I can load up xpadder and load the profile manually and that seems to do the job then but then it just uses the single profile I have made.

Any help would be stellar and I am 10000% more than happy to chat w/ you over hangouts. let you take a peek via teamviewer whatever needs to happen to get me through this hangup.

Thank you everyone in advance for the help and all the work you all have put in.
Last edited:


New member
RL Member
ok I followed that and still everything sees the xpadder in HyperLaunch but as soon as I close out of that and open hyperspin nothing works. It seems like I am just missing something simple here but I will be dammed if I know what it is..


New member
RL Member
Hi b00sted. You might want to check that HS and HL are talking to each other. Run a few games in HS and check your HL logs. Is HL registering?


Xpadder has to be running with the frontend profile before you start HS. HL will take care of the rest when you start a rom


New member
RL Member
@bondy I am pretty sure HS and HL are talking as everything else with game configs are taking.

@marxkemp where do I make sure to make this happen? I guess this is what I may not be grasping and the key piece I am missing here.


New member
RL Member
Here is my log file see if this helps as well.

10:26:27:001 | HL |     INFO  | +N/A   | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.0.9
10:26:27:001 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - System Specs:
					HyperLaunch Dir: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch
					OS: WIN_7
					Architecture: 64-bit (might not be accurate)
					OS Language: English_United_States
					OS Admin Status: No
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1036 work)
					AutoHotkey Path:
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
10:26:27:001 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - HyperSpin.exe coordinates are x0 y0 w1920 h1080
10:26:27:001 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe exists
10:26:27:002 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - HyperLaunch received "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" and "ABC Monday Night Football (USA)"
10:26:27:006 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - ABC Monday Night Football (USA) is using the default emulator: Snes9x
10:26:27:006 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Snes9x] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Emulators.ini
10:26:27:006 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Snes9x] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
10:26:27:006 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [Snes9x] in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
10:26:27:007 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Snes9x\Snes9x.ahk exists
10:26:27:010 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
10:26:27:010 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - ABC Monday Night Football (USA) will use module: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Snes9x\Snes9x.ahk
10:26:27:019 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extensions" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
10:26:27:020 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
10:26:27:020 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
10:26:27:020 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
10:26:27:021 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
10:26:27:081 | HL |     INFO  | +62    | CheckPaths - Found rom: H:\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Games\ABC Monday Night Football (USA).sfc
10:26:27:081 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\snes9x_1.52\snes9x.exe exists
10:26:27:081 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
10:26:27:082 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:

					DetectHiddenWindows, ON
					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					0 = 2
					frontendPID = 4460
					frontendPath = C:\HyperSpin
					frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
					frontendExt = exe
					frontendName = HyperSpin
					frontendDrive = C:
					exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc|5&6
					exitEmulatorKeyWait = 0
					forceHoldKey = ~Esc
					restoreFE = false
					exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s
					emuFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\snes9x_1.52\snes9x.exe
					emuPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\snes9x_1.52
					emuName = Snes9x
					emuExt = exe
					romPath = H:\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Games
					romPathFromIni = H:\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Games
					romExtension = .sfc
					romExtensionOrig = .sfc
					romExtensions = 7z|zip|sfc|smc
					executable = snes9x.exe
					systemName = Super Nintendo Entertainment System
					dbName = ABC Monday Night Football (USA)
					romName =
					romMapPath =
					romMappingEnabled = false
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
					romMappingNumberOfWheelsByScreen = 7
					romMappingMenuWidth = 300
					romMappingMenuMargin = 50
					romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Bold
					romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
					romMappingTextSizeDifference = 5
					romMappingTextMargin = 10
					romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
					romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Bold
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Regular
					romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
					romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
					romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
					romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
					romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 40
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 5
					romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
					skipchecks = false
					romMatchExt = true
					logFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.log
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","  DEBUG1","  DEBUG2"]
					logLevel = 3
					logIncludeModule = true
					logIncludeFileProperties = true
					logShowCommandWindow = false
					logCommandWindow = false
					navUpKey = Up
					navDownKey = Down
					navLeftKey = Left
					navRightKey = Right
					navSelectKey = Enter
					navP2UpKey = Numpad8
					navP2DownKey = Numpad2
					navP2LeftKey = Numpad4
					navP2RightKey = Numpad6
					navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter
					originalWidth = 1920
					originalHeight = 1080
					dtEnabled = true
					dtPath =
					dtUseSCSI = true
					dtAddDrive = true
					emuIdleShutdown = 0
					hideEmu = false
					hideFE = false
					fadeIn = false
					fadeInDuration = 500
					fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
					fadeInDelay = 0
					fadeInExitDelay = 0
					fadeOutExitDelay = 0
					fadeOut = false
					fadeOutDuration = 500
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
					fadeOutDelay = 0
					fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
					fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
					fadeLyr1AlignImage = Align to Top Left
					fadeLyr2Pos = Bottom Right Corner
					fadeLyr2X = 300
					fadeLyr2Y = 300
					fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
					fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr3Pos = Center
					fadeLyr3X = 300
					fadeLyr3Y = 300
					fadeLyr3Adjust = 0.75
					fadeLyr3Speed = 750
					fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
					fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
					fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr4Adjust = 0.75
					fadeLyr4X = 100
					fadeLyr4Y = 100
					fadeLyr4Pos = Above Layer 3 - Left
					fadeLyr4FPS = 10
					fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
					fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
					fadeBarWindow = false
					fadeBarWindowX =
					fadeBarWindowY =
					fadeBarWindowW = 600
					fadeBarWindowH = 120
					fadeBarWindowR = 20
					fadeBarWindowM = 20
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
					fadeBarBack = true
					fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
					fadeBarH = 20
					fadeBarR = 5
					fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
					fadeBarHatchStyle = 3
					fadeBarPercentageText = true
					fadeBarInfoText = true
					fadeBarXOffset = 0
					fadeBarYOffset = 100
					fadeRomInfoDescription = text
					fadeRomInfoSystemName = text
					fadeRomInfoYear = text
					fadeRomInfoManufacturer = text
					fadeRomInfoGenre = text
					fadeRomInfoRating = text
					fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = topRight
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 5
					fadeRomInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topLeft
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 5
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeText1X = 0
					fadeText1Y = 0
					fadeText1Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
					fadeText1 = Loading Game
					fadeText2X = 0
					fadeText2Y = 0
					fadeText2Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
					fadeText2 = Extraction Complete
					fadeFont = Arial
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
					fadeInterruptKey =
					detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
					fadeImgPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Fade
					HLDataPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Data
					HLMediaPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media
					HLErrSoundPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Sounds\Error
					modulesPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules
					moduleFullName = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Snes9x\Snes9x.ahk
					moduleName = Snes9x
					modulePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Snes9x
					moduleExtension = ahk
					moduleExtensionsPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions
					libPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib
					7zEnabled = false
					7zPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe
					7zDllPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll
					7zExtractPath = C:\Users\b00sted\AppData\Local\Temp\HS
					7zExtractPathOrig =
					7zAttachSystemName = false
					7zDelTemp = true
					7zSounds = true
					7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.lzh,.gzip,.tar
					7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,lzh,gzip,tar
					mgEnabled = false
					mgKey = ~NumpadSub
					mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
					mgSidePadding = 0.2
					mgYOffset = 500
					mgImageAdjust = 0
					mgFont = Arial
					mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
					mgText1Text = Please select a game
					mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
					mgText2Offset = 70
					mgUseSound = true
					mgSoundfreq = 300
					mgExitEffect = none
					mgSelectedEffect = rotate
					mgUseGameArt = false
					mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
					hpEnabled = false
					hpKey = ~NumpadAdd
					hpBackToMenuBarKey = X
					hpZoomInKey = C
					hpZoomOutKey = V
					hpScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
					hpHiToTextPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
					hpSaveStateKeyCodes =
					hpLoadStateKeyCodes =
					keymapperEnabled = true
					keymapper = xpadder
					xpadderFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe
					joyToKeyFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe
					keymapperProfilePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
					keymapperHyperLaunchProfileEnabled = true
					JoyIDsEnabled = false
					JoyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)
					JoyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal = use_global
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled = true
					CustomJoyNames = Controller (Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)|x360 P1
					FEProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin
					defaultProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default
					systemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System
					xPadderSystemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\_Default
					emuProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Snes9x
					romProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\ABC Monday Night Football (USA)
					blankProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank
					HyperLaunchProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperLaunch
					bezelEnabled = false
					statisticsEnabled = true

10:26:27:082 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
10:26:27:082 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Keymapper Init.ahk scripts
10:26:27:082 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
10:26:27:082 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions Init.ahk script
10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					MEmu = Snes9X
					MEmuV =  v1.53
					MURL = http://www.snes9x.com/
					MAuthor = djvj
					MVersion = 2.0
					MCRC = 35A80127
					iCRC = FD5A1CE
					MID = 635038268923820476
					MSystem = "Nintendo Super Famicom","Super Nintendo Entertainment System"
					; Notes:
					; Fullscreen is controlled via the variable below
					; snes9x adjusts the windowed resolutions in the ini automatically based on the settings you choose below.

					settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
					Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
					EmulateFullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EmulateFullscreen","true",,1)		; This helps fading look better and work better on exit. You cannot use this with a normal fullscreen so one has to be false
					WindowMaximized := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WindowMaximized","true",,1)
					Stretch := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Stretch","true",,1)
					MaintainAspectRatio := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MaintainAspectRatio","true",,1)
					HideMenu := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideMenu","true",,1)
					FullScreenWidth := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullScreenWidth","1024",,1)
					FullScreenHeight := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullScreenHeight","768",,1)

					snes9xConf := CheckFile(emuPath . "\snes9x.conf")

					; Now let's update all our keys if they differ in the ini
					iniLookup =
					( ltrim c
					   Display\Win, Fullscreen:Enabled, %Fullscreen%
					   Display\Win, Fullscreen:EmulateFullscreen, %EmulateFullscreen%
					   Display\Win, Window:Maximized, %WindowMaximized%
					   Display\Win, Stretch:Enabled, %Stretch%
					   Display\Win, Stretch:MaintainAspectRatio, %MaintainAspectRatio%
					   Display\Win, Fullscreen:Width, %FullScreenWidth%
					   Display\Win, Fullscreen:Height, %FullScreenHeight%
					   Display\Win, HideMenu, %HideMenu%
					Loop, Parse, iniLookup, `n
					{	StringSplit, split, A_LoopField, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
						IniRead, tempVar, %snes9xConf%, %split1%, %split2%
						If ( tempVar != split3 )
							IniWrite, % split3, %snes9xConf%, %split1%, %split2%

					7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

					Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

					WinWait("Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass")
					WinWaitActive("Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass")

					Process("WaitClose", executable)

						WinClose("Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass")

10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions.ahk script
10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
10:26:27:083 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\AutoHotkey.dll exists
10:26:27:084 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
10:26:27:164 | MD |     INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
10:26:27:165 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Keymapper - Creating Custom Joy Name Array for Name Replacements
10:26:27:165 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe exists
10:26:27:166 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Keymapper - Loading xpadder
10:26:27:275 | MD |     INFO  | +109   | Keymapper - Loading Profile -> C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Snes9x\p1.xpadderprofile
10:26:27:384 | MD |     INFO  | +109   | Keymapper - Run,Xpadder.exe "C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Snes9x\p1.xpadderprofile" /M, C:\HyperSpin\Xpadder, Hide
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: Snes9X
					MEmuV: v1.53
					MURL: http://www.snes9x.com/
					MAuthor: djvj
					MVersion: 2.0
					MCRC: 35A80127
					iCRC: FD5A1CE
					MSystem: "Nintendo Super Famicom","Super Nintendo Entertainment System"
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Super Nintendo Entertainment System"
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Fullscreen: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - EmulateFullscreen: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - WindowMaximized: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Stretch: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - MaintainAspectRatio: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - HideMenu: true
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - FullScreenWidth: 1024
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - FullScreenHeight: 768
10:26:27:395 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\snes9x_1.52\snes9x.conf exists
10:26:27:398 | MD |     INFO  | +16    | Module Run - Running: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\snes9x_1.52\snes9x.exe "H:\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Games\ABC Monday Night Football (USA).sfc"
10:26:27:411 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module WinWait - Waiting for Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass
10:26:27:666 | MD |     INFO  | +265   | Module WinWaitActive - Waiting for "Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass"
10:26:27:772 | MD |     INFO  | +109   | Module Process - WaitClose snes9x.exe
10:26:48:447 | MD |     INFO  | +20670 | Module WinClose - Closing: Snes9X ahk_class Snes9X: WndClass
10:26:48:772 | MD |     INFO  | +328   | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
10:26:48:772 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
10:26:48:772 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
10:26:48:772 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Starting Updating Statistics:
10:26:48:773 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CreateRomTable - Started
10:26:48:773 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CreateRomTable - Ended, 7 Loops to create table.
10:26:48:805 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | Game section statistics updated.
10:26:48:825 | MD |     INFO  | +16    | Keymapper - Loading Profile -> C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin\p1.xpadderprofile
10:26:48:932 | MD |     INFO  | +109   | Keymapper - Run,Xpadder.exe "C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin\p1.xpadderprofile" /M, C:\HyperSpin\Xpadder, Hide
10:26:48:958 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | ExitModule - Ended
10:26:48:958 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | End of Module Logs
10:26:48:989 | HL |     INFO  | +21918 | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally
10:26:48:989 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
10:26:48:001 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
10:26:49:011 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | ExitScript - Ended




  • HL.png
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New member
RL Member
I dunno what happened I didnt change anything but all of a sudden it just decided to quit being a A-hole and work. SO thanks for all the help


New member
RL Member
hey bro, i used to have that problem too, i wanted xpadder to start with hyperspin and load my config i built via hyperlaunchq, but sometimes the proper settings didn't load at start, i think it's a problem related to xpadder

anyway, i fixed this easyly by NOT start xpadder.exe, but directly start my p1.xpadder profile within \Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\Xpadder\HyperSpin

now hyperspin start and always load my wanted profile :) and of course after that tiny trick HL load correctly the settings entering/exiting games ;)


RL Member
I recently started Using Pinnacle game profiler with hyperspin. It does all the auto profile switching independent of hyperlaunch and has been working great so far. earlier version of Pinnacle had issues but the latest ver switches profiles reliably. one thing to know if you do use pinnacle with windows 8.1 is you have to disable the Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service in order to prevent a crash when using the pinnacle event step editor. this is documented in the pinnacle forums.
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